Outlaw in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊskɹ̩itoʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

outlaw1 = forajido, bandido. 

Example: Some headings are vague and without scope notes to define them: ROBBERS AND outlaws; CRIME AND CRIMINALS; ROGUES AND VAGABONDS.


» outlaw delight = placer prohibido.

Example: Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, children too often come to suppose that this is is how all books must be read, except, of course, for those outlaw delights like comics.

outlaw2 = ilegalizar, declarar ilegal, proscribir, prohibir. [Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que una persona o cosa supera a otra]

Example: The Taft-Hartley Act outlawed closed shops, jurisdictional strikes, sympathy strikes, and refusal to bargain.

Outlaw synonyms

illicit in spanish: ilícito, pronunciation: ɪlɪsət part of speech: adjective crook in spanish: ladrón, pronunciation: krʊk part of speech: noun criminal in spanish: criminal, pronunciation: krɪmənəl part of speech: adjective, noun felon in spanish: felón, pronunciation: felən part of speech: noun malefactor in spanish: malhechor, pronunciation: mæləfæktɜr part of speech: noun illegitimate in spanish: ilegítimo, pronunciation: ɪlɪdʒɪtəmɪt part of speech: adjective lawless in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: lɔləs part of speech: adjective unlawful in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: ənlɔfəl part of speech: adjective outlawed in spanish: ilegalizado, pronunciation: aʊtlɔd part of speech: adjective criminalize in spanish: criminalizar, pronunciation: krɪmənəlaɪz part of speech: verb illegalize in spanish: ilegalizar, pronunciation: ɪligəlaɪz part of speech: verb

Outlaw antonyms

legitimate pronunciation: lədʒɪtəmət part of speech: adjective legalize pronunciation: ligəlaɪz part of speech: verb legitimize pronunciation: lədʒɪtəmaɪz part of speech: verb decriminalize pronunciation: dikrɪmənəlaɪz part of speech: verb legitimatize pronunciation: ledʒətɪmətaɪz part of speech: verb
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