Outhouse in spanish


pronunciation: ɑneksoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

outhouse1 = dependencia anexa, cobertizo anexo. 

Example: Outhouses are used for storage, animals, and cooking, to name a few uses.

outhouse2 = retrete exterior. 

Example: Outhouses are one of the humbler elements of our sanitation systems.

outhouse3 = externo, anexo. 

Example: The author identifies the various types of material which might be relegated to outhouse facilities.

outhouse4 = almacenar en un edificio anexo. [Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que una persona o cosa supera a otra]

Example: The author indicates the criteria applied to material to decide whether or not to outhouse.

Outhouse synonyms

privy in spanish: privado, pronunciation: prɪvi part of speech: noun, adjective jakes in spanish: jakes, pronunciation: dʒeɪks part of speech: noun earth-closet in spanish: armario de tierra, pronunciation: ɜrθkloʊzət part of speech: noun
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