Outflow in spanish


pronunciation: sɑlidɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

outflow = emanación, flujo, efusión, desagüe, fuga, escape. 

Example: A dam at the Strait of Gibraltar could be constructed to limit the outflow and reverse the climate deterioration, thus holding off the next ice age.

Outflow synonyms

spring in spanish: primavera, pronunciation: sprɪŋ part of speech: noun escape in spanish: escapar, pronunciation: ɪskeɪp part of speech: verb, noun leak in spanish: fuga, pronunciation: lik part of speech: noun, verb fountain in spanish: fuente, pronunciation: faʊntən part of speech: noun leakage in spanish: fuga, pronunciation: likədʒ part of speech: noun efflux in spanish: eflujo, pronunciation: efləks part of speech: noun outpouring in spanish: efusión, pronunciation: aʊtpɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun effluence in spanish: efluencia, pronunciation: efluəns part of speech: noun natural spring in spanish: manantial natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəlsprɪŋ part of speech: noun

Outflow antonyms

influx pronunciation: ɪnfləks part of speech: noun inflow pronunciation: ɪnfloʊ part of speech: noun
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