Outer in spanish


pronunciation: eksteɹ̩ioʊɹ̩ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

outer = exterior, externo. 

Example: The three outer edges of the book (or occasionally the top edge, or the top and fore-edges, only) were next cut with the plough, which was a long vice in which the book was clamped with the edge to be cut upwards.


» be on the outer fringes of = caer fuera de las responsabilidades de.

Example: Of course, this is on the outer fringes of reference work as such, but librarians should at least be aware that people frequently find counsel and support and encouragement more effective than the supply of specific information to help solve their problems.

» outer appearance = apariencia, aspecto, apariencia externa, aspecto externo, materialidad, exterioridad.

Example: We tend to judge people by their outer appearance, but should we really be looking at outside and ignoring the inside?.

» outer ear = oído externo.

Example: The ear is responsible for hearing and balance and is made up of three parts -- the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear.

» outer margin = margen del corte. [Margen lateral de una página de un libro que queda en el lado opuesto al de su encuadernación]

Example: The top and bottom of the book are known as the head and tail respectively, and the front is the fore-edge (rhymes with porridge); similarly the margins round the type on each page are called the head, tail, outer (at the fore-edge), and inner margins.

» outer part = parte externa, exterior.

Example: Otitis can affect the inner or outer parts of the ear.

» outer space = espacio exterior.

Example: 'Imagine,' these dominies tend to begin, 'that a man from outer space has come to earth and describe a screwdriver to him as clearly as you can'.

» outermost = exterior.

Example: Thus a folio gathering might consist of three folio sheets, the outermost of which contained pages 1 and 12 and pages 2 and 11; the middle sheet had pages 3 and 10, 4 and 9; and the innermost sheet had pages 5 and 8, 6 and 7.

Outer synonyms

external in spanish: externo, pronunciation: ɪkstɜrnəl part of speech: adjective outward in spanish: hacia fuera, pronunciation: aʊtwɜrd part of speech: adjective
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