Outdoor in spanish

Al aire libre

pronunciation: ɑlɑiɹ̩elibɹ̩e part of speech: adjective
In gestures

outdoor = externo, exterior. 

Example: The old-time indoor apprentices, who had boarded and lodged with the printer and received only nominal wages, were mostly replaced by outdoor apprentices who found their own board and lodging and were paid wages according to their skill and experience.


» outdoor activity = actividad al aire libre.

Example: The Belgian countryside is relatively unspoilt and as a visitor you will have the opportunity to take part in various outdoor activities.

» outdoor area = zona al aire libre.

Example: The outdoor area with its large meadow is an ideal place for children to romp around in all weathers.

» outdoor enthusiast = amante de la vida al aire libre.

Example: Outdoor enthusiasts may enjoy horseback riding, hiking, biking, birding and swimming, plus golf nearby.

» outdoor furniture = mobiliario de exterior.

Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.

» outdoor game = juego al aire libre, juego de exterior.

Example: The potato sack race is another outdoor game that is popular today.

» outdoor heated pool = piscina climatizada al aire libre.

Example: Guests can unwind with a soak in the outdoor heated pool or sunbathe with a drink on the terrace bar.

» outdoor industry, the  = industria de actividades al aire libre, la.

Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.

» outdoor lighting = alumbrado exterior, iluminación exterior. [En el estudio bibliométrico de las páginas web, enlace o cita contenida en la página objeto de análisis a otras páginas web]

Example: Outdoor lighting is light pollution which handicaps certain astronomical programs.

» outdoor-oriented = con actividades al aire libre, amante de las actividades al aire libre, amante del aire libre.

Example: She learned to swim, canoe, and waterski at her family's lake house and began attending outdoor-oriented summer camp at the age of 8.

» outdoor pool = piscina al aire libre.

Example: Each outdoor pool features a wading pool, lounge chairs, umbrellas, a grassy area and shower facilities.

» outdoor space = espacio al aire libre.

Example: Natural light, natural ventilation and outdoor spaces have been integrated into the operation of the building.

» outdoor theatre = teatro al aire libre.

Example: A lake, a park, the sea, the sky ... nothing beats the backdrops of these outdoor theatres.

» street/outdoor drinking gathering = botellón.

Example: We're not talking about a couple of people, many nights the street drinking gatherings number 40, 50, 60.

Outdoor synonyms

outside in spanish: fuera de, pronunciation: aʊtsaɪd part of speech: adjective, noun out-of-door in spanish: afuera de la puerta, pronunciation: aʊtʌvdɔr part of speech: adjective
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