Outcry in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩itoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

outcry = protesta clamorosa. 

Example: The public outcry at the lack of punishment for what he had done was tremendous.


» open outcry = a viva voz, a voces. [Referido generalmente a las operaciones de compra y venta donde los comerciantes pujan mediante gestos y/o gritos]

Example: Also revealed is the endangerment of the open outcry trading system as the digital revolution replaces it at many of the world's financial exchanges.

» public outcry = protesta generalizada.

Example: The worst cuts in UK public library budgets have probably been prevented this year by a huge public outcry.

Outcry synonyms

call in spanish: llamada, pronunciation: kɔl part of speech: verb, noun cry in spanish: llorar, pronunciation: kraɪ part of speech: noun, verb yell in spanish: grito, pronunciation: jel part of speech: verb, noun shout in spanish: gritar, pronunciation: ʃaʊt part of speech: verb, noun exclaim in spanish: exclamar, pronunciation: ɪkskleɪm part of speech: verb call out in spanish: gritar, pronunciation: kɔlaʊt part of speech: verb outshout in spanish: outshout, pronunciation: aʊtʃaʊt part of speech: verb vociferation in spanish: vociferación, pronunciation: voʊsɪfɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun cry out in spanish: gritar, pronunciation: kraɪaʊt part of speech: verb
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