Outcome in spanish


pronunciation: sɑliɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other = por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre. 

Example: In the ultimate CIM system in go raw materials, power, product specifications and orders at one end, and out come finished products at the other.

outcome = resultado, conclusión. 

Example: One of the outcomes of entry under title has been the proliferation of serials titles.


» favourable outcome = resultado favorable.

Example: Making progress and staying on top of the game in anything you set out to do is vital to ensuring a favorable outcome.

» learning outcome = objetivo de aprendizaje, resultado de aprendizaje. [Aquello que el estudiante ha aprendido al final de un período de formación]

Example: Active learning techniques hold great promise for getting students involved and increasing their learning outcomes = Las técnicas didácticas activas son muy prometedoras para lograr que los estudiantes se involucren y mejoren sus resultados de aprendizaje.

» outcome based education = enseñanza basada en los resultados finales.

Example: The author proposes a model for assessing information skills instruction which draws on principles advocated in outcome based education.

» outcome indicator = indicador de resultados.

Example: This survey will be used to analyse empirically the relationship between a range of measures of 'social class' and various outcome indicators, such as health and possession of consumer goods = Este sondeo se usará para analizar empíricamente la relación entre una serie de indicadores de "clase social" y varios indicadores de resultados como por ejemplo la salud y la posesión de bienes de consumo.

» outcomes assessment = evaluación por resultados obtenidos.

Example: The concept of outcomes assessment reflects an increasingly widespread desire to evaluate educational programs in terms of clear and objective criteria.

» positive outcome = resultado positivo, balance positivo.

Example: When domestic violence is an issue, many victims find that the divorce itself is the only positive outcome of a physically abusive marriage.

Outcome synonyms

effect in spanish: efecto, pronunciation: ɪfekt part of speech: noun issue in spanish: problema, pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun consequence in spanish: consecuencia, pronunciation: kɑnsəkwəns part of speech: noun result in spanish: resultado, pronunciation: rɪzʌlt part of speech: noun, verb upshot in spanish: resultado, pronunciation: ʌpʃɑt part of speech: noun
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