Outcast in spanish


pronunciation: pɑɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

outcast = marginado, proscrito, paria. 

Example: This is one of the fundamental reasons why it is so important for publica libraries to become part of the networked society: in order to avoid the creation of a new underclass of Internet outcasts.


» social outcast = marginado social, marginado de la sociedad, rechazado social, paria.

Example: The novel often has an unjustified negative image as a book only loved by weirdos and social outcasts.

Outcast synonyms

pariah in spanish: paria, pronunciation: pɜraɪə part of speech: noun castaway in spanish: Desechar, pronunciation: kæstəweɪ part of speech: noun unwanted in spanish: no deseado, pronunciation: ənwɔntɪd part of speech: adjective friendless in spanish: sin amigos, pronunciation: frendləs part of speech: adjective
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