Outburst in spanish


pronunciation: eksploʊsioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

outburst = arrebato, efusividad, acceso. 

Example: Laura Carpozzi, head of the circulation department, heard the checker's outburst and espied the bottleneck in the stream of traffic.


» angry outburst = arrebato de cólera.

Example: As mentioned above, angry outbursts, irritability and developing a short temper can also be symptoms that mask depression.

» emotional outburst = arrebato emocional.

Example: Individuals born under the astrological sign of Scorpio are often given to emotional outbursts, or periods of depression, anger or jealousy.

» outburst of anger = ataque de furia, ataque de cólera, ataque de ira, arrebato de cólera, arrebato de ira, arrebato de furia, arranque de cólera, arranque de ira, arranque de furia.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

» outburst of ego = afán de protagonismo.

Example: Staff should function as an integrated team, overlooking small real or imagined grievances or outbursts of ego in an effort to concentrate on the library's primary goal: meeting the needs of the client.

» outburst of rage = ataque de furia, ataque de cólera, ataque de ira, arrebato de cólera, arrebato de ira, arrebato de furia, arranque de cólera, arranque de ira, arranque de furia, acceso de cólera, ataque de rabia.

Example: He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person -- impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.

Outburst synonyms

burst in spanish: ráfaga, pronunciation: bɜrst part of speech: verb, noun gush in spanish: chorro, pronunciation: gʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb effusion in spanish: efusión, pronunciation: ɪfjuʒən part of speech: noun flare-up in spanish: estallar, pronunciation: flerəp part of speech: noun tumultuous disturbance in spanish: disturbios tumultuosos, pronunciation: tumʌltʃuəsdɪstɜrbəns part of speech: noun
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