Our in spanish


pronunciation: nuestɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

our = nuestro/a,-os/as. 

Example: It seems appropriate to take a retrospective look at the evolution of our catalog and the ideology which has shaped it.


» in the year of our Lord = en el año del Señor.

Example: It was in the year of our Lord 1993, nestled in the oldest mountains on Earth, that 13 kindred spirits joined their laughter in holy revelation.

» Our Father = padrenuestro.

Example: The Our Father is a prayer by Jesus Christ, used by Christians from all confessions.

» our feet are in both worlds = tenemos intereses en ambas partes.

Example: People can not ignore this other world because our feet are in both worlds and we are charged with bringing both together under the library roof.

» we all have our cross to bear = todos tenemos una cruz que llevar.

Example: We all have our cross to bear is said by believers and nonbelievers alike.
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