Ounce in spanish


pronunciation: oʊnθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ounce = onza. 

Example: How many ounces of breastmilk should my 8 week old eat at each feeding?.


» fluid ounce = onza líquida.

Example: He is taking 30 fluid ounces of whole milk with 6 teaspoonfuls of maltose and 2 teaspoonful of cod liver oil daily.

» ounce of prevention = medidas preventivas. [Expresión hecha que se utiliza para indicar que es mejor tomar unpoco de precaución para prevenir un problema que pagar las consecuencias que normalmente implican unos gastos o esfuerzos mayores]

Example: They concluded that 'our citizens may rationally prefer to check crime and disorder by ounces of educational prevention, than by pounds of cure in the shape of large 'lockups' and expensive suits before the law'.

Ounce synonyms

snow leopard in spanish: leopardo de nieve, pronunciation: snoʊlepɜrd part of speech: noun panthera uncia in spanish: panthera uncia, pronunciation: pɑnterəntʃaɪə part of speech: noun troy ounce in spanish: onza troy, pronunciation: trɔɪaʊns part of speech: noun
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