Otherwise in spanish

De otra manera

pronunciation: deoʊtɹ̩ɑmɑneɹ̩ɑ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

otherwise = de lo contrario, en el caso contrario. 

Example: Initials, even when used consistently, are never to be employed as headings; when they are used consistently, the name for which the initials stand must be chosen (if it can be discovered), otherwise entry must be made under title.


» be innocent unless proven otherwise = ser inocente a no ser que se demuestre lo contrario.

Example: He has denied any wrong doing and as such is presumed innocent unless proven otherwise.

» be right unless proven otherwise = tener razón a no ser que se demuestre lo contrario.

Example: This meant getting rid of my highly critical attitude, as well as my belief that 'I am always right unless proven otherwise'.

» but otherwise = aunque por otro lado.

Example: Control is exercised over which terms are used, but otherwise the terms are ordinary words.

» do + otherwise = actuar de otro modo.

Example: The computer operates by indexing under every word with which it is provided unless expressly instructed to do otherwise.

» or otherwise = o no.

Example: By setting I mean the physical surroundings in which the activity takes place and their appropriateness, or otherwise, to that activity.

» or otherwise = o de algún otro modo.

Example: But everyone must also realize that a fair is unlikely to be successful, commercially or otherwise, unless a broad selection of books is displayed.

» otherwise + Adjetivo = de algún modo + Adjetivo.

Example: Ambiguous words, and terms whose meaning is otherwise unclear, should be avoided.

» until proven otherwise = hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario.

Example: However, librarians are better served by presuming any given alternativa title is geared for adult audiences, until proven otherwise = No obstante, es aconsejable que los bibliotecarios asuman que cualquier título alternativo va dirigido a un público adulto, hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario.

Otherwise synonyms

differently in spanish: diferentemente, pronunciation: dɪfrəntli part of speech: adverb
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