Other in spanish


pronunciation: oʊtɹ̩oʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

other = otro, de otra índole. 

Example: Use is still low with c100 requests per year for safety-related information but only c20 other requests.


» a day like any other (day) = un día como otro cualquiera.

Example: Our story begins on a day like any other for paranormal investigator Ed as he investigates one of the most malevolent hauntings set on record.

» all of the other = todos los otros.

Example: I certainly think there are a lot of reasons why all of the other schools, academic libraries and, I presume, public libraries, too, would want to keep their hands in the cataloging business.

» all other = restante.

Example: DOBIS/Leuven displays information typed by the user and all error messages in high intensity; all other information is displayed in normal intensity.

» all (other) things being equal = en igualdad de condiciones, si todo sigue igual, si no ocurre ningún imprevisto, si no intervienen otros factores, si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado.

Example: Some of the modern evidence supporting the law of demand shows that, all other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the amount of it demanded decreases.

» among many others = entre otros muchos.

Example: Companies in Canada, the UK, the United States and Germany, among many others, process hemp seed into a growing range of food products and cosmetics.

» among (many) other things = entre otras (muchas) cosas.

Example: The microcomputer also has, among other things, a clock device which synchronizes all the various high speed operations, so that they do not get out of step.

» among others = entre otros.

Example: Information retrieval is well represented, and there are headings for Religions and Religious buildings, Literature, Musical instruments and Drama, among others.

» amongst others = entre otros.

Example: The conference is known for its friendly atmosphere and welcomes developers and users of digital resources from, amongst others, universities, libraries, archives, and museums.

» amongst other things = entre otras cosas.

Example: The Bookseller is the weekly book trade newspaper which, amongst other things, forms the initial listing for Whitakers cumulative booklist.

» and a few others = y unos cuantos más.

Example: The user has all the usual search commands at his disposal, and a few others in addition.

» and many others = y muchos otros.

Example: Henry loved to build things, including his own home and many others.

» anything other than = otra cosa que no sea.

Example: With the exception of trailer libraries, mobile library stops are usually of too short a duration to allow for anything other than book lending transaction.

» a rose by any other name = lo importante es lo que eres no cómo te llamas. [Frase abreviada tomada de Romeo y Julieta y cuya expresión completa es "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" (una rosa con otro nombre tendría la misma fragancia)]

Example: The article 'Name searching of chemical compounds: a rose by any other name' describes methods of searching chemical compounds by names or name fragments.

» as others have said = como otros han dicho, como han dicho otros.

Example: As others have said, this is an aspirational directive about the sort of Europe we want to create = Como otros han dicho, ésta es una directiva ambiciosa sobre el tipo de Europa que queremos crear.

» at each other's expense = los unos a costa de los otros.

Example: This article looks at 'fairness' in the book trade today, and some of the tawdry tricks indulged in by publishers, agents and authors at each other's expense.

» at one end ... at the other = en una punta ... en la otra, en un extremo ... en el otro.

Example: The article describes how an unwanted library building was moved by barge from Belfair, a community at one end of Hood Canal in Washington State, to Hoodsport, at the other end.

» at one end ... at the other = por una lado ... por otro.

Example: But the humanizing first and third stages that would provide free humanistic content at one end and humane guidance in its use at the other have yet to be seriously subsidized in America.

» at other people's expense = a cuenta de otros, a costa de otros, a expensas de otros.

Example: Serial swindler Kenneth Broad was this afternoon jailed for 15 months bringing to an end a playboy lifestyle lived at other people's expense.

» at other times = en otras ocasiones.

Example: At other times they may be doing nothing else but relax: passing the time in a pleasant if untaxing recreation.

» at the other end of the scale = en el otro extremo de la escala.

Example: At the other end of the scale, controversial pamphlets, and such things as single poems, plays, or sermons were normally sold stitched.

» at the other end of the spectrum = en el otro extremo de la escala.

Example: At the other end of the spectrum, rural counties adjacent to large metro areas benefited from their ties to the major centres of information.

» at the other extreme = en el otro extremo, en el otro extremo de la escala.

Example: At the other extreme is Mises, who describes economic theory as an essential element in the structure of human civilization.

» at the other side of = al otro lado de.

Example: As Richard took the receiver, she busied herself with papers at the other side of the room, but her ears were flapping.

» be at each other's throats = llevarse a matar, estar a matar, llevarse como el perro y el gato, estar como el perro y el gato, estar a la gresca, andar como el perro y el gato, andar a la gresca, odiarse a muerte, estar de uñas.

Example: What keeps you riveted to the action of his plays or movies is the certain knowledge that sooner or later these characters will be at each other's throats.

» be at sixes and sevens with each other = estar en desacuerdo.

Example: The two companies were permanently at sixes and sevens with each other.

» be way above all the others = ser muy superior a los otros, ser muy superior a los demás.

Example: We had a pretty tight budget but Spector 360 was in the ballpark for us and we felt it was way above all the others when it came to features and benefits.

» be well suited to each other = estar hecho el uno para el otro.

Example: This booklet covers methods to make a marriage work, why many marriages fail, how to determine if partners are well suited to each other, and how to save a failing marriage.

» bump into + each other = encontrarse por casualidad.

Example: Ants communicate mostly through touch and smell, so when they bump into each other they sniff antennae to confirm the other's identity, role in the colony, and other important information.

» bump into + each other = chocar entre sí, chocar el uno con el otro, tropezar entre sí, tropezar el uno con el otro, entorpecerse mutuamente, entorpecerse, estorbarse mutuamente, estorbarse.

Example: A plane arriving at Los Angeles International Airport and one departing bumped into each other on Sunday night, but no injuries were reported.

» compete with + each other = competir entre sí, rivalizar entre sí.

Example: Plants have various ways to compete with each other.

» each other = entre sí, mutuamente, el uno con el otro.

Example: Because this style of catalogue attempts to group documents which are related to each other by having the same author this type of catalogue is sometimes referred to as a bibliographic catalogue.

» end up at + each other's throats = acabar como el perro y el gato.

Example: One of the best ways to ensure that you and your partner don't end up at each other's throats is by giving each other plenty of leeway to be who you want to be.

» every other = cada dos.

Example: He cooperates in every way -- works two evenings a week, every other Saturday, and one Sunday afternoon in four.

» every other = casi todo(s).

Example: Every other living creature on this earth great or small has a self-defence mechanism.

» every other day = en días alternos, un día sí y otro no, cada dos días.

Example: The bottom line of this research is that skipping one meal every day or every other day should slow or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

» every other minute = cada dos minutos.

Example: Imagine holding your breath for 30 seconds every other minute for 8 hours -- that's what happens to people with sleep apnea.

» every other minute = cada dos por tres.

Example: It's also not always practical to don and remove gloves every other minute when dealing with babies and toddlers.

» fall over + each other's feet = tropezar una persona con otra.

Example: Frantic assistants fell over each other's feet trying to retrieve tickets from the rows and rows of issue trays = Los frenéticos auxiliares tropezaban unos con otros intentando coger los tickets de las filas y filas de cajones de préstamo.

» for no other reason = por la sencilla razón.

Example: To re-emphasize a point that cannot be over-emphasized: reading aloud to children of all ages is vital, if for no other reason, because this is the way we learn how to turn cold print into a dramatic enactment in the theater of our imagination.

» from one end ... to the other = desde un extremo ... al otro.

Example: In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.

» go in + one ear and out the other = entrar por un oído y salir por el otro, traer sin cuidado, resbalarle Algo a Alguien, ser como quien oye llover, ser como hablar con la pared.

Example: I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.

» greet + each other = saludarse.

Example: Kuwaitis traditionally greet each other by shaking hands and kissing cheeks.

» have + no other option but = no tener más alternativa que, no tener otra alternativa que, no tener más opción que, no tener otra opción que.

Example: It seems that the big wigs caught by the army launched anti-corruption move have no other option but to face their trial.

» have + no other purpose than = no tener otro objetivo que el de.

Example: As a reader of books, I am frequently irritated by 'introductions', which appear to me to have no other purpose that to hinder me from getting into the meat of the text.

» hear + other people's opinions = oír las opiniones de otras personas, oír las opiniones de otros, oír las opiniones de otra gente, escuchar las opiniones de otras personas, escuchar las opiniones de otros, escuchar las opiniones de otra gente.

Example: Though it is good to hear other people's opinions and their reasons, what really matters the most is yours in the end based on the information you have received.

» in any other circumstances = en cualquier otra circunstancia, en cualquier otra situación.

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

» in any other way = de ninguna otra forma, de otra forma, de alguna otra forma.

Example: The use of this method resulted in several interesting findings, the vast majority of which could not be documented in any other way = El uso de este método dio lugar a varios resultados interesantes, cuya gran mayoría no se podría haber obtenido de otra forma.

» in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other = por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre.

Example: In the ultimate CIM system in go raw materials, power, product specifications and orders at one end, and out come finished products at the other.

» in other circumstances = en otras circunstancias, en otras situaciones.

Example: As a result of its use in math, X is often used to represent unknowns in other circumstances.

» in other respects = en otros sentidos.

Example: The popular portrait of recent immigrants is off point in other respects as well.

» in other words = en otras palabras, dicho de otro modo, es decir, en otros términos, dicho de otra manera, dicho de otra forma.

Example: In other words, my job is to attempt to put what you have heard into perspective in terms of today and the future.

» in some form or other = de una forma u otra, de una manera u otra, de un modo u otro.

Example: Consumer advice has been a rather late arrival on the scene in Britain considering that everyone is a consumer of goods and services in some form or other.

» laugh on + the other side of + Posesivo + face = arrepentirse, acabársele a Alguien las ganas de reír. [Expresión del inglés británico equivalente a la american laugh out of + the other side of + Posesivo + mouth]

Example: If I happen to catch her, I guarantee he will be laughing on the other side of her face.

» laugh out of + the other side of + Posesivo + mouth = arrepentirse, acabársele a Alguien las ganas de reír. [Expresión del inglés americano equivalente a la británica laugh on + the other side of + Posesivo + face]

Example: That witch will be laughing out of the other side of her mouth, should she decide to run for president.

» look + the other way = mirar al otro lado, mirar en otra dirección, apartar la vista, hacer la vista gorda, apartar la mirada, mirar hacia otro lado.

Example: 'Catching 10' while the supervisor is looking the other way is both a salve to the tired body & a little act of opposition.

» made for each other = hecho el uno para el otro, juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer.

Example: The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.

» next to each other = juntos.

Example: But there is no advantage to having men's and ladies' rooms far apart, since they are used by different people, so they are almost always next to each other.

» none other than = nada más y (nada) menos que.

Example: His heart leapt to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.

» no other = ningún otro.

Example: No other bibliographic records or copies anywhere in the network may have the same numbers.

» one after the other = uno tras otro.

Example: When the holdings of a periodical are displayed, the various levels of the holdings pyramid are shown one after the other.

» one for the other = el uno por el otro, indistintamente.

Example: They, bowing down, honored them in their absence by making statues of them and worshipping one for the other.

» one is as bad as the other = lo uno es tan malo como lo otro.

Example: It's either successful or the world will have to choose between Microsoft or piracy and one is as bad as the other.

» one or other = alguno.

Example: The array of data bases available through one or other of the online hosts is rapidly expanding.

» one thing for the other = una cosa por otra.

Example: We could have had the best of both worlds, instead of giving up one thing for the other.

» one thing + have + nothing to do with the other = una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra, confundir la velocidad con el tocino.

Example: But one thing has nothing to do with the other -- just because he wears eye make up it has nothing to do with him not being masculine.

» on other matters = en otro orden de cosas, cambiando de asunto, cambiando de tema, por otro lado.

Example: On other matters, it appears that our server was down again this morning.

» on the other (hand) = por otro lado, por otra parte, en contraposición.

Example: The nature of the information, on the other hand, may determine its inclusion in a special collection of statistics or quick reference materials.

» on the other side = por otro lado, por otra parte.

Example: On the one side is 'high culture' catering for the intellectual elites, on the other side is 'mass culture' catering for an undiscriminating mass audience of 'consumers'.

» on the other side of = al otro lado de.

Example: At least once in a lifetime you've asked what is under your feet, on the other side of the world.

» on the other side of the coin = por otro lado, por otra parte, por el contrario.

Example: On the other side of the coin, the granting of a right also means the possibility of obligation.

» on the other side of the fence = al otro lado de la barrera.

Example: In the article 'On the other side of the fence: a lecturer in a library school' a librarian offers her impressions of work at a library school 18 years after graduating herself.

» Posesivo + other half = Posesivo + media naranja.

Example: Breaking wind often is typically the result of your diet and lifestyle -- it won't kill you, though your other half might if you keep trumpeting in bed.

» other-oriented = orientado hacia los demás, dirigido hacia los demás.

Example: The author investigates the relationship between 3 dimensions of perfectionism: self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed.

» other than = que no sea(n), excepto, a excepción de, diferente de, aparte de, distinto de, al margen de.

Example: Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.

» other than = además de.

Example: The advantages, other than the savings in costs, are that they allow the student to progress at an individual pace = Las ventajas, además del ahorro en los costes, son que permiten al estudiante avanzar a su propio ritmo.

» other things being equal = en igualdad de condiciones.

Example: Other things being equal, the capability of a service will tend to increase as the resources devoted to it increase.

» other title information = subtítulo y/o información complementaria sobre el título. [Cualquier título que no sea el título propiamente dicho o el título paralelo, o cualquier frase explicativa que los acompañe]

Example: Other title information is any title borne by an item other than the title proper or parallel titles; also any phrase appearing in conjunction with the title proper, parallel titles, or other titles, indicative of the character, contents, etc. of the item or the motives for, or occasion of, its production or publication.

» pull the other one (it's got bells on (it)) = y ahora me cuentas una de vaqueros, y ahora me cuentas una de indios, y ahora me cuentas una de chinos, no me cuentas más milongas, deja de contar milongas.

Example: Put simply, my attitude to any claim of a supernatural order is summed up in the phrase 'Pull the other one... it's got bells on it= En resumen, mi actitud ante la noción de que exista un orden sobrenatural se resume con la frase "deja de contar milongas".

» put + one foot in front of the other = poner un pie delante del otro, poner un pie enfrente del otro.

Example: Pressures only make you procrastinate, thus generating more pressure -- I just take a day at a time, put one foot in front of the other.

» rub against + each other = rozar el uno con el otro.

Example: Visitors would be surprised by the loud creaking and groaning of the presses as the timbers gave and rubbed against each other.

» several other = otros cuantos.

Example: This was a spur to several other London boroughs who set up shop-front consumer advice centres from 1972.

» Posesivo + significant other = Posesivo + media naranja. [La pareja de alguien]

Example: Reference group theory is based upon the principle that people take the standards of significant others as a basis for making self-appraisals, comparisons, and choices regarding need and use of information.

» six of one (and) half a dozen of the other = tanto monta, monta tanto; da igual; da lo mismo; da lo mismo una cosa que otra.

Example: It may be six of one and half a dozen of the other genetically, but socially these are not interchangeable relationships.

» some other time = en otra ocasión, en otro momento, en cualquier otro momento.

Example: We'll go into that some other time.

» something or other = lo que sea, algo. [Expresión utilizada para indicar que nos estamos refiriendo a cualquier cosa o a algo concreto de lo que no nos acordamos muy bien]

Example: The article is entitled 'Participatory something or other through bargaining'.

» something other than = algo diferente de, algo distinto de.

Example: The key field could, of course, be something other than a number, eg the author.

» somewhere other than = en un lugar diferente de, en un lugar distinto a.

Example: If you have saved the search somewhere other than the default drive and directory, be sure to specify the appropriate location in your command.

» still (an)other(s) = y otro(s), y además otro(s), además otro(s).

Example: Still another librarian includes the Website address as part of her e-mail signature = Además, otra bibliotecaria incluye la dirección de la página web en su firma de correo electrónico.

» stroke + each other = acariciarse mutuamente.

Example: That's for those who like to sit around and talk about ideas and idly stroking each other but don't like to put their balls on the line and do things.

» take + a break from each other = dejar de verse temporalmente.

Example: We decided to talk it out and we're both just taking a break from each other, and in a while, we'll try talking to each other again.

» tease + each other = chincharse mutuamente, meterse el uno con el otro.

Example: Left to their own devices, the kids have been spending most of their time video gaming, teasing each other, and pestering the dogs.

» the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence) = nadie está contento con lo que tiene, nadie esta contento con su suerte.

Example: This is one of those 'The grass is greener on the other side of the fence' situations.

» the other day = el otro día.

Example: I saw her on the telly the other day and she still looked like a fat lump to me.

» the other side of the coin = la otra cara de la moneda.

Example: Leadership is the other side of the coin of loneliness, and he who is a leader must always act alone.

» the other side of the fence = el otro lado de la barrera.

Example: The article 'The other side of the fence' discusses the process of getting a book published focusing on finding a publisher, the editing component, putting a contract together, getting an agent, and publicity.

» the other way (a)round = del otro modo, de la otra manera, de la otra forma, al revés.

Example: In France and Germany it was usual to lay 4 formes on the press the other way round.

» trip over + each other = chocar entre sí, chocar el uno con el otro, tropezar entre sí, tropezar el uno con el otro, entorpecerse mutuamente, entorpecerse, estorbarse mutuamente, estorbarse.

Example: Republicans have been tripping over each other for days trying to get their stories straight on who knew what and when.

» turn + the other cheek = poner la otra mejilla, ofrecer la otra mejilla.

Example: A mining company today, regardless of size, must be alert and knowledgeable and willing to give and occasionally 'turn the other cheek'.

» use + one for the other = usar indistintamente, utilizar indistintamente, usar el uno por el otro, utilizar el uno por el otro.

Example: If you use one for the other you are considered either an artist or insane.

» various other + Nombre = algunos otros + Nombre.

Example: More recently, organisation of literature has been recognized as important in business and management, the social sciences, economics, and various other areas within the arts and humanities.

» vie with + each other = competir entre sí, rivalizar entre sí.

Example: Southeast Asian countries vie with each other to woo foreign patients = Los países del sudeste de Asia rivalizan entre sí por atraer a pacientes extranjeros.

» wash + Posesivo + dirty linen (in front of others) = sacar a relucir los trapos sucios delante de otros, sacar los trapos sucios.

Example: 'I've always felt that professionals should stick together and not wash their dirty linen in front of others -- particularly strangers'.

» within + Número + words of each other = con una separación de + Número + palabras.

Example: For example, 'language near2 computer' retrieves records containing the terms within two words of each other in a sentence.

Other synonyms

different in spanish: diferente, pronunciation: dɪfɜrənt part of speech: adjective opposite in spanish: opuesto, pronunciation: ɑpəzət part of speech: adjective, noun extra in spanish: extra, pronunciation: ekstrə part of speech: adjective else in spanish: más, pronunciation: els part of speech: adverb former in spanish: ex, pronunciation: fɔrmɜr part of speech: noun strange in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: streɪndʒ part of speech: adjective early in spanish: temprano, pronunciation: ɜrli part of speech: adjective, adverb unusual in spanish: raro, pronunciation: ənjuʒuəl part of speech: adjective additional in spanish: adicional, pronunciation: ədɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective remaining in spanish: restante, pronunciation: rɪmeɪnɪŋ part of speech: adjective other than in spanish: otro que, pronunciation: ʌðɜrðæn part of speech: adjective some other in spanish: algún otro, pronunciation: sʌmʌðɜr part of speech: adjective

Other antonyms

same pronunciation: seɪm part of speech: adjective
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