Ostler in spanish

Mozo de cuadra

pronunciation: moʊθoʊdekuɑdɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ostler = mozo de cuadra, palafrenero. 

Example: With the loss of his job as an ostler, separated from his intimate working relationship with horses, Bill became an anachronism of an ancient world.

Ostler synonyms

groom in spanish: novio, pronunciation: grum part of speech: noun hostler in spanish: mozo de cuadra, pronunciation: hɑslɜr part of speech: noun stableman in spanish: mozo de cuadra, pronunciation: steɪbəlmən part of speech: noun stableboy in spanish: Chico estable, pronunciation: steɪbəlbɔɪ part of speech: noun
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