Ostentatious in spanish


pronunciation: oʊstentoʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

ostentatious = ostentoso, fastuoso, pomposo, aparatoso. 

Example: Then came the time when ostentatious opulence was replaced with a subtler, but no less striking design style.

Ostentatious synonyms

pretentious in spanish: pretencioso, pronunciation: pritenʃəs part of speech: adjective conspicuous in spanish: conspicuo, pronunciation: kənspɪkjuəs part of speech: adjective kitsch in spanish: kitsch, pronunciation: kɪtʃ part of speech: noun showy in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: ʃoʊi part of speech: adjective tasteless in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: teɪstləs part of speech: adjective splashy in spanish: líquido, pronunciation: splæʃi part of speech: adjective flaunty in spanish: flaunty, pronunciation: flɔnti part of speech: adjective

Ostentatious antonyms

unpretentious pronunciation: ənpritenʃəs part of speech: adjective unostentatious pronunciation: ənɔstənteɪʃəs part of speech: adjective
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