Orthodox in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩toʊdoʊksoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

orthodox = ortodoxo. 

Example: Not all underdeveloped countries can afford or need orthodox national libraries.


» Greek Orthodox Church, the = Iglesia Ortodoxa Griega, la.

Example: More than 90 percent of Greeks are members of the Greek Orthodox Church.

» Orthodox Church, the = Iglesia Ortodoxa, la.

Example: The purpose of this paper is to briefly discuss the use of leavened bread in the Eucharist of the Orthodox Church.

» Russian Orthodox Church, the = Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa, la.

Example: The Russian Orthodox Church still lives according to the old Julian Calendar, which is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar.

» unorthodox = poco ortodoxo, nada convencional.

Example: Librarians are being urged to become more imaginative and less afraid of unorthodox ideas.

Orthodox synonyms

conventional in spanish: convencional, pronunciation: kənvenʃənəl part of speech: adjective canonical in spanish: canónico, pronunciation: kənɑnəkəl part of speech: adjective established in spanish: establecido, pronunciation: ɪstæblɪʃt part of speech: adjective traditional in spanish: tradicional, pronunciation: trədɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective sanctioned in spanish: sancionada, pronunciation: sæŋkʃənd part of speech: adjective conformist in spanish: conformista, pronunciation: kənfɔrmɪst part of speech: noun, adjective conforming in spanish: conforme, pronunciation: kənfɔrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective canonic in spanish: canónico, pronunciation: kənɑnək part of speech: adjective eastern orthodox in spanish: ortodoxo oriental, pronunciation: istɜrnɔrθədɑks part of speech: noun, adjective jewish-orthodox in spanish: judío-ortodoxo, pronunciation: dʒuɪʃɔrθɑdɑks part of speech: adjective greek orthodox in spanish: ortodoxo griego, pronunciation: grikɔrθədɑks part of speech: adjective russian orthodox in spanish: Ruso ortodoxo, pronunciation: rʌʃənɔrθədɑks part of speech: adjective

Orthodox antonyms

unorthodox pronunciation: ənɔrθədɑks part of speech: adjective
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