Orphaned in spanish


pronunciation: ueɹ̩fɑnoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

orphan2 = dejar huérfano, quedarse huérfano. 

Example: Young people who have been orphaned and as a result became heads of households must look after themselves and their siblings.

orphaned = huérfano. 

Example: A group of orphaned baby owls snuggle up to a cuddly toy which has become their surrogate mum after they were found on the brink of death in the wild.

Orphaned synonyms

orphan in spanish: huérfano, pronunciation: ɔrfən part of speech: noun, adjective parentless in spanish: sin padres, pronunciation: pɜrentləs part of speech: adjective unparented in spanish: sin padre, pronunciation: ənpɜrentəd part of speech: adjective
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