Orphan in spanish


pronunciation: ueɹ̩fɑnoʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

orphan1 = huérfano. [En una lista de encabezamientos, aquellos que no presentan ninguna relación (referencia ) con ningún otro encabezamiento de la lista]

Example: Accessibility is related to the density of the cross-reference network, while the connectedness ratio is a measure of the number of orphans, a term coined to denote terms which have no linkages.


» orphan drug = fármaco subvencionado, medicamento subvencionado. [En los Estados Unidos, medicamento cuyo desarrollo el gobierno subvenciona a las compañías farmacéuticas para tratar enfermedades muy raras]

Example: There was a new pharmaceutical policy enacted in 1983 known as the Orphan Drug Act designed to increase the availability of so-called 'orphan drugs' used to treat rare diseases.

» Orphan Drug Act, the = Ley de los Medicamentos Raros, la .

Example: There was a new pharmaceutical policy enacted in 1983 known as the Orphan Drug Act designed to increase the availability of so-called 'orphan drugs' used to treat rare diseases.

» orphan home = orfanato, orfelinato.

Example: Many New York citizens blamed the street arabs for crime and violence in the city and wanted them placed in orphan homes or prisons.

» orphan work = obra huérfana.

Example: Orphan works are copyrighted works whose owners are hard or impossible to identify or locate.

orphan2 = dejar huérfano, quedarse huérfano. 

Example: Young people who have been orphaned and as a result became heads of households must look after themselves and their siblings.

Orphan synonyms

parentless in spanish: sin padres, pronunciation: pɜrentləs part of speech: adjective orphaned in spanish: huérfano, pronunciation: ɔrfənd part of speech: adjective unparented in spanish: sin padre, pronunciation: ənpɜrentəd part of speech: adjective
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