Ornament in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩nɑmentoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ornament1 = adorno, decoracion, ornamento. 

Example: He had never before taken the time to examine the immense two-story granite structure of modified Romanesque design, with its massive arched entrance generously treated with carved ornament.


» typographic ornament = ornamento tipográfico.

Example: Special features of the library include a collection of 750,000 books and the Bill Dwiggins collection of type design, calligraphy and typographical ornament.

» woodcut ornament = ornamento xilográfico.

Example: Add to this his stock of unique woodcut ornaments and initials, and his finger-print is plain, a typographical equipment that belonged to him alone.

ornament2 = ornamentar, decorar, adornar. 

Example: Then, from about 1830, the covering material was further ornamented in an embossing machine = Entonces, aproximadamente a partir de 1830, el material de la cubierta se adornaba aún más con la ayuda de una máquina de estampar en relieve.

Ornament synonyms

grace in spanish: gracia, pronunciation: greɪs part of speech: noun embellish in spanish: embellecer, pronunciation: ɪmbelɪʃ part of speech: verb adorn in spanish: adornar, pronunciation: ədɔrn part of speech: verb decorate in spanish: Decorar, pronunciation: dekɜreɪt part of speech: verb decoration in spanish: decoración, pronunciation: dekɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun beautify in spanish: embellecer, pronunciation: bjutɪfaɪ part of speech: verb ornamentation in spanish: ornamentación, pronunciation: ɔrnəmenteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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