Oriole in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩ioʊl part of speech: noun
In gestures

oriole = oropéndola. 

Example: I was sitting in the backyard and am fairly certain I saw an oriole in the neighbor's tree.


» golden oriole = oropéndola.

Example: Wherever one turned, from every direction came the note of the golden oriole and the shrill cry of the hoopoe and the red-legged falcon.

Oriole synonyms

american oriole in spanish: oriolo americano, pronunciation: əmerəkənɔrioʊl part of speech: noun old world oriole in spanish: oriolo del viejo mundo, pronunciation: oʊldwɜrldɔrioʊl part of speech: noun new world oriole in spanish: nuevo mundo oriole, pronunciation: nuwɜrldɔrioʊl part of speech: noun
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