Originate in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩ixinɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

originate (from) = provenir (de), proceder (de), empezar (en/con), originarse (en), tener su origen (en). 

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

originate = crear. 

Example: In the 'office of the present', a document is usually produced by several people: someone, say an administrator or manager, who originates and checks it, a typist, who prepares the text, and a draughtsman or artist who prepares the diagrams.


» originate (from) = provenir (de), proceder (de), empezar (en/con), originarse (en), tener su origen (en).

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

Originate synonyms

arise in spanish: surgir, pronunciation: ɜraɪz part of speech: verb develop in spanish: desarrollar, pronunciation: dɪveləp part of speech: verb rise in spanish: subir, pronunciation: raɪz part of speech: noun, verb start in spanish: comienzo, pronunciation: stɑrt part of speech: verb, noun grow in spanish: crecer, pronunciation: groʊ part of speech: verb initiate in spanish: iniciado, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb spring up in spanish: brotará, pronunciation: sprɪŋʌp part of speech: verb
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