Orientation in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩ientɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

orientation = orientación, curso de orientación. 

Example: A summary at the end of a document is intended to complete the orientation of the reader, and to identify the significant ideas for the reader to remember.


» disorientation = desorientación.

Example: A drawback of browsing through nonlinear electronic documents is the accompanying sense of disorientation often reported by users.

» library orientation = visita guiada a la biblioteca.

Example: They are providing classes on library orientation, the library catalogue, specific subjects (e.g., genealogy, job hunting, health), the Internet and e-mail, and how to use indexes.

» orientation meeting = sesión introductoria. [Reunión en la que se introduce a aquellas personas que acceden por primera vez a una institución/empresa a su organización y funcionamiento]

Example: Soon after an employee has been hired, a general orientation meeting is held = Poco después de haber contratado a un empleado, se celebra una sesión introductoria general.

» orientation programme = programa de orientación.

Example: A common feature of all orientation programmes is the production of a printed guide to the library.

» orientation session = sesión de orientación, sesión informativa.

Example: These free orientation sessions are held approximately twice a month and begin at 10:00 am.

» orientation tour = visita guiada.

Example: The usual orientation tour of the library for groups of new students was replaced by self-guided tours on cassette tapes.

» sexual orientation = inclinación sexual, orientación sexual.

Example: The term diversity refers to racial and ethnic characteristics and to characteristics such as age, gender, sexual orientation, religion and marital status.

» student orientation week = semana de orientación a los estudiantes.

Example: As a result, there will be information available to new students during student orientation week as well as displays.

Orientation synonyms

orientation course in spanish: curso de orientación, pronunciation: ɔrienteɪʃənkɔrs part of speech: noun
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