Orient in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩ientɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

orient = orientar. 

Example: Supermarket hosts have their own specialised, and often unique command languages, and have been oriented to specialist searchers.


» disorient = desorientar, desorientarse, perderse, desnortar.

Example: The author illustrates a method of organising the hypertext files so as to prevent the user from becoming disoriented in the system.

» Orient Express, the = Oriente Exprés, el.

Example: Today's Orient Express has 12 sleeping cars, 2 staff cars, 3 dining cars, and a bar car.

» reorient [re-orient] = reorientar, redirigir, reencaminar.

Example: Libraries need to change and reorientate themselves to deal with the products of innovative information technologies before that role is taken over by another type of information provider.

Orient, the2 = oriente, el. 

Example: The article 'Libraries in late Ottoman Palestine between the Orient and the Occident' reveals historically Palestine's transformation from a backward region of the Ottoman Empire to a focus for international.

Orient synonyms

point in spanish: punto, pronunciation: pɔɪnt part of speech: noun east in spanish: este, pronunciation: ist part of speech: noun, adjective orientate in spanish: orientar, pronunciation: ɔrienteɪt part of speech: verb eastern in spanish: oriental, pronunciation: istɜrn part of speech: adjective reorient in spanish: reorientar, pronunciation: riɔrient part of speech: verb eastern hemisphere in spanish: hemisferio este, pronunciation: istɜrnhemɪsfɪr part of speech: noun change orientation in spanish: cambiar orientación, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒɔrienteɪʃən

Orient antonyms

disorient pronunciation: dɪsɔrient part of speech: verb disorientate pronunciation: dɪsɔriənteɪt part of speech: verb
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