Ordinary in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩dinɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

ordinary = corriente, normal, común. 

Example: Control is exercised over which terms are used, but otherwise the terms are ordinary words.


» be nothing out of the ordinary = ser el pan nuestro de cada día, ser algo muy corriente, ser cosa de todos los días, ser moneda corriente, ser algo que pasa todos los días, ser un hecho cotidiano, ser un suceso cotidiano.

Example: Language confusion is nothing out of the ordinary in Switzerland, which has four official languages.

» ordinary citizen = ciudadano normal, ciudadano de a pie.

Example: The violence was committed by a wide range of ordinary citizens, including psychopaths, conformists, fanatics, opportunists, & cowards.

» ordinary day = día normal, día corriente.

Example: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.

» ordinary guy = tío normal.

Example: If someone told you I was just your average ordinary guy without a care in the world, somebody lied.

» ordinary life = vida normal.

Example: 2012 is the year to pursue ordinary life with wild abandon and stop trying to be perfect.

» ordinary men and women = gente normal.

Example: Role reversal seeks to answer some of these questions by having ordinary men and women switch genders for a month.

» ordinary people = gente común, la; gente corriente, la; gente normal, la; gente de apie.

Example: For the majority of ordinary people the European Community remains a remote bureaucratic organization.

» ordinary person = persona normal, persona común.

Example: The ordinary person's information needs are becoming more complex and expensive.

» ordinary sized = de tamaño normal.

Example: However, even as late as 1939, male industrial workers, skilled and unskilled, made up only 5% of the library cardholders in an ordinary sized town.

» out of the ordinary = poco común, poco normal, excepcional, fuera de lo común, fuera de lo normal.

Example: In the past, there was a tendency to label a person as abnormal simply because he or she possessed traits that were considered out of the ordinary.

» unordinary = poco común, poco normal, excepcional, fuera de lo común, fuera de lo normal.

Example: He developed an alternative and unordinary way of talking about out thoughts.

Ordinary synonyms

fair in spanish: justa, pronunciation: fer part of speech: adjective, noun common in spanish: común, pronunciation: kɑmən part of speech: adjective banal in spanish: banal, pronunciation: bənɑl part of speech: adjective mundane in spanish: mundano, pronunciation: məndeɪn part of speech: adjective average in spanish: promedio, pronunciation: ævɜrɪdʒ part of speech: adjective, noun simple in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: sɪmpəl part of speech: adjective trivial in spanish: trivial, pronunciation: trɪviəl part of speech: adjective quotidian in spanish: cotidiano, pronunciation: kwoʊtɪdiən part of speech: adjective indifferent in spanish: indiferente, pronunciation: ɪndɪfrənt part of speech: adjective everyday in spanish: todos los días, pronunciation: evrideɪ part of speech: adjective routine in spanish: rutina, pronunciation: rutin part of speech: adjective, noun mediocre in spanish: mediocre, pronunciation: midioʊkɜr part of speech: adjective commonplace in spanish: vulgar, pronunciation: kɑmənpleɪs part of speech: adjective, noun nondescript in spanish: mediocre, pronunciation: nɑndɪskrɪpt part of speech: adjective middling in spanish: regular, pronunciation: mɪdəlɪŋ part of speech: noun unremarkable in spanish: nada interesante, pronunciation: ənrɪmɑrkəbəl part of speech: adjective passable in spanish: pasable, pronunciation: pæsəbəl part of speech: adjective tolerable in spanish: tolerable, pronunciation: tɑlɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective workaday in spanish: de cada día, pronunciation: wɜrkədeɪ part of speech: adjective run-of-the-mill in spanish: el típico, pronunciation: rʌnʌvðəmɪl part of speech: adjective characterless in spanish: sin carácter, pronunciation: keræktɜrləs part of speech: adjective unexceptional in spanish: corriente, pronunciation: ənɪksepʃənəl part of speech: adjective run-of-the-mine in spanish: run-of-the-mine, pronunciation: rʌnʌvðəmaɪn part of speech: adjective ordinary bicycle in spanish: bicicleta ordinaria, pronunciation: ɔrdəneribaɪsɪkəl part of speech: noun

Ordinary antonyms

extraordinary pronunciation: ekstrəɔrdəneri part of speech: adjective
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