Ordinal in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩dinɑl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

ordinal1 = número ordinal. [Nombre]

Example: The author presents a new taxonomy of designators covering terms, symbols and ordinals.


» ordinal number = número ordinal.

Example: Ranganathan has always endeavoured to make his notation an 'artificial language of ordinal numbers' into which the subject of a document can be completely translated.

ordinal2 = ordinal, en serie. [Que aumenta o disminuye de uno en uno, sin intervalos]

Example: The notation is purely an ordinal device to enable users to locate sections of the schedules.

Ordinal synonyms

first in spanish: primero, pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb second in spanish: segundo, pronunciation: sekənd part of speech: adjective, noun zero in spanish: cero, pronunciation: zɪroʊ part of speech: noun, verb, adjective tertiary in spanish: terciario, pronunciation: tɜrʃɜri part of speech: adjective, noun third in spanish: tercero, pronunciation: θɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun fourth in spanish: cuarto, pronunciation: fɔrθ part of speech: adjective, noun sixth in spanish: sexto, pronunciation: sɪksθ part of speech: adjective, noun fifth in spanish: quinto, pronunciation: fɪfθ part of speech: adjective, noun eighth in spanish: octavo, pronunciation: eɪtθ part of speech: adjective, noun ninth in spanish: noveno, pronunciation: naɪnθ part of speech: adjective, noun nth in spanish: nth, pronunciation: enθ part of speech: adjective twelfth in spanish: duodécimo, pronunciation: twelfθ part of speech: adjective, noun quaternary in spanish: cuaternario, pronunciation: kwɑtɜrneri part of speech: adjective, noun umpteenth in spanish: enésimo, pronunciation: ʌmptinθ part of speech: adjective tenth in spanish: décimo, pronunciation: tenθ part of speech: noun, adjective seventh in spanish: séptimo, pronunciation: sevənθ part of speech: adjective, noun hundredth in spanish: centésimo, pronunciation: hʌndrədθ part of speech: noun 17th in spanish: 17 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective eleventh in spanish: undécimo, pronunciation: ɪlevənθ part of speech: adjective, noun twentieth in spanish: vigésimo, pronunciation: twentiəθ part of speech: adjective, noun thirtieth in spanish: trigésimo, pronunciation: θɜrtiəθ part of speech: adjective, noun 2d in spanish: 2d, pronunciation: d part of speech: adjective fiftieth in spanish: quincuagésimo, pronunciation: fɪftiɪθ part of speech: adjective, noun 2nd in spanish: 2do, pronunciation: nd part of speech: adjective ninetieth in spanish: nonagésimo, pronunciation: naɪntiɪθ part of speech: noun 1st in spanish: 1º, pronunciation: st part of speech: adjective thirteenth in spanish: decimotercero, pronunciation: θɜrtinθ part of speech: adjective, noun thousandth in spanish: milésimo, pronunciation: θaʊzəndθ part of speech: noun 13th in spanish: 13 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 4th in spanish: Cuarto, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective fifteenth in spanish: decimoquinto, pronunciation: fɪftinθ part of speech: adjective, noun nineteenth in spanish: decimonoveno, pronunciation: naɪntinθ part of speech: adjective fortieth in spanish: cuadragésimo, pronunciation: fɔrtiɪθ part of speech: adjective, noun 5th in spanish: Quinto, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective eighteenth in spanish: decimoctavo, pronunciation: eɪtinθ part of speech: adjective 3rd in spanish: 3er, pronunciation: rd part of speech: adjective 12th in spanish: 12º, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 16th in spanish: 16 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective millionth in spanish: millonésimo, pronunciation: mɪljənθ part of speech: noun 100th in spanish: Centésimo, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 7th in spanish: Séptimo, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 8th in spanish: 8vo, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective sixteenth in spanish: decimosexto, pronunciation: sɪkstinθ part of speech: adjective, noun 60th in spanish: 60º, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective fourteenth in spanish: decimocuarto, pronunciation: fɔrtinθ part of speech: adjective, noun twenty-second in spanish: vigesimo segundo, pronunciation: twentisekənd part of speech: adjective seventeenth in spanish: decimoséptimo, pronunciation: sevəntinθ part of speech: adjective, noun 14th in spanish: 14 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 19th in spanish: XIX, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective centesimal in spanish: centesimal, pronunciation: sentesəməl part of speech: adjective sixtieth in spanish: sexagésimo, pronunciation: sɪkstiɪθ part of speech: noun 10th in spanish: Décimo, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 20th in spanish: 20, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 6th in spanish: Sexto, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective ordinal number in spanish: número ordinal, pronunciation: ɔrdənəlnəmbɜr part of speech: noun 9th in spanish: Noveno, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 15th in spanish: 15 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective billionth in spanish: billonésimo, pronunciation: bɪljənθ part of speech: noun 70th in spanish: 70º, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective eightieth in spanish: dieciocho, pronunciation: eɪtiɪθ part of speech: adjective, noun 26th in spanish: 26, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 11th in spanish: 11 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 18th in spanish: XVIII, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 24th in spanish: 24, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective seventieth in spanish: septuagésimo, pronunciation: sevəntiɪθ part of speech: adjective, noun 90th in spanish: 90º, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 30th in spanish: 30º, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 28th in spanish: 28 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 29th in spanish: 29 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 25th in spanish: 25 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 50th in spanish: 50º, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 23rd in spanish: 23, pronunciation: rd part of speech: adjective 27th in spanish: 27 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 1000th in spanish: 1000a, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 80th in spanish: 80a, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective 40th in spanish: 40 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective umteenth in spanish: umteenth, pronunciation: əmtinθ part of speech: adjective trillionth in spanish: trillionth, pronunciation: trɪljənθ part of speech: noun twenty-first in spanish: vigésimo primer, pronunciation: twentifɜrst part of speech: adjective twenty-ninth in spanish: vigésimo noveno, pronunciation: twentinɪnθ part of speech: adjective twenty-third in spanish: Vigésimo tercero, pronunciation: twentiθɜrd part of speech: adjective umptieth in spanish: umptieth, pronunciation: ʌmptiɪθ part of speech: adjective twenty-eighth in spanish: veintiocho, pronunciation: twentiweɪθ part of speech: adjective twenty-sixth in spanish: veintiséis, pronunciation: twentisɪksθ part of speech: adjective twenty-fifth in spanish: vigésimo quinto, pronunciation: twentifɪf part of speech: adjective twenty-fourth in spanish: veinticuatro AVO, pronunciation: twentifɔrθ part of speech: adjective twenty-seventh in spanish: veintisiete, pronunciation: twentizevənθ part of speech: adjective 21th in spanish: 21, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective, noun 22th in spanish: 22 °, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective, noun

Ordinal antonyms

cardinal pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective
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