Order in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩den part of speech: noun
In gestures

order1 = orden. 

Example: A catalogue is a list of the materials or items in a library, with the entries representing the items arranged in some systematic order.


» accession order = ordenación por número curren. [Ordenación de los materiales de una biblioteca de acuerdo con el número de registro que se le asigna a cada uno al ingresar en la biblioteca]

Example: Sometimes accession order is used as an alternative to classified order in the shelf arrangement of documents.

» alphabetical order = orden alfabético. [Criterio de ordenación de las entradas de acuerdo con el orden de un alfabeto]

Example: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.

» alphabetic order = orden alfabético. [Criterio de intercalación de las entradas de acuerdo con el orden de un alfabeto]

Example: When a computer is used to produce a printed book or microform catalogue the drudgery of 'filing' the entries in an alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric order is removed since this can be done automatically.

» alphanumeric order = orden alfanumérico. [Criterio de intercalación de las entradas según una modificación de los valores ASCII de los caracteres que combina letras, números y símbolos]

Example: When a computer is used to produce a printed book or microform catalogue the drudgery of 'filing' the entries in an alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric order is removed since this can be done automatically.

» arrange + in alphabetical order = ordenar alfabéticamente.

Example: For ease of consultation, cards should be arranged in alphabetical order in accordance with the main term on the card.

» ascending order = en orden ascendente.

Example: Use this command to sort all of the records in set S1 by author in ascending order and to sort records with identical authors by publication year in descending order.

» be bang out of order = ser totalmente inaceptable, ser completamente inaceptable.

Example: I know he has a job to do but he went way over the top -- it was harsh, unnecessary and bang out of order.

» be in order = funcionar bien.

Example: One of the supervisor's jobs is to make sure that the book checking system is in order.

» be in order = ser pertinente, ser recomendable, ser aconsejable.

Example: Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.

» be in working order = funcionar, funcionar perfectamente, estar operativo.

Example: It is therefore a point of wisdom to ensure beforehand that everything is in the best possible working order.

» be of a different order = pertenecer a otra categoría de cosas.

Example: Equipment is clearly a factor of a different order here.

» be of the order of + Número = ser del orden de + Número.

Example: It was found that interlending traffic was of the order of 300,000 requests in 1985, with a fill rate of 80% and a median turnaround time of 10 days for 1st requests.

» be out of order = estar averiado, no funcionar.

Example: If you try to insert money and the machine doesn't respond to it, the most likely reason is that the machine is out of order.

» be out of order = ser improcedente, estar fuera de lugar.

Example: Any more than two away games in a row is out of order.

» be out of order = estar fuera de secuencia, estar desordenado.

Example: The messages are out of order from a chronological point of view.

» bring + order = imponer orden, poner orden.

Example: What he did do was bring order into a previously haphazard process.

» bring + order out of chaos = imponer orden en donde hay caos.

Example: O'Donnell summarizes the process of organizing as 'a process by which the manager brings order out of chaos'.

» BS (British Standard) 1749: Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numerals and symbols = Norma Británica 1749: Recomendaciones para la ordenación alfabética y el orden de intercalación de números y símbolos.

Example: 'BS (British Standard) 1749: Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numerals and symbols' was originally published in 1951 as a specification for 'alphabetical arrangement'.

» chronological order = orden cronológico.

Example: On occasions when the title is not appropriate for use as a filing element, a chronological order of entries for documents according to the date of publication of the document may be preferred.

» citation order = orden de cita, orden de combinación de encabezamientos. [En un sistema de indización precoordinado, principio que establece el orden de presentación de los conceptos de un encabezamiento compuesto; por ejemplo, Corazón - Enfermedades, en donde el orden es Cosa - Proceso]

Example: The order in which concepts are combined in compound subjects is called the combination order or citation order.

» civil order = orden civil, orden público.

Example: As police commissioner he will advocate for policies that will help restore true civil order to a country that has long been deprived of it.

» classified order = orden sistemático. [Criterio de intercalación de las entradas de acuerdo con los principios de un sistema de clasificación]

Example: Other possible orders may be numerical, chronological (by periods of time), geographical (grouping places within a country or region together) or classified (according to a classification scheme, and ordered in keeping the notation of the classification scheme).

» combination order = orden de cita. [Principio que establece el orden de presentación de los conceptos de un encabezamiento]

Example: The order in which concepts are combined in compound subjects is called the combination order or citation order.

» create + order = poner orden, ordenar, organizar.

Example: The information rich are similarly paralyzed because of their inability to create order from all the information washing over them.

» create + order out of chaos = poner orden en el caos.

Example: Different responsibilities will be thrust upon librarians as their work becomes an increasingly vital complement to academic work, in particular assisting academics and students alike in creating order out of the chaos that is the Internet.

» descending order = en orden descendente, en orden decreciente.

Example: Use this command to sort all of the records in set S1 by author in ascending order and to sort records with identical authors by publication year in descending order.

» direct order = orden directo.

Example: Sometimes terms are presented in direct order, for example, 'Military Hospitals' instead of 'Hospitals, Military'.

» file in + order of = ordenar por.

Example: The catalogue in which the entries are filed in order of the dates of publication of the documents, actual or established by the catalogue is known as chronological catalogue.

» filing order = ordenación, intercalación.

Example: For classified catalogues, or shelf arrangement of non-fiction according to a classification scheme, it is necessary to establish a filing order for the symbols used in the notation of a classification scheme.

» first-order [1st-order] = de primer orden.

Example: Ranganathan defines main class: 'any class enumerated in the first-order array of a scheme of classification of the universe of knowledge'.

» geographical order = orden geográfico.

Example: Other possible orders may be numerical, chronological (by periods of time), geographical (grouping places within a country or region together) or classified (according to a classification scheme, and ordered in keeping the notation of the classification scheme).

» get + Posesivo + (own) house in order = arreglar + Posesivo + (propia) vida, arreglar + Posesivo + (propios) asuntos.

Example: We Americans need to get our own house in order before trying to police the world.

» higher-order = de orden superior.

Example: As briefly discussed in chapter 5, the levels Maslow proposed fall into two categories: lower-order and higher-order.

» higher-order thinking = pensamiento de orden superior.

Example: However, good teaching also aims to improve students' ability to engage in higher-order thinking.

» impose + order = imponer orden.

Example: Basically it is a matter of deciding how far we can impose conceptual order on the chaos of terminology.

» in (a) decreasing order of importance = en orden decreciente de importancia, en orden de importancia decreciente.

Example: The issue can be imagined as a series of concentric circles, the problem investigated being at the centre, and related topics around it in a decreasing order of importance.

» in class number order = ordenado por número de clasificación.

Example: The slips for items in stock should be separated from the rest, those for books rearranged in class number order, those for periodicals in date order.

» in date order = ordenado por fecha.

Example: The slips for items in stock should be separated from the rest, those for books rearranged in class number order, those for periodicals in date order.

» in descending order = en orden descendente, en orden decreciente.

Example: Use this command to sort all of the records in set S1 by author in ascending order and to sort records with identical authors by publication year in descending order.

» in diminishing order of importance = en orden decreciente de importancia, en orden de importancia decreciente.

Example: Each suit contains four face cards, called ace, king, queen, and jack, in diminishing order of importance.

» indirect word order = orden inverso de palabras.

Example: The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.

» in good order = bien ordenado.

Example: Under these circumstances it becomes difficult to maintain a classified sequence in good order, and there will be gaps and 'bulges' which will involve moving the overall sequence around on the shelves.

» in increasing order of importance = en orden de importancia de mayor a menor, en orden de importancia creciente.

Example: In increasing order of importance, the greenhouse gases are ozone, nitrous oxide, methane, carbon dioxide and water vapour.

» in numerical order = por orden numérico.

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.

» in order = en orden de importancia.

Example: In the overall ranking the main sources, in order, were statistical information, personal contacts, newspapers and trade journal, grey literature, and conventional literature; the various kinds of secondary information service all ranked lower.

» in order of increasing importance = en orden de importancia de mayor a menor, en orden de importancia creciente.

Example: Our mission is to grow vegetables using methods that, in order of increasing importance, maximize flavor, sustain our farm and the environment and promote human health.

» in ranked order = en orden jerárquico.

Example: The first takes the list of search terms, which the user is asked to rank in order of importance, and uses them as the basis of a weighted term search producing output in ranked order.

» in rank order = en orden de importancia.

Example: The system then prints out the titles in rank order, with the user responding to show his estimation of relevance.

» in short order = muy rápidamente, en seguida.

Example: A pep talk might take the tack of saying if only we pull together, our problems will vanish and the world will be a marvelous place in short order.

» in the order of + Cantidad = nada más y nada menos que.

Example: A backing store such as cassette tape might hold something in the order of 200K characters per '30 minutes' of tape.

» in the proper order = en el orden correcto, en el orden adecuado, en el orden apropiado.

Example: It's kind of like solving a puzzle -- you have all these oddly shaped pieces which can paint a clear picture if put together in the proper order.

» in the right order = en el orden correcto, en el orden adecuado, en el orden apropiado.

Example: With enough practice, though, you'll get used to solving problems in the right order.

» keep + Nombre + in order = mantener Algo en orden, mantener Algo ordenado.

Example: Activities include fundraising, parties and an 'adopt-a-shelf' system whereby each student is assigned a library shelf to keep in order = Las actividades incluyen recaudar fondos, fiestas y el juego de "adopta-una-estantería" por el cual se asigna a cada estudiante un estante de la biblioteca que debe mantener en orden.

» keep + order = mantener el orden.

Example: The National Guard was summoned together with 25,000 police to help keep order.

» law and order = orden público.

Example: Every politician running for office in the November elections recognized that law-and-order demagoguery was the ticket to success.

» lower-order = de orden inferior.

Example: As briefly discussed in chapter 5, the levels Maslow proposed fall into two categories: lower-order and higher-order.

» lower orders, the = clases inferiores, las.

Example: The 1849 committee recommended that a lending library was important if the lower orders were to be attracted to make full use of books, and a reading room would certainly be needed.

» maintain + public order = mantener el orden público.

Example: Peacekeeping may additionally entail maintaining public order in the period following the cease of hostilities.

» numerical order = orden numérico. [Criterio de intercalación de las entradas de acuerdo con el orden establecido por los números]

Example: Other possible orders may be numerical, chronological (by periods of time), geographical (grouping places within a country or region together) or classified (according to a classification scheme, and ordered in keeping the notation of the classification scheme).

» numeric order = orden numérico. [Criterio de intercalación de las entradas de acuerdo con el orden establecido por los números]

Example: When a computer is used to produce a printed book or microform catalogue the drudgery of 'filing' the entries in an alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric order is removed since this can be done automatically.

» of a high order = de alto nivel.

Example: Lastly, he was the 1971 recipient of the Melvil Dewey Medal, which was conferred upon him for creative professional achievement of a high order.

» old order, the = viejo orden, el; antiguo orden, el.

Example: We stand on the threshold of an age whose convulsions proclaim alike the death pangs of the old order and the birth pangs of the new.

» order list = lista, lista alfabética.

Example: The catalogue now contains 130,000 titles, its classified section being updated twice a year and the author part and ISBN order list bimonthly = El catálogo contiene en la actualidad 130.000 títulos, la sección sistemática se actualiza dos veces al año y la sección de autores y la lista de números ISBN bimensualmente.

» order of precedence = orden de precedencia, orden de prioridad.

Example: This order of precedence -- the order in which we cite the facets -- is called the citation order.

» order of preference = orden de preferencia, orden de prioridad.

Example: The predominant name is the name or form of name of a person or corporate body that appears most frequently (1) in the person's works or works issued by the corporate body; or (2) in reference sources, in that order of preference.

» order of succession = orden de sucesión.

Example: The son being male, even if born later, would take precedence in the order of succession, displacing the one who was previously the heir-presumptive.

» organise in + Adjetivo + order = organizar según un orden específico.

Example: The SORT command can be used to organize records in a different order, e.g. by author.

» pecking order = jerarquía, orden de importancia, orden de prioridad.

Example: Libraries have a peculiar pecking order -- public, academic, special.

» preferred order = orden preferido.

Example: Serials are one of those categories of materials about which there is little consensus as to their preferred order.

» priority order = orden de prioridad.

Example: Once all the packages have been developed, using the objectives as guides, they are ranked in priority order and are presented for approval or rejection, the decision being based on level and affordability.

» put in + order = poner en orden, ordenar.

Example: The archives of Magdalen College were put in order and abstracts prepared in the 15th century.

» put + Nombre + into working order = poner en funcionamiento.

Example: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to give orderly structure to, put into working order.

» put + Posesivo + (own) house in order = arreglar + Posesivo + (propia) vida, arreglar + Posesivo + (propios) asuntos.

Example: These denunciations make libraries look both sanctimonious and hypocritical for trying to save the world when they have failed to put ther own house in order.

» put + things in order = ordenar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden.

Example: Think, put things in order, focus on where you desire to go, stay true to course, and reach your destination.

» ranking order = jerarquía.

Example: Library applications may require special arrangements in order to overcome certain difficulties posed by a pre-determined ranking order.

» rank + in order = ordenar por orden de importancia.

Example: After calculating the value of 'R' for each of the search terms, the computer can rank the terms in order.

» rank + in order of importance = clasificar en orden de importancia.

Example: The first takes the list of search terms, which the user is asked to rank in order of importance, and uses them as the basis of a weighted term search producing output in ranked order.

» rank order = clasificación.

Example: This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.

» reverse order = orden inverso.

Example: Unsorted search results generally display in reverse order of entry of the records into the database.

» second-order [2nd-order] = de segundo orden.

Example: A meta-programming approach is applied in which the raw bibliographic material is viewed as a logic programme upon which a 2nd-order logic programme is developed.

» sequential order = orden secuencial.

Example: Hence although the records are stored in sequential order, they can be accessed individually.

» set + things in order = arreglar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: I won't go into too much detail, but suffice to say I think I may need a week or two to set things in order.

» shelf order = orden topográfico.

Example: Your answer 'by containing more than one substitute for each document and arranging these in sequences differing from shelf order' is right.

» significance order of terms = orden de importancia de los conceptos. [En un sistema de indización precoordinado, principio que establece el orden de presentación de los conceptos de un encabezamiento compuesto; por ejemplo, Corazón - Enfermedades, en donde el orden es Cosa - Proceso]

Example: EJ Coates, former editor of the British Technology Index, has suggested a significance order of terms which helps us to determine the citation order in headings for compound subjects, at least up to a point.

» significance order = orden de importancia. [En un sistema de indización precoordinado, principio que establece el orden de presentación de los conceptos de un encabezamiento compuesto; por ejemplo, Corazón - Enfermedades, en donde el orden es Cosa - Proceso]

Example: So we can develop our significance order one stage further, to give us Thing-Material-Action.

» social order = orden social.

Example: Social order is maintained through the concern of individuals for their reputations, which suffer if they are unsocial.

» sort + Nombre + into order = ordenar, clasificar.

Example: Sort packages are designed to sort a specified file of records into order according to a particular field or key.

» supernatural order = orden sobrenatural.

Example: Put simply, my attitude to any claim of a supernatural order is summed up in the phrase 'Pull the other one... it's got bells on it' = En resumen, mi actitud ante la noción de que exista un orden sobrenatural se resume con la frase "y ahora me cuentas una de vaqueros".

» systematic order = orden sistemático. [Criterio de intercalación de las entradas de acuerdo con los principios de un sistema de clasificación]

Example: Unlike alphabetical arrangement, systematic order is not self-evident, and indeed there may be differing views as to the best order at any given point.

» word order = orden de las palabras.

Example: Also, title entries were ordered by grammatical arrangement, rather than in natural word order.

» world order = orden mundial.

Example: The author examines the role of state interventionism & the character of the new productivism of emerging world order.

order2 = pedido, orden de pedido, encargo. [Orden que se cursa a un proveedor dándole las referencias de los documentos que se desean adquirir por compra]

Example: The order is also indexed by the vendor from whom the document was ordered and the library fund from which the payments will be made.


» be a tall order = ser algo difícil.

Example: It is a tall order for information workers to avoid objective obsolescence and subjective burnout, and enhance the joie de vivre of the work setting.

» bindery order = pedido de encuadernación.

Example: Bindery orders contain the information printed on the orders sent to the vendors that bind for the library.

» binding order = pedido de encuadernación.

Example: Entry of an 'f' for forward leads to the display of the second page of the binding order (Figure 148 on page 172).

» blanket order = envío de oficio. [Envío de documentos de una biblioteca, o centro de información y documentación, etc., a iniciativa de un librero o editor sujeto a un acuerdo previo]

Example: A blanket order consist in the sending of documents to a library, or documentation and information centre, etc. on the initiative of a bookseller or publisher under a prior agreement.

» co-authorship order = orden de coautoría, orden de firma.

Example: Co-authorship order shall normally reflect the order of importance of the contributions made by project members.

» collected order = pedido colectivo.

Example: Collected orders are generally used when all orders for a particular vendor are to be on one form.

» date of order = fecha de pedido. [Fecha en que se realiza o realizó un pedido de libros]

Example: This copy will have the supplier's name and date of order added to it.

» deferred order = pedido diferido.

Example: If an 'n' is entered no vendor is chosen and a 'deferred order' is placed in the file for the document.

» fill + order = servir un pedido.

Example: To be successful vendors must fill a reasonable percentage of orders quickly and at a competitive price while providing additional customer services = Para ser un proveedor con éxito debe servir un número razonable de pedidos de un modo rápido y a un precio competitivo al mismo tiempo que ofrece servicios de atención al cliente.

» fulfil + Posesivo + order = servir un pedido.

Example: So it's to your advantage, at least from their standpoint, to order by ISBN so that they can more expeditiously fulfill your order.

» international money order = giro postal internacional.

Example: A lot has been written about how fraudulent international money orders can look real, where even banks accept them as genuine.

» made-to-order = hecho a medida, hecho por encargo.

Example: The Daily Mail reports that made-to-order embryos are being offered, at a cost of about $10000.

» mail order catalog = catálogo comercial de compra por correo.

Example: Telephone books, office files, and mail order catalogs are all examples of commonly used databases.

» mail order company = empresa dedicada a la venta por correo.

Example: Applications include home banking, booking holidays and theatre tickets and ordering from mail order companies.

» make to + order = hacer a medida, hacer por encargo, hacer a gusto del consumidor.

Example: They sell great butties made fresh to order.

» money order = giro postal.

Example: While the U.S. Treasury has taken steps to make it harder to counterfeit American currency, it's still apparently easy to make up fake money orders.

» on order = pedido.

Example: An obvious example is the search to establish whether a particular book is on order, in process, on the shelves, or already loaned out.

» on-order file = fichero de pedidos. [Conjunto de registros que mantiene el departamento de adquisiciones con información sobre los documentos que se han pedido y que están en espera de ser recibidos]

Example: The acquisitions system operates in conjunction with on-line catalogue support systems, to give an integrated system for maintenance of library catalogue and on-order files.

» on-order record = registro de documento pedido.

Example: The on-order record needs noting-up and removing from the file.

» order department = sección de adquisiciones, sección de compras. [Sección de una biblioteca que se encarga de la compra de libros]

Example: It is important to make sure that there is close liaison between the cataloguing department and the order department, otherwise cards are liable to be ordered twice or in insufficient quantity to meet the total demand.

» order file = fichero de pedidos.

Example: Because the order file was used by librarians outside the department it was necessary to provide access to the automated version = Puesto que los bibliotecarios usaban el fichero de pedidos fuera de la sección, fue necesario que tuvieran acceso a la versión automatizada.

» order form = hoja de pedido, impreso de pedido.

Example: Several order forms are available.

» order information = información para hacer pedidos.

Example: For price and order information, write or phone the address given above.

» order letter = carta de pedido.

Example: Order letters are usually used when requesting free publications or when a purchase order is not appropriate.

» order list = lista de pedidos.

Example: Other reports that are generated are bindery lists and order lists for the subscription agency = Otros informes que se generan son listas de libros enviados a encuadernar y listas de pedidos para la agencia de suscripciones.

» order number = número de pedido. [Número que identifica de un modo único los pedidos de libros]

Example: In some libraries the actual official order number will also be added.

» order processing = proceso de pedidos.

Example: The acquisitions system integrates data from the Online Union Catalogue with local order and fund data, thus improving order processing and providing current accounting information.

» outstanding order = pedido pendiente.

Example: This is a good method to record outstanding orders, outstanding invoices, titles sent to the bindery, etc.

» place + an order = hacer un pedido.

Example: For example, when placing an order, the vendor's name is chosen from the vendor files and does not have to be entered for each order.

» postal order = giro postal.

Example: Please enclose a cheque or postal order when returning this form.

» process + an order request = tramitar una petición.

Example: This article describes how INNOVACQ acquisitions system can be used to process order requests for out of print materials.

» public order = orden público.

Example: The Public Order Act 1986 contains many of the more common public order offences such as riot, affray and threatening behaviour.

» public order offence = alteración del orden público.

Example: The Public Order Act 1986 contains many of the more common public order offences such as riot, affray and threatening behaviour.

» purchase order = orden de compra, pedido de compra.

Example: The data were obtained through a detailed analysis of 400 purchase orders from each of the five dealers.

» send + order = hacer un pedido.

Example: This article outlines an experiment that departs from the normal pattern that has been used by libraries to send orders electronically to a vendor.

» shopping order = pedido, compra.

Example: This would herald the age of computer commuting, with customers dialling for bank statements and shopping orders.

» standing order = pedido permanente, pedido fijo. [Orden cursada a un proveedor autorizándole a buscar y obtener sistemáticamente documentos para un cliente durante un período determinado]

Example: A standing order is an order placed with a supplier authorizing him for a specific period to search for and obtain documents systematically for a client.

» standing order = regular, periódico.

Example: A dynamic information centre has to satisfy 2 types of enquiry -- single requests for information and enquiries on standing order -- each contributing to and shaping the information network.

» standing order = domiciliación, domiciliación bancaria, pago domiciliado, orden bancaria.

Example: With the advent of computers, standing orders (pre-authorized payments) and the preparation of statements could also be automated.

» unfulfilled order = pedido no satisfecho.

Example: An automatic chasing system is provided for unfulfilled orders, but individual items may also be chased on demand.

» win + an order = conseguir un pedido.

Example: These cautionary tales suggest that investors should not be carried away by the euphoria accompanying headline-grabbing announcements of yet more orders won.



» by the order of + Expresión Numérica = del orden de.

Example: Therefore, there exists an opportunity to reduce toxic emissions by the order of 15 to 20% without substantial economic penalties.

» in order that = para que, a fin de que, con (el) objeto de, con la finalidad de, con el fin de.

Example: In order that the plans be better understood, it is essential that the aims of the library be outlined first.

» in order to = para, con el fin de, con (el) objeto de, con la finalidad de, a fin de.

Example: Any attempt to organise knowledge must, in order to justify the effort of organisation, have an objective.

» monastic order = orden monástica.

Example: Mystic experience is especially associated with members of the cloistered monastic orders and with anchorites or anchoresses.

» of the highest order = grande, tremendo, tremebundo.

Example: I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.

» order of magnitude = diez veces más, mucho más. [Se dice de algo que es diez veces mayor que otra cosa o que ha aumentado diez veces su valor inicial]

Example: The value of R&D to the society in which we live is perhaps one or two orders of magnitude greater than the cost of R&D.

order4 = orden, mandato. 

Example: His orders were clear -- no car was to enter unless it had a special sticker on the windshield.


» ASBO (Antisocial Behaviour Order) = orden por comportamiento antisocial.

Example: Antisocial Behaviour Orders - more commonly known as ASBOS - are simple banning orders which place restrictions on an individual's behaviour and actions.

» be the order of the day = estar a la orden del día, ser lo normal.

Example: Now that financial stringencies were the order of the day, libraries had to compete with the more pressing needs of other programme areas, like education, social services, and housing, for dwindling resources.

» call + Nombre + to order = llamar al orden, llamarle la atención a Alguien.

Example: But I got pissed and eventually called her to order when I could no longer take her insults and rudeness.

» court order = orden judicial.

Example: In the absence of a court order, librarians must maintain confidentiality of user borrowing information.

» eviction order = orden de desalojo, orden de deshaucio.

Example: Similarly large advantages for tenants with an attorney also were found in eviction orders.

» follow + orders = seguir órdenes.

Example: Many of those defendants claimed that they were not guilty of the charges against them as they were 'only following orders'.

» follow + (the) doctor's orders = seguir las órdenes del doctor.

Example: My mother and two of her sisters developed glaucoma and in spite of following doctor's orders, each went blind.

» gagging order = secreto de sumario, secreto sumarial, prohibición de informar por secreto de sumario. [También se usa con más frecuencia gag order]

Example: A wealthy celebrity who is a potential witness in a police investigation was granted a gagging order to protect his identity.

» gag order = secreto de sumario, secreto sumarial, prohibición de informar por secreto de sumario. [A veces los jueces responsable de un caso prohíben a la prensa que informe al público por secreto de sumario. También se usa pero con menor frecuencia gagging order]

Example: Judges in many states have gagged the news media prohibiting them from reporting a criminal proceedings thus suggesting that a gag order is the preferred option rather than a last resort.

» get + Posesivo + marching orders = recibir órdenes de ponerse en marcha.

Example: She knew it was a ruse, and it didn't make her feel great; she had promised to call, then everything went out the window when she got her marching orders to go up north again.

» get + Posesivo + marching orders = dar el despido, ser despedido, poner de patitas en la calle, ser expulsado.

Example: His last girlfriend got her marching orders just days after she announced in a magazine that she was expecting to marry him soon.

» give + an order = dar una orden.

Example: The next day the king gave orders to the soldiers to go around the houses and bring to the palace whichever girl the slipper would fit.

» march to + Posesivo + orders = acatar + Posesivo + órdenes, obedecer.

Example: With their worldwide history of forcing people at gunpoint to march to their orders, whether they want to or not, you can never be too sure with them.

» (on) doctor's orders = por orden médica, por orden del médico, por prescripción médica, bajo prescripción médica, por prescripción facultativa, bajo prescripción facultativa.

Example: On doctor's orders, she stayed home from school for several days and I stayed home with her.

» order cheque = cheque nominal.

Example: When order cheques are presented most banks may ask for proof of identity, this is to ensure that the money is paid to the right person.

» probation order = libertad condicional.

Example: The maximum length of a probation order is three years.

» protection order = orden judicial de alejamiento, orden judicial de distanciamiento.

Example: She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.

» receive + Posesivo + marching orders = dar el despido, ser despedido, poner de patitas en la calle, ser expulsado.

Example: After receiving so much criticism, week-in week-out, for more than two months, Aya received her 'marching orders' from the producers of the show.

» receive + Posesivo + marching orders = recibir órdenes de ponerse en marcha.

Example: He became even more bored when Jamie received her marching orders to return to San Diego.

» restraining order = orden de alejamiento, orden judicial de alejamiento, orden judicial de distanciamiento, orden de restricción. [Mandato que emite un juez a una persona limitando la libertad de movimiento de ésta, por ejemplo prohibiéndole que se acerque a otra persona a la que ha intimidado o agredido anteriormente]

Example: This paper discusses measures by which referral workers can assist battered women in obtaining restraining orders.

» temporary restraining order = orden de alejamiento temporal, orden de restricción temporal.

Example: The district court judge issued a temporary restraining order barring the defendants' illegal business practices and freezing their assets.

order5 = orden, grupo. 

Example: The taxonomic subclass of acari (mites and ticks) comprises tens of thousands of species, grouped in many families and several orders.


» Augustinian order = orden de los Agustinos.

Example: The Augustinian order kept his theological tradition, and raised the flag of the Augustinian thought before and after the German reformer.

» Franciscan order, the = orden de los franciscanos, la.

Example: The author presents a semiological analysis of two mural paintings by Giotto depicting the Pope's approval of the Franciscan order .

» Holy Order, the = Santa Hermandad, la.

Example: As some of her prophecies came true, she fell afoul of the authorities and was arrested by the Holy Order.

» Jesuit order = orden de los Jesuitas.

Example: When the Jesuit order left China they left behind, as their last legacy, a haunting epitaph: 'Move on, voyager, congratulate the dead, console the living, pray for everyone, wonder, and be silent'.

» join + religious order = ingresar en una orden religiosa.

Example: This article briefly discusses her early life and education, her career as reporter, teacher and librarian, her decision to join a religious order, and her working life until her retirement and death in 1982 = Este artículo habla brevemente de sus primeros años de vida y educación recibida, su carrera como periodista, profesora y biblioteca, su decisión de ingresar en una orden religiosa y su vida laboral hasta su jubilación y muerte en 1982.

» religious order = orden religiosa.

Example: If the work is special to the use of a particular body within the church (e.g., a diocese, cathedral, monastery, religious order), make an added entry under the heading for that body.

order6 = ordenar. 

Example: Also, title entries were ordered by grammatical arrangement, rather than in natural word order.


» reorder [re-order] = reordenar. 

Example: There is a real need to reorder the philosophical basis of public libraries and their relevance to community concerns.

order7 = encargar, pedir, hacer un pedido. 

Example: Edge notch cards are often ordered in a size tailored to the demands of the index, and can be purchased with any coding that the index designer specifies.


» order by + the slice = pedir por trozos. [Usado generalmente en las pizzerías para pedir trozos de diferentes tipos de pizzas]

Example: We chose to order by the slice so everyone could get what they wanted.

» pre-order = hacer un pedido de antemano, encargar de antemano, pedir de antemano, solicitar de antemano.

Example: You can pre-order select movies, music, and books and have them delivered to you as soon as they're available.

» reorder [re-order] = volver a pedir. 

Example: In some library systems instructions are given to suppliers that if goods are not supplied within, say, 12 months, the order is automatically cancelled and if the library still wants it it has to be reordered.

» special order = encargar especialmente, pedir especialmente.

Example: Because the opening is very tiny indeed, we special ordered some small droppers which will include one free eyedropper with each set of three.

order8 = ordenar, mandar. 

Example: The fighter pilot said he was ordered to fire a full salvo of rockets at the UFO moving erratically over the North Sea.


» be just what the doctor ordered = venir como mano de santo, ser justo lo que se necesita, ser ideal, venir como anillo al dedo, venir de maravilla, venir de perilla, venir de perlas, venir a(l) pelo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: Sometimes a good cry is just what the doctor ordered.

» order + Nombre + about = dar órdenes, decir que + hacer + esto y aquello.

Example: She has developed a propensity to have her own way and order people about which quite cows me sometimes.

» order + Nombre + around = dar órdenes, decir que + hacer + esto y aquello.

Example: Who the fuck does she think she is ordering me around?.

Order synonyms

rate in spanish: tarifa, pronunciation: reɪt part of speech: noun place in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: pleɪs part of speech: noun range in spanish: distancia, pronunciation: reɪndʒ part of speech: noun club in spanish: club, pronunciation: klʌb part of speech: noun put in spanish: poner, pronunciation: pʊt part of speech: verb say in spanish: decir, pronunciation: seɪ part of speech: verb society in spanish: sociedad, pronunciation: səsaɪəti part of speech: noun tell in spanish: contar, pronunciation: tel part of speech: verb rank in spanish: rango, pronunciation: ræŋk part of speech: noun lodge in spanish: presentar, pronunciation: lɑdʒ part of speech: noun decree in spanish: decreto, pronunciation: dɪkri part of speech: noun fiat in spanish: fíat, pronunciation: faɪæt part of speech: noun grade in spanish: grado, pronunciation: greɪd part of speech: noun arrange in spanish: organizar, pronunciation: ɜreɪndʒ part of speech: verb dictate in spanish: dictar, pronunciation: dɪkteɪt part of speech: verb edict in spanish: edicto, pronunciation: idɪkt part of speech: noun enjoin in spanish: imponer, pronunciation: endʒɔɪn part of speech: verb prescribe in spanish: prescribir, pronunciation: prəskraɪb part of speech: verb consecrate in spanish: consagrar, pronunciation: kɑnsəkreɪt part of speech: verb regulate in spanish: regular, pronunciation: regjəleɪt part of speech: verb set up in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective ordain in spanish: ordenar, pronunciation: ɔrdeɪn part of speech: verb guild in spanish: gremio, pronunciation: gɪld part of speech: noun govern in spanish: gobernar, pronunciation: gʌvɜrn part of speech: verb gild in spanish: dorar, pronunciation: gɪld part of speech: noun, verb rescript in spanish: rescripto, pronunciation: riskrɪpt part of speech: noun regularize in spanish: regularizar, pronunciation: regjəlɜraɪz part of speech: verb ordering in spanish: ordenando, pronunciation: ɔrdɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun order of magnitude in spanish: orden de magnitud, pronunciation: ɔrdɜrʌvmægnətud part of speech: noun orderliness in spanish: orden, pronunciation: ɔrdɜrlinəs part of speech: noun parliamentary procedure in spanish: procedimiento parlamentario, pronunciation: pɑrləmentɜriprəsidʒɜr part of speech: noun purchase order in spanish: orden de compra, pronunciation: pɜrtʃəsɔrdɜr part of speech: noun rules of order in spanish: reglas de orden, pronunciation: rulzʌvɔrdɜr part of speech: noun parliamentary law in spanish: ley parlamentaria, pronunciation: pɑrləmentɜrilɔ part of speech: noun

Order antonyms

disorder pronunciation: dɪsɔrdɜr part of speech: noun disarray pronunciation: dɪsɜreɪ part of speech: noun deregulate pronunciation: dɪregjəleɪt part of speech: verb disorderliness pronunciation: dɪsɔrdɜrlinəs part of speech: noun
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