Orbit in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩bitɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

orbit1 = órbita. 

Example: Indeed, the demand for wide-band satellite channels is so great that, from 1984, satellites will be placed at 2-degree intervals of the equatorial orbit, instead of the previously used 4-degree separation.


» elliptical orbit = órbita elíptica.

Example: This animation shows elliptical orbits with different eccentricities.

» place into + orbit = poner en órbita.

Example: The first satellite to carry business communications was placed into orbit by the United States in 1980.

orbit2 = orbitar, girar alrededor de. 

Example: For some time past satellites have been orbiting the Earth and sending back images of it to ground stations.

ORBIT3 = ORBIT. [Distribuidor de bases de datos]

Example: The systems Development Corporation's (SDC) search service runs ORBIT from a computer in Santa Monica, California.

Orbit synonyms

range in spanish: distancia, pronunciation: reɪndʒ part of speech: noun field in spanish: campo, pronunciation: fild part of speech: noun area in spanish: zona, pronunciation: eriə part of speech: noun scope in spanish: alcance, pronunciation: skoʊp part of speech: noun domain in spanish: dominio, pronunciation: doʊmeɪn part of speech: noun reach in spanish: alcanzar, pronunciation: ritʃ part of speech: verb, noun compass in spanish: Brújula, pronunciation: kʌmpəs part of speech: noun ambit in spanish: ámbito, pronunciation: æmbət part of speech: noun sphere in spanish: esfera, pronunciation: sfɪr part of speech: noun arena in spanish: arena, pronunciation: ɜrinə part of speech: noun revolve in spanish: girar, pronunciation: rivɑlv part of speech: verb eye socket in spanish: cavidad del ojo, pronunciation: aɪsɑkət part of speech: noun orbital cavity in spanish: cavidad orbital, pronunciation: ɔrbətəlkævəti part of speech: noun
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