Oration in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

oration = discurso. [Discurso muy formal]

Example: The cataloger with principles would never have placed some of it under Oration and some of it under American Scholar.


» deliver + an oration = pronunciar un discurso.

Example: He was surprised that he couldn't find the earlier editions, which he expected certainly must be someplace because that book was based on an oration delivered by Emerson in the 1830s.

» salutatory oration = discurso de bienvenida. [Generalmente con carácter muy formal, como el pronunciado en la apertura de los cursos académicos en las universidades]

Example: This is illustrated through the analysis of Priscilla Mason's 1793 salutatory oration.
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