Orange in spanish


pronunciation: nɑɹ̩ɑnxɑ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

orange1 = naranja. [Nombre]

Example: It now seems a manifest absurdity to say that if this elephant were an orange, it would file in such-and-such a place.


» A Clockwork Orange = La Naranja Mecánica. [Película de ciencia ficción de 1971]

Example: Disturbing and thought-provoking, A Clockwork Orange is a cold, dystopian nightmare with a very dark sense of humor.

» bitter orange = naranja amarga.

Example: In the past few years bitter orange has been marketed for weight loss and found in various natural diet pills.

» blood orange = naranja de sangre, naranja sanguina.

Example: There is also an appetizing chapter on oranges, dividing them into blood oranges, navels, juice oranges and sour oranges.

» eating orange = naranja de comer.

Example: Navel oranges from California are probably the best eating oranges in the world.

» grated orange rind = ralladura de (cáscara de) naranja.

Example: Place orange juice, sugar and grated orange rind in a saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

» grated orange zest = ralladura de (cáscara de) naranja.

Example: Stuff the sea bass with garlic cloves and fennel fronds and marinate with olive oil and freshly grated orange zest.

» juice orange = naranja de jugo, naranja de zumo.

Example: There is also an appetizing chapter on oranges, dividing them into blood oranges, navels, juice oranges and sour oranges.

» like apples and oranges = mundos aparte, polos opuestos, como la noche y el día, como el día y la noche.

Example: Observation and theory are generally like apples and oranges -- they don't interact.

» mandarin orange = mandarina.

Example: Mandarin oranges are little segments of bright citrus flavor suitable for salads, vegetables, main dishes and, of course, desserts.

» navel orange = navelina.

Example: Navel oranges from California are probably the best eating oranges in the world.

» orange blossom = azahar, flor de azahar.

Example: Millions of these white flowers perfume the atmosphere throughout central and south Florida during orange blossom time.

» orange crush = naranjada.

Example: Orange crush was a resounding success, and they introduced lemon crush and lime crush in 1918 and 1920.

» orange grove = naranjal, huerta de naranjos, campo de naranjos.

Example: Large wells formerly used for irrigation of orange groves have been abandoned because land is used for housing projects.

» orange juice = zumo de naranja.

Example: In 'An orange is more than orange juice', Rainer Hubert supports the view that audiovisual media will increase in importance.

» orange marmalade = mermelada de naranja.

Example: The importance of pectin in food is its ability to form the gels that are the basis fruit preserves such as orange marmalade, peach jam, and quince jelly.

» orange orchard = huerta de naranjos, campo de naranjos.

Example: The most extensive orchards in the United States are apple and orange orchards.

» orange peel = cáscara de naranja, corteza de naranja.

Example: Products containing orange peel extract deliver relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach.

» orange rind = cáscara de naranja, corteza de naranja.

Example: My favourite way to garnish a drink with an orange rind.

» orange skin = piel de naranja.

Example: The depressions of the surface that give the appearance of orange skin are the exaggerated pits of the hair follicles.

» orange squash = naranjada.

Example: As time passed by, she realised that most South Africans preferred orange squash to the bitter tangy taste of lemon squash.

» orange tree = naranjo.

Example: Orange trees are fairly drought tolerant, but fruit quantity and size may suffer.

» rind of orange = cáscara de naranja, corteza de naranja.

Example: One of the best home made teeth whitener is the mixture of dry basil leaves and rind of orange.

» sour orange = naranja amarga.

Example: There is also an appetizing chapter on oranges, dividing them into blood oranges, navels, juice oranges and sour oranges.

» sweet orange = naranja dulce.

Example: Extracts of mango and sweet orange were investigated for their inhibitive effects.

orange2 = naranja. [Adjetivo]

Example: Their head is relatively small, with antenna orange in colour.


» Agent Orange = Agente Naranja.

Example: Vietnam welcomes any research project aimed at detoxicating, diagnosing and treating Agent Orange victims.

» bright orange = naranja intenso, naranja chillón, naranja fuerte.

Example: Most of these wet floor warning signs are colored in bright yellow or bright orange to make them highly visible.

» burnt orange = naranja oscuro.

Example: Burnt orange and white are the official colors and the primary palette we use to represent The University of Texas at Austin.

» orange alert = alerta naranja.

Example: An orange alert was issued across the country as forecasts predicted eye-watering lows of -41 Celsius in some parts.

» orange-brown = naranja marrón.

Example: For people unaware of colours, auburn is a reddish-brown colour (usually in reference to hair) whereas tawny is more of an orange-brown or yellow-brown colour.

» orange-pink = rosa anaranjado.

Example: The males have orange-pink dorsal and anal fins and a series of dots covering the body.

» orange-yellow = amarillo naranja, amarillo anaranjado.

Example: Carotene, or carotin, is an orange-yellow to red pigment found in many plants such as carrots and pumpkins.

» pink-orange = rosa anaranjado.

Example: A pink-orange glow in these bulbs is achieved with a mixture of neon, argon, and krypton but mostly neon.

» rusty orange = naranja óxido.

Example: The valley turns a dramatic rusty orange colour over the autumn as the bracken starts to die back.

Orange synonyms

colored in spanish: de colores, pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective chromatic in spanish: cromático, pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective orangish in spanish: naranja, pronunciation: ɔrəndʒɪʃ part of speech: adjective orangeness in spanish: orangeness, pronunciation: ɔreɪndʒnəs part of speech: noun orange tree in spanish: Naranjo, pronunciation: ɔrəndʒtri part of speech: noun
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