Oral in spanish


pronunciation: oʊɹ̩ɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

oral = oral. 

Example: According to Freud, the oral stage set the framework for the adult's capacity to cooperate and share.


» oral bacteria = bacteria oral, bacteria bucal.

Example: Oral bacteria produce acid that causes tooth decay via de-mineralisation.

» oral cancer = cáncer de boca, cáncer oral.

Example: Scientist urges human papillomavirus jabs for boys to stem oral cancer rise.

» oral cavity = cavidad oral.

Example: Post mortem examination revealed accumulation of thick mucus in the oral cavity and trachea.

» oral communication = comunicación oral.

Example: Oral communication skills have, in fact, been found to be the second most important job skill.

» oral contraceptive = anticonceptivo oral.

Example: Factors that contribute to vaginal yeast infection include pregnancy, diabetes, and the use of oral contraceptives, steroids, and antibiotics.

» oral evidence = evidencia oral.

Example: The associations have submitted both oral and written evidence to the European Communities on the transfrontier shipment of hazardous wastes.

» oral health = salud bucal, salud de la boca.

Example: The author examines the relationship between tea consumption and oral health, bone health, thermogenesis, cognitive function, and kidney stones.

» oral hearing = vista oral.

Example: The Pensions Act provides that the Pensions Ombudsman has power to hold oral hearings before ruling on a matter under investigation.

» oral herpes = herpes oral, herpes labial, herpes bucal, herpes de la boca.

Example: Do not share utensils, straws, glasses, or other items if someone has oral herpes.

» oral history = historia oral, relato oral, historia hablada.

Example: Oral history is the recording of people's memories and a vital tool for our understanding of the recent past.

» oral hygiene = higiene oral, higiene bucal.

Example: The purpose of oral hygiene is to prevent the build-up of plaque, the sticky film of bacteria and food that forms on the teeth.

» oral interview = entrevista.

Example: Promotions are arrived at by seniority, written examinations, and oral interviews.

» oral narrative = relato oral.

Example: And they succeed with oral narrative more easily and satisfyingly than with written stories.

» oral presentation = presentación oral.

Example: It is being used for library tours, oral presentations, data bases of organisations, as a front-end to on-line services, interactive videodiscs, and optical scanners.

» oral sex = sexo oral, felación.

Example: Women often complain about men's ability to perform cunnilingus or, as it's more commonly called, oral sex.

» oral source = fuente oral.

Example: Collected in 1907 from an oral source, this story depends for its charm and attraction on the colloquial flavour, its dialect.

» oral surgery = cirugía oral, cirugía maxilofacial.

Example: Oral surgery is slightly more invasive than your typical cavity filling or root canal since it usually requires some sort of anesthesia.

» oral tradition = tradición oral.

Example: Discovering these tales, looking out printed versions and comparing them with the oral tradition would have introduced us step by step into the rich lode of folklore.

Oral synonyms

spoken in spanish: hablado, pronunciation: spoʊkən part of speech: adjective buccal in spanish: bucal, pronunciation: bjukəl part of speech: adjective viva voce in spanish: a viva voz, pronunciation: vivəvoʊs part of speech: noun, adverb unwritten in spanish: no escrito, pronunciation: ənrɪtən part of speech: adjective oral exam in spanish: examen oral, pronunciation: ɔrəlɪgzæm part of speech: noun oral examination in spanish: Examen oral, pronunciation: ɔrəlɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun

Oral antonyms

anal pronunciation: eɪnəl part of speech: adjective aboral pronunciation: æbɜrəl part of speech: adjective
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