Or in spanish


pronunciation: part of speech: noun
In gestures

or1 = o. 

Example: The Boolean logic operator OR retrieves all records containing two OR more terms.


» all or nothing = todo o nada.

Example: For me, this was all or nothing -- I left no room for anything else.

» arguments for (and/or) against = argumentos a favor o en contra.

Example: They can bring into relief differing conditions in member countries and they often lend weight to arguments for or against various policy options.

» as to whether ... or ... = con respecto a si ... o ....

Example: The article 'The grad versus the undergrad debate: a most ingenious paradox' suggests that opinion is divided as to whether to focus bibliographic instruction on the undergraduate or the graduate student.

» at any hour of the day or night = a cualquier hora del día o de la noche.

Example: The contributions are by some of Harvard's 135 current scholars, who have access to the library's 3.5 million volumes at any hour of the day or night, should they so wish.

» at any time of the day or night = a cualquier hora del día o de la noche.

Example: This bibliographic retrieval system permits users without previous training to search the medical literature themselves at any time of the day or night.

» at little or no extra cost = por nada or casi nada, por poco o nada.

Example: The intent of universal design is to simplify life for everyone by making products more usable by as many people as possible, at little or no extra cost.

» at some point or another = en algún momento, tarde o temprano, más tarde o más temprano.

Example: Almost everyone has played the air-guitar at some point or another.

» be for or against = estar a favor o en contra.

Example: However, whether you are for or against, and even if no cash actually changes hands, the whole process of assessing how much your information costs you to provide, who uses it and how, will give you a useful view of supply and demand.

» be it .... or ... = ya sea ... o ....

Example: It is our aim to honor philanthropy in all of its aspects -- be it the giving of time, talent, or money to assist others.

» believe it or not = lo creas o no, aunque no lo creas, aunque parezca mentira.

Example: Believe it or not, you can be celibate without being chaste, and chaste without being celibate.

» be of little or no avail = servir de poco o nada.

Example: The export of arms by other nations not involved in the conflict would be of little or no avail in putting an end to that conflict.

» be of little or no importance = tener poca o ninguna importancia, ser de poca o ninguna importancia.

Example: Those which are of great importance in some lines of business can, at times, be of little or no importance in others.

» be of little or no use = servir de poco o nada.

Example: Understand that most portable extinguishers discharge completely in as few as eight seconds, so they would be of little or no use in controlling a larger fire.

» be of little or no value = servir de poco o nada.

Example: The following remedies have been at various times suggested and have been found to be of little or no value.

» by hook or by crook = por las buenas o por las malas.

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'by hook or by crook: planning a year's syllabus for professionally-qualified students'.

» can't make head(s) (n)or tail(s) of = no tener ni pies ni cabeza, no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza, no entender ni una papa de.

Example: I can't make heads or tails of all this monkey business.

» choose between + one thing or another = escoger entre una cosa u otra.

Example: He found himself in a tight knot where he had to choose between one thing or the other.

» come hell or high water = contra viento y marea; pase lo que pase; sea como sea; llueva o truene; llueva, truene o relampaguee; suceda lo que suceda: ocurra lo que ocurra.

Example: Come hell or high water, I'm going to stick to my guns and make this happen.

» come rain or shine = llueva o truene, pase lo que pase, suceda lo que suceda, ocurra lo que ocurra.

Example: Come rain or shine, mail gets delivered to hospitalized patients, thanks to dependable volunteers.

» day or night = del día o de la noche, las veinticuatro horas, por el día o por la noche.

Example: Internet offers significant opportunities for teaching interactive research strategies at anytime, day or night.

» either ... or ... = (bien) ... o ....

Example: Indicative-informative abstracts are more common than either the purely indicative or the purely informative abstract.

» everything or nothing = todo o nada.

Example: This relationship, this going on with God, was everything or nothing for it was sealed in a blood covenant.

» fair or not = sea justo o injusto, sea justo o no, justo o injusto, justo o no.

Example: And the South takes the cake for being the most car-dependent region -- fair or not, you just gotta have one to survive.

» fee or free = de pago o gratis. [En el servicio bibliotecario, disyuntiva que se le presenta a la biblioteca sobre cobrar por algunos de los servicios que presta o no]

Example: This article examines the facets of the fee-or-free controversy and presents a compelling case that the issue is far from resolved.

» for good or (for) evil = para bien o para mal.

Example: The article is entitled 'Online communication: for good or evil?'.

» for good or (for) ill = para bien o para mal.

Example: These institutions have become so intertwined that the fortunes of one are inextricably linked to the fortunes of the other -- for good or for ill.

» for one reason or another = por una u otra razón, por una razón u otra, por varios motivos, por varias razones, por diferentes razones, por diferentes motivos.

Example: There are loads of really talented but unqualified people who never get a chance to shine for one reason or another and there are loads of crapsters and bullshitters who land a cushy deal.

» for some reason or another = por una u otra razón, por una razón u otra, por varios motivos, por varias razones, por diferentes motivos.

Example: My cat woke me up at about 7 a.m. this morning -- she was trying her hardest to wake me up for some reason or another.

» friend or foe = amigo o enemigo.

Example: A mind reading helmet could allow military bosses to tell if new captured enemies are friend or foe.

» in a day or two = en uno o dos días.

Example: All cats get the runs from time to time but it usually runs its course quickly, and your cat is back to his usual self in a day or two.

» in an instant or two = en uno o dos segundos, en un par de segundos.

Example: Now rapid selection can slide just the proper card into position in an instant or two, and return it afterward.

» in one form or another = de una forma u otra.

Example: In one form or another, cashiers have been around for thousands of years.

» in one way or another = de alguna forma, de una forma u otra.

Example: The majority of the articles reviewed deal with interloans (ILL) and public libraries in one way or another.

» in some form or other = de una forma u otra, de una manera u otra, de un modo u otro.

Example: Consumer advice has been a rather late arrival on the scene in Britain considering that everyone is a consumer of goods and services in some form or other.

» in some way or another = de alguna forma, de una forma u otra.

Example: Cosplay has existed as a hobby for decades now -- with most people having 'cosplayed' in some way or another for costumed events or parties.

» know + a thing or two about = saber un par de cosas sobre, conocer un par de cosas sobre, saber cuatro cosas sobre, conocer cuatro cosas sobre, entender mucho de, saberlo todo sobre, conocerlo todo sobre.

Example: But give credit where credit is due, Berger knows a thing or two about farming.

» like it or not = nos guste o no, queramos o no.

Example: Like it or not, that's how it is.

» like them or not = nos gusten o no, queramos o no.

Example: Like them or not, plaits are still in.

» love it/them/'em or hate it/them/'em = te guste(n) o no.

Example: Love 'em or hate 'em, you're stuck with your roomie until the end of the semester, until the end of the year, or until another dorm opens up.

» love it/them/'em or loathe it/them/'em = te guste(n) o no.

Example: Love it or loathe it, clay court tennis is the modern surface in Europe.

» more or less = más o menos, aproximadamente.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS stores library files that contain more or less the same information found in manual files in libraries everywhere.

» no matter whether ... or = no importa si ... o.

Example: No matter whether your five o'clock shadow shows by lunchtime or you need a razor only once every 48 hours, shaving can be hell.

» not for love (n)or money = ni por todo el dinero del mundo, ni por todo el oro del mundo, ni a tiros, por nada en el mundo.

Example: We never give our mailing list nor any customer information to anyone, not for love or money.

» now or never = ahora o nunca.

Example: Live for the moment -- it's now or never so let's stand together.

» of one kind or another = de un tipo u otro, de diverso tipo, de diversos tipos, de diversa índole.

Example: Reprographic equipment of one kind or another is to be found in practically every library.

» of one sort or another = de un tipo u otro, de diverso tipo, de diversos tipos, de diversa índole.

Example: In these circumstances the book is primarily a medium for the conveyance of information of one sort or another = En estas circunstancias el libro es principalmente un medio para la transmisión de información de diverso tipo.

» one or another = uno u otro.

Example: For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.

» one or other = alguno.

Example: The array of data bases available through one or other of the online hosts is rapidly expanding.

» one way or another = de alguna forma, de una forma u otra.

Example: One way or another we will need codes.

» ono [or nearest offer] = abierto a ofertas. [Abreviatura utilizada principalmente en el inglés británico en anuncios de venta para indicar que el vendedor aceptará la oferta que más se acerque al precio que ha fijado ]

Example: If price is followed by 'ono' this stands for 'OR NEAREST OFFER' which indicates that the seller is open to offers at around this price.

» on or before + Expresión Temporal = hasta + Expresión Temporal + inclusive.

Example: Cancellation requests for refunds must be made in writing and received on or before Wednesday, 25 July.

» or anything like that = o algo parecido, o algo parecido, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo.

Example: Usually, when I have trouble sleeping it's not because I feel wrong or anything like that, it just happens.

» or else = o si no.

Example: Books are either commissioned by publishers, or else authors (or their agents) offer scripts and ideas to publishing firms.

» or otherwise = o no.

Example: By setting I mean the physical surroundings in which the activity takes place and their appropriateness, or otherwise, to that activity.

» or otherwise = o de algún otro modo.

Example: But everyone must also realize that a fair is unlikely to be successful, commercially or otherwise, unless a broad selection of books is displayed.

» or rather = o mejor dicho.

Example: These are analogous, or rather synonymous, terms with intermingled aims and objectives and as such they need some elucidation.

» or so = más o menos, aproximadamente.

Example: For example, in a normal indexing service all the documents listed in the issue for a specific month will have been published in the last year or so.

» or so it seems = o eso parece.

Example: The challenge of the Christian life, or so it seems to me, is to walk a kind of tightrope strung between this world and the next.

» or something like that = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo, por ahí van los tiros, por ahí van las cosas.

Example: Anyone found guilty of having an annoying ring tone should be sentenced to several years of hard labour, breaking rocks in a quarry or something like that.

» or something of that nature = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo, por ahí van los tiros, por ahí van las cosas.

Example: If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.

» or something of that sort = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo, por ahí van los tiros, por ahí van las cosas.

Example: Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.

» or something to that effect = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, por ahí van los tiros, por ahí van las cosas.

Example: Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history...or something to that effect.

» or so they say = o, por lo menos, eso dicen; o, por lo menos, eso se dice.

Example: Love will always outshine hate or so they say.

» or thereabouts = aproximadamente.

Example: The other plan would be to close the catalog and begin a new one in 1980 or thereabouts.

» OR together = hacer una búsqueda mediante el operador O.

Example: If you do this, the system Ors together the results of queries 1, 2, and 3.

» or whatever = o qué sé yo.

Example: He was swept across the intersection by a miscellaneous crowd of anxious, energetic persons in search of business or raiment or nourishment or whatever.

» or whatever + Posesivo + heart + desire = o lo que + Pronombre + venir + en gana, o lo que + querer, o lo que + apetecer, o lo que + desear.

Example: Come to school with your wildest, bushiest and fanciest moustache possible -- you can make it out of paper, felt, fur or whatever your heart desires.

» or what have you = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo.

Example: Then drink the liquid: hot or cold, salty or sweetened, with milk or whiskey or what have you.

» or whatnot = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo.

Example: The immediate representatives of the public are the trustees; the secondary representatives are members of the appropriating body -- the city council, the state legislature or what not.

» or words to that effect = o algo parecido, o algo similar.

Example: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing (or words to that effect).

» pay now or pay later = lo barato sale caro.

Example: With a 'pay-now-or-pay-later' mentality, managers can spend pennies on the dollar for preventive maintenance, or spend up to eight dollars or more to do system replacement later.

» rain or shine = llueve o truene, pase lo que pase, suceda lo que suceda, ocurra lo que ocurra.

Example: The daily star watch will begin with a planetarium show (held rain or shine) to be followed (weather permitting) by viewing with a telescope.

» something or other = lo que sea, algo. [Expresión utilizada para indicar que nos estamos refiriendo a cualquier cosa o a algo concreto de lo que no nos acordamos muy bien]

Example: The article is entitled 'Participatory something or other through bargaining'.

» sooner or later = tarde o temprano, más tarde o más temprano.

Example: Indications are though, that sooner or later the selling of information as a commodity will begin.

» take it or leave it = lo tomas o lo dejas, tómalo o déjalo.

Example: These relationships are all managed separately, according to the rules set down by the company -- take it or leave it.

» take + Nombre + down a peg or two = bajar a Alguien del pedestal, bajarle los humos a Alguien, poner a Alguien en su sitio, poner a Alguien en su lugar, pararle los pies a Alguien.

Example: So what we've got to do is take her down a peg or two by not pandering to her every wish to make her feel welcome -- treat her like one of us.

» tell + Nombre + a thing or two = decirle a Alguien un par de cosas, decirle a Alguien cuatro cosas.

Example: Evelin should have told her a thing or two about manners.

» ten or so = diez y tantos, diecitantos.

Example: His article also lists the top ten or so search engines and offers important information about them.

» the making or undoing of = la salvación o perdición de.

Example: Education, child-bearing and food are intricately linked and could prove to be the making or undoing of Africa's development.

» thirty or so = treinta y tantos, treintitantos, treintaitantos.

Example: During the past thirty or so years, the popularity of weight training has increased enormously.

» trick or treat = trato o truco. [Costumbre importada de Norteamerica según la cual los niños van de casa en casa pidiendo algún tipo de regalo bajo la amenaza de hacer cualquier tipo de jugarreta]

Example: This custom was brought to North America & transformed by the colonists into 'trick or treat,' which is now becoming popular in England, causing controversy among adults who find it distasteful & immoral.

» (what) with one thing and/or another = entre una cosa y otra.

Example: I don't know whether it's a sign of incipient old age or because I've been so busy what with one thing and another.

» whether ... or ... = ya sea ... o ....

Example: Thus, the language is derived from the documents input to the system, whether they are abstracts, full text, citations or lists of controlled or uncontrolled index terms.

» whether or not to + Infinitivo = si + Infinitivo + o no.

Example: Since these words are new they will not appear in the go-list and the computer will not know whether or not to treat them as indexing terms.

» whether + Pronombre + like it or not = Pronombre + gustar + o no, sí o sí.

Example: Windows haters may snide at Windows 8, but the platform is gaining traction whether they like it or not.

» without rhyme or reason = sin orden ni concierto, sin lógica ni explicación, sin pies ni cabeza, sin ton ni son, a tontas y locas, al tuntún.

Example: Many disliked the movement, which was abstract and appeared to be without rhyme or reason.

or2 [Lista de palabras que acaban con este sufijo y que generalmente describe a la persona o cosa que lleva a cabo la acción que indica la raíz de la palabra]


» abductor = abductor. 

Example: Many people experience imbalance between the inner thighs and abductors, the hip and gluteus muscles.

» abductor = raptor, secuestrador. 

Example: He said police had caught four of the abductors and three were still at large.

» abettor [abetter] = instigador, promotor, cómplice. 

Example: Thereafter, it became clear to the city police that the hotel owners acted hand-in-glove with the abettors of prostitution.

» accelerator = acelerador. [Usado generalmente en electrónica. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Considerable amount of work in this emerging area is now being done in our country by using accelerators of different types in different laboratories.

» accumulator = acumulador. 

Example: Thermal solar panels utilize energy captured by a solar collector to produce thermal power that is subsequently transferred towards an accumulator for subsequent use.

» adjudicator = adjudicador, mediador, juez árbitro. 

Example: The most cost-effective way to select an adjudicator is for the parties to agree.

» administrator = administrador. [Persona máxima responsable de la administración burocrática de una organización. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Others engaged in organizing and exploiting information, such as managers, computer scientists and administrators, should also find something of interest = Persona máxima responsable de la administración burocrática de una organización. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» administrator = directivo, ejecutivo. 

Example: With continued acquiescence to budget-cutting administrators, tomorrow's libraries may be viewed as mere custodians and perhaps even superfluous to their institutions.

» advisor [adviser, -UK] = consultor, consejero, asesor. 

Example: Recent action by government advisers has resulted in 'subject weightings' being applied to all courses in public sector higher education = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» aggregator = agregador, intermediario, distribuidor. [En la industria de la edición, compañía a través de la cual el usuario puede hacer búsquedas en las revistas publicadas por diferentes editoriales a través de un interfaz o sistema de búsqueda único. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Many publishers have decided to offer their electronic journals through an aggregator, an intermediate service, which aggregates the titles from many different publishers under one interface or search system.

» agitator = agitador. 

Example: It was similar to Dickinson's machine, but it had an agitator in the vat to prevent the fibres from being lined up parallel to each other by the action of the cylinder.

» ambassador = embajador. 

Example: We librarians are the ambassadors of an indivisible world, of culture and books and ideas = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» ancestor = antepasado, antecesor, ascendiente, ancestro, predecesor, progenitor. 

Example: The corruptions were often established by the ancestors of LC's hypothetical reader = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» animator = animador. 

Example: This paper suggests films for public libraries, listing director/animator, title, time, distributor, length of film, and date.

» annotator = anotador, glosador, exégeta. 

Example: Four annotators, all with graduate training in linguistics, participated in the experiment.

» applicator = aplicador. 

Example: Because of its shoehorn shape, the applicator allows the tube to be inserted into the esophagus safely and precisely.

» arbitrator = juez árbitro, mediador. 

Example: The Federal Government occasionally entered these conflicts to serve as arbitrator or mediator.

» assessor = evaluador, tasador, asesor, perito. 

Example: This article examines the role of the external assessor in the process of reviewing academic libraries.

» auditor = auditor, interventor. 

Example: The records are often checked by auditors so complete accuracy is essential.

» author = producir, realizar. [Como autor. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Como autor. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» bachelor = soltero, hombre soltero. 

Example: By the way, he's a bachelor and has been at Royalty for five years and is well-known and respected.

» benefactor = benefactor. 

Example: To explain the evolution of our catalog, I should like to begin by telling you about an experience of Sir Thomas Bodley, the benefactor of the Oxford University library which was named after him - the Bodleian = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» bettor = jugador de apuestas. 

Example: Some smart bookmakers use their successful bettors and adjust their odds depending on these customers' bets.

» bioindicator = bioindicador. 

Example: Monitoring these compounds in the open seas, using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator, is needed to further understand the future trend of contamination.

» calculator = calculadora. 

Example: Other office equipment to be found in libraries may include: Adding machines or calculators to cope with statistics related to petty cash, issues, membership, etc = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación.

» collector = coleccionista, recaudador, recolector. 

Example: Another such collector was Sir Walter Scott himself, who even as a boy had a collection of chapbooks.

» combustor = quemador, cámara de combustión, combustor. 

Example: A simple gas turbine is comprised of three main sections a compressor, a combustor, and a turbine.

» communicator = comunicador, orador. [Persona que se comunica bien con los demás y que por ello se encarga de difundir información. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: More and more communicators are turning to graphics as a universal language = Cada vez más comunicadores están recurriendo al uso de los gráficos como lenguaje universal.

» competitor = competidor, oponente. 

Example: SLIS are rarely credited by their professional peers with the same degree of insight and analytical penetration as their potential competitors.

» conductor = conductor. [En electrónica y física, transmisor de corriente y calor. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: They have properties which make them neither good conductors nor good insulators = Tienen propiedades que ni los hacen buenos conductores ni buenos aislantes.

» conductor = director de orquesta. 

Example: A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work for a particular instrument with cues for the other instruments.

» conjurer [conjuror] = prestidigitador, mago, ilusionista. 

Example: It is known that the word 'hocus pocus' appeared in the seventeenth century as a mock-Latin formula or incantation used by conjurers.

» conservator = conservador. [Especialista formado en la reparación, estabilización y restauración de materiales como pinturas, libros, obras en papel, etc. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The benefits of an on-site conservation laboratory and conservator are underlined.

» consignor [consigner] = consignador, remitente. 

Example: Hauliers, consignees and consignors will be informed as to which of their vehicles' information has not been entered into the database -- uncoded vehicles.

» contributor = colaborador, contribuidor, contribuyente. 

Example: Contributors may be informed of standards to which they are expected to adhere either by word of mouth or through the agency of formal written instructions.

» convenor [convener] = moderador, coordinador, persona que convoca una reunión. 

Example: The author of this article is the convener of the Canadian Library Association Copyright Committee.

» converter [convertor] = conversor, convertidor, transformador. 

Example: The input devices can take the form of a keyboard, or a digitizer for graphics or speech, or some other data converter.

» creator = creador, autor, artífice. 

Example: An important feature of the scheme in its creator's eyes was the relative index.

» defector = desertor, disidente. 

Example: Finally, the issue of the number of defectors versus the speed at which they defect is discussed.

» demonstrator = demostrador. 

Example: Demonstrators must be familiar with the product to be able to relate detailed information to customers and to answer any questions that arise before, during, or after a demonstration.

» demonstrator = manifestante. 

Example: Armed troops were on stand-by in Thailand today to protect a summit of Asian leaders from demonstrators who are fighting to bring down the country's Government.

» depositor = impositor. [Generalmente, persona que hace un depósito en una cuenta bancaria. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: To be sure, big banks also are reaching out for new depositors and are advertising new rates on certificates of deposit.

» depositor = depositante. 

Example: Depositors must register to upload document files and metadata to the repository via the web-interface.

» depressor = depresor. 

Example: Facial muscles fall into 2 categories, elevators and depressors, which work synergistically to enable facial movements and create expression.

» detector = detector. 

Example: Another, well-publicized, application of computers in health care is computer tomography -- the visualization of internal structures in the human body from data provided by an array of x-ray detectors.

» discriminator = discriminador. 

Example: It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.

» reactor = comentarista. 

Example: Submissions must include title, sponsor(s), and names and affiliations of all participants (moderator, speakers, reactors, etc.).

» educator = educador, pedagogo, profesor, docente. 

Example: I believe very, very firmly that librarians are educators.

» elevator = elevador. 

Example: Facial muscles fall into 2 categories, elevators and depressors, which work synergistically to enable facial movements and create expression.

» escalator = escalera mecánica, escalera rodante, escalera deslizante. 

Example: You probably ride escalators all the time, but do you know how they move, and flatten, and keep the handrail in synch with the steps?.

» evaluator = evaluador. 

Example: Usefulness depends on the values and motives of the index users or evaluators, and is not inherent in the index alone.

» evaporator = evaporador. 

Example: During the compression cycle, the refrigerant passes through four major components within the chiller: the evaporator, the compressor, the condenser, and then expansion valve.

» excavator = excavadora, pala excavadora, excavadora mecánica, máquina excavadora, excavador. 

Example: This is the kind of excavator that is particularly suited to the work in a confined place.

» exhibitor = participante en la exposición comercial, expositor, exhibidor. 

Example: 71 exhibitors and visitors were interviewed and results showed an alarming ignorance of the library's potential.

» exterminator = exterminador, fumigador. 

Example: Legal aid needs of off-campus students are greater due to possible disagreements concerning tenancy, security deposits, utility bills, exterminators, and increased risk of traffic tickets and accidents.

» extractor = extractor. 

Example: Another effective and easy method is to remove blackheads with the help of an extractor.

» fabricator = embustero, mentiroso, farsante. 

Example: It is important to remember that the story of the American West has been told as much by fabulists and fabricators as by historians.

» facilitator = moderador. 

Example: The facilitator begins with broad, general questions and leads the group to focus more and more tightly on specifics as the meeting progresses.

» franchisor [franchiser] = concesionario, franquicia, persona que concede una franquicia. 

Example: The principle incorporates the basic advantage of franchising; where the franchisee buys access to the franchiser's products, product expertise, training, support and corporate branding.

» generator = generador. 

Example: Alternatively, the librarian may wish to purchase one of the wide range of products that other processors or generators may be stripping from the tape.

» governor = gobernador. 

Example: Louis de Poincy was the governor of the French island Saint Christopher (modern-day Saint Kitts) from 1639 to 1660.

» governor = regulador. 

Example: Digital libraries can hold and provide access to many items for which copyright status is the sole governor of use.

» grantor = cesionista, cedente, donante. 

Example: A quitclaim deed is a type of deed by which a person (the 'grantor') grants real property (i.e., land) to another (the 'grantee').

» illustrator = ilustrador. 

Example: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation, that is, the writer of a text, the illustrator in respect for illustrations and others responsible for the intellectual content of a work.

» impersonator = imitador, suplantador. 

Example: In 1849, Nicolas Marie Alexandre Vattemare, a French ventriloquist, impersonator and philanthropist came to North Carolina to gain support for his system of literary and scientific exchanges.

» imposter [impostor] = impostor. 

Example: Worldly people and even monks without spiritual discernment are nearly always attracted by humbugs, imposters, hypocrites and those who are in demonic delusion.

» infiltrator = infiltrado, agente furtivo, espía. 

Example: We librarians are already infiltrators into the stale round of our readers' domestic daily life.

» injector = inyector. 

Example: This paper examines the social network characteristics of two different groups of heroin users -- sniffers and injectors.

» innovator = innovador, persona innovadora. 

Example: No further developments in binding technology took place until the 1850s, whereafter most of the innovators were American, not English.

» inspector = inspector. 

Example: The Consumer Protection Department's inspectors were already working to capacity and did not want actively to encourage more casework = Los inspectores del Departamento de Protección al Consumidor ya estaban saturados de trabajo y no querían propiciar nuevos casos.

» instigator = instigador, incitador. 

Example: Technological change has long been the instigator of significant shifts in curriculum emphasis.

» insulator = aislante. 

Example: They have properties which make them neither good conductors nor good insulators = Tienen propiedades que ni los hacen buenos conductores ni buenos aislantes.

» integrator = integrador, herramienta de integración, mecanismo de integración. 

Example: Information technology can be an important enabler and integrator in this process = La tecnología de la información puede ser una herramienta de apoyo y de integración importante en este proceso.

» interrogator = interrogador, curioso por conocer, curioso por saber. 

Example: We want to help the learner become an active interrogator = Queremos ayudar al alumno a ser un interrogador activo.

» investigator = investigador. 

Example: One can now picture a future investigator in his laboratory, his hands are free, he is not anchored.

» investor = inversor, inversionista. 

Example: Foreign investors are attracted by the numerous business opportunities that now exist in these countries.

» invigilator = supervisor de exámenes. 

Example: All invigilators must arrive at the examination room no later than 30 minutes before the published start time.

» lubricator = lubricador, engrasador. 

Example: Automatic lubricators play a key role because without them it is difficult to implement an easy and cost-effective maintenance plan.

» manipulator = manipulador. 

Example: Sinclair identified specific industrialists and capitalists as behind-the-scene manipulators of higher education.

» migrator = ave migratoria, animal migratorio. 

Example: Pollutants absorbed by migrators and resident birds are also being studied to determine the extent of global and local pollution.

» migrator = emigrante. 

Example: The North was settled by migrators from present-day Alaskan who had crossed a marshy peninsula to explore the continent of Lemuria.

» multiplexer [multiplexor] = multiplexor. [Abreviado a mux. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: A multiplexer, abbreviated mux, is a device that has multiple inputs and one output.

» narrator = narrador. 

Example: Users of the Web database will be able to search through this collection of American slave narratives by first and last name of narrator, county and state of servitude, year of birth, and name of master = Los usuarios de la base de datos web podrán hacer búsquedas en esta colección de relatos de esclavos americanos por nombre y apellido del narrador, país y condición de servidumbre, año de nacimiento y nombre del amo.

» navigator = navegador. [Usado en el contexto de las telecomunicaciones. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The article has the title 'From smart guesser to smart navigator: changes in collection development for research libraries in a network environment'.

» navigator = navegante. [Usado en el contexto de la navegación por mar. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The Admiralty selected Cook because of his proven skills as a navigator, and for his interest in astronomy.

» navigator = copiloto. [Usado en el contexto de la conducción. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: In this brilliantly imagined novel, Amelia Earhart tells us what happened after she and her navigator disappeared off the coast of New Guinea .

» nominator = nominador. 

Example: Nominators must be paid-up members in good standing for the year of the election.

» objector = objetor, contrario, oponente. 

Example: Objectors to a major wind farm plan say developers have exaggerated its green benefits.

» oppressor = opresor. 

Example: This book is a powerful eyewitness account of the Holocaust & how it affected both victims & oppressors.

» perpetrator = autor de un delito, instigador. 

Example: This article looks at the case histories of 10 computer frauds together with a study of the profiles of the perpetrators.

» persecutor = perseguidor. 

Example: It describes the typical drama triangle which includes the victim, persecutor and rescuer and how those roles can change.

» pollinator = polinizador. 

Example: These have also been responsible for depauperating both numbers and species of pollinators within agricultural environments.

» prescriptor = prescriptor. 

Example: This site is designed to help you identify medicinal plants of the northeast, it is not intended to be a prescriptor.

» prevaricator = prevaricador. 

Example: Why are poets such bluffers and prevaricators, such dotards in the face of the bald truth?.

» projector = proyector. [Dispositivo eléctrico que proyecta diapositivas sobre una pantalla haciendo pasar un potente foco de luz por la diapositiva. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: A slide is a piece of transparent material on which there is a two-dimensional image, usually held in a mount, and designed for use in a projector or viewer.

» pronator = pronador. 

Example: The group contained a variety of pronators and supinators, and all wore identical pairs of 'neutral' running shoe.

» prosecutor = fiscal, abogado. 

Example: This article discusses one case that illustrates how even well trained federal prosecutors can grow confused about how to apply the intellectual property law.

» prospector = prospector, buscador. 

Example: In 1897 he quit a wretchedly underpaid job and set out to make his fortune as a prospector in the gemstone fields of Alice Springs.

» purveyor = proveedor, abastecedor. 

Example: What advantages or disadvantages do libraries offer as purveyors of community.

» reactor = reactor. 

Example: Britain had had several such reactors producing quantities of electricity for several years.

» reflector = reflector. 

Example: The light direction can be controlled by swivelling the reflector.

» regulator = regulador. 

Example: The typical medicinal oxygen tank contains pure oxygen and has a green regulator with a brushed steel body.

» resistor = resistencia, reostato. [En español, reostato también se escribe on acento reóstato. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The first transistors were individual devices with wires joining them to other electronic components such as resistors, capacitors and other transistors.

» reviser [revisor] = revisor. 

Example: Revisers in a catalog department may have end responsibility, while the catalogers whose work is revised have no end responsibility.

» sailor = navegante, marinero. 

Example: These plays used the experience of white American sailors enslaved in Algiers by Barbary pirates as a mask behind which their abolitionist authors could criticize moral abuses in the political establishment of America.

» sculptor = escultor. 

Example: This specialised clientele is eclectic and ranges from novices to the most accomplished artists and includes painters, sculptors and graphic artists.

» speculator = especulador. 

Example: His position was pivotal because he was not only the organizer but also the financier and indeed the speculator of the book trade.

» stressor = factor estresante, agente estresante. 

Example: Both role stressors were found to correlate positively with burnout.

» suitor = pretendiente, posible comprador. 

Example: The writer contends that Molly's soliloquy represents a textual performance of Penelope's backstage activity of weaving in order to unweave so as to outwit her suitors.

» supinator = supinador. 

Example: The group contained a variety of pronators and supinators, and all wore identical pairs of 'neutral' running shoe.

» suppressor = supresor. 

Example: This new approach is being used to identify genetic suppressors of thrombosis.

» surveyor = topógrafo, agrimensor, perito, inspector, tasador, encuestador. 

Example: Hospital librarians should assist in the development of library inspection guidelines for surveyors.

» survivor = superviviente. 

Example: The core of the collection is over 1600 taped interviews w
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