Option in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

option1 = opción, parámetro. 

Example: AACR2 also incorporates rather more options in terms of alternative rules than AACR1.


» back-up option = opción alternativa, alternativa.

Example: A back-up option is to train Bailey to poop in a litter tray that has absorbable paper in the bottom of it = Otra alternativa es adiestrar a Bailey a hacerse caca en un cajón de arena con papel absorbente en el fondo.

» be an option = ser factible, ser posible, ser una opción.

Example: Sarah told Bristol that abortion was an option for her, and didn't rule that out.

» buy-back option = opción de recompra.

Example: Need a short-term loan? Our buy-back option gives you the opportunity to sell items for cash and buy the items back at a later date.

» buying option = opción de compra.

Example: This buyers guide provides information on needs assessment, buying options, and decision making tips when acquiring a new school athletic track.

» career option = oportunidad de trabajo, oferta de empleo, salida profesional.

Example: A similar linear relationship between age and entrapment indicated that as librarians mature, they become bound to their line of work because of accumulated investments and decreased career options = Una relación directa similar entre la edad y la sensación de sentirse atrapado indicaba que a medida que los bibliotecarios envejecen se sienten ligados a su línea de trabajo debido al esfuerzo invertido y una disminución de las oportunidades de trabajo.

» co-option = designación. [Selección de alguien como miembro de un comité por elección entre los miembros integrantes de un grupo]

Example: The policy of FIAC is determined by an annual conference and carried out during the year by its National Co-ordinating Group, which consists of regional representatives, network delegates, and individual co-options from member centres.

» give + an option = dar una opción.

Example: New era in telecommunications gives libraries new options.

» have + no other option but = no tener más alternativa que, no tener otra alternativa que, no tener más opción que, no tener otra opción que.

Example: It seems that the big wigs caught by the army launched anti-corruption move have no other option but to face their trial.

» keep + Posesivo + options open = estar abierto a otras posibilidades, no descartar ninguna posibilidad, no cerrar ninguna puerta.

Example: She is keen to become a mother but is keeping her options open about when or how she might do it.

» leave + Posesivo + options open = estar abierto a otras posibilidades, no descartar ninguna posibilidad, no cerrar ninguna puerta.

Example: Eventually, she would like to return to Montana, but for now she is leaving her options open for wherever her career path takes her.

» offer + options = ofrecer posibilidades.

Example: Retrieval from a computer data base offers more options than retrieval from a printed index.

» purchasing option = opción de compra.

Example: The author outlines the benefits and drawbacks of e-journals and discusses pricing and purchasing options.

» search option = opción de búsqueda. [Alternativas de búsqueda que se presentan en un menú]

Example: A command language will probably be provided but some systems provide search options through a menu shown on the screen which may be easier for inexperienced users.

» Setup Options screen = pantalla de Configuración de Opciones.

Example: You can also select this option on the Setup Options screen to set postings on permanently.

» stock option = opción de compra de acciones.

Example: The lures to keep the employees include given them 'golden handcuffs' in the form of bonuses that are not payable until the end of a year or stock options that vest over time.

» take up + an option = escoger una opción, tomar una opción.

Example: If the option is taken up, the system automatically expands the search by adding to the original query.

» the next best option = la segunda mejor opción.

Example: If friends or family can't help, the next best option is to approach your bank or a credit union for a personal loan.

option2 = materia optativa. 

Example: Issues considered included whether library planning should be taught as a core subject or an option.

Option synonyms

alternative in spanish: alternativa, pronunciation: ɔltɜrnətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun choice in spanish: elección, pronunciation: tʃɔɪs part of speech: noun
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