Optimistic in spanish


pronunciation: oʊptimistɑ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

optimistic = optimista. 

Example: The central compilers would then make a specific place in a subsequent edition for the new topic, an optimistic hope which has not always been borne out by practice.


» over-optimistic [overoptimistic] = demasiado optimista. 

Example: Unfortunately, many of the predictions have proved to be overoptimistic.

Optimistic synonyms

sanguine in spanish: optimista, pronunciation: sæŋgwɪn part of speech: adjective positive in spanish: positivo, pronunciation: pɑzətɪv part of speech: adjective affirmative in spanish: afirmativo, pronunciation: əfɜrmətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun cheerful in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: tʃɪrfəl part of speech: adjective upbeat in spanish: optimista, pronunciation: ʌpbit part of speech: adjective rosy in spanish: rosado, pronunciation: roʊzi part of speech: adjective bullish in spanish: alcista, pronunciation: bʊlɪʃ part of speech: adjective starry-eyed in spanish: emocionado, pronunciation: stæriid part of speech: adjective pollyannaish in spanish: pollyannaish, pronunciation: pɑljæneɪɪʃ part of speech: adjective rose-colored in spanish: color rosa, pronunciation: roʊzkəlɔrd part of speech: adjective

Optimistic antonyms

pessimistic pronunciation: pesəmɪstɪk part of speech: adjective
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