Optical in spanish


pronunciation: oʊptikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

optical = óptico, de los ojos. 

Example: All the print in one book should be of the same kind, to obviate the need for optical adjustment.


» computer optical disc = disco óptico de ordenador.

Example: The physical description area records the number of physical units of the carrier and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: computer cartridge, computer cassette, computer disk, computer reel, computer card, computer optical disk.

» magneto-optical = magnetoóptico.

Example: However, the storage capacity of the REO-130 cartridge compares favourably with capacities offered by removable magnetic disc systems, and its seek time is lower than seek times supported by 5.25-inch magneto-optical drives.

» optical cable = cable óptico.

Example: The bandwidth an optical cable is greater than that of a metal coaxial cable.

» optical character reader = lector óptico de caracteres. [Máquina muy parecida a una fotocopiadora que se utiliza para introducir texto o gráficos en un ordenador sin necesidad de usar el teclado]

Example: Examples of other input equipment are: bar-code and optical character readers (for direct reading of text or numbers without using a keyboard); light pens; and the 'Mouse'.

» OCR (optical character recognition) = OCR (reconocimiento óptico de caracteres).

Example: Optical character recognition (OCR) is a method by which printed characters can be 'read' by a computer; a light-sensitive machine converts the print into electrical impulses which can be stored in machine readable form.

» optical coincidence = coincidencia óptica.

Example: Searching involves reading comparing the holes that recur on more than one card, by 'optical coincidence'.

» optical coincidence card = ficha de coincidencia óptica.

Example: Optical coincidence cards are one of the more popular physical formats for a post-co-ordinate index.

» optical communication system = sistema de comunicación óptica.

Example: Optical communication systems are a recent addition to the armoury of telecommunication systems.

» optical device = aparato óptico.

Example: A graphic is a two-dimensional representation whether opaque (e.g., art originals and reproductions, flash cards, photographs, technical drawings) or intended to be viewed, or projected, without motion, by means of an optical device (e.g., filmstrips, stereographs, slides).

» optical digital disc = disco óptico digital.

Example: However, one storage device which is making the retrieval of actual documents from a collection feasible now is the optical digital disc.

» optical disc [optical disk] = disco óptico.

Example: The technology is still developing and it is anticipated that the future will bring the erasable optical disc.

» optical disc based = basado en discos ópticos.

Example: It is assumed that an optical disc based document management system will normally cost considerably more than a film based system due to superior retrieval speed, multiple access and other factors.

» optical disc database = base de datos en disco óptico.

Example: Computerised information products, such as optical disc data bases and microforms, compete with traditional print resources for limited budgets in today's reference departments.

» optical disc drive = lector de discos ópticos, lector de CD-ROM.

Example: If an optical disc drive could be linked to a microcomputer, then the nature of distributed cataloguing as it is known today would be revolutionized.

» Optical Disc Pilot Program = Programa Piloto sobre Discos Opticos.

Example: The Optical Disk Pilot Program is an innovative research and development excursion into laser-based information storage and retrieval that is now under way at the Library of Congress.

» optical disc system = sistema de discos ópticos.

Example: This article discusses the advantages of various forms of optical disc systems for the storage and dissemination of patent and trademark information.

» optical disc technology = tecnología de discos ópticos.

Example: The Library of Congress (LC) is attempting to identify costs, benefits, strengths and weaknesses associated with the introduction of optical disc technology for storage and use of LC collections.

» optical drive = lector óptico.

Example: Write-once optical drives are ideally suited to store the large amounts of data created in a software development environment.

» optical error = error óptico.

Example: Assistant referees often make mistakes when judging an offside probably because of optical errors arising from their viewing angle.

» optical fibre = fibra óptica. [En tecnología de la información, hilos finísimos de material vítreo no susceptible a las interferencias y que puede transportar grandes cantidades de información por medio de la tecnología láser]

Example: Apart from telecommunication applications, optical fibres are also used for transmitting signals in aircraft, in measuring instruments, in high-voltage installations, etc.

» optical fibre cable = cable de fibra óptica.

Example: The optical fibre cable contributes to this better performance by using a nonelectrical mode of transmission, which leaves it unaffected by electromagnetic disturbances.

» optical illusion = ilusión óptica, efecto óptico.

Example: Optical illusion affects our sense of reality.

» optical information system = sistema óptico de información.

Example: This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.

» optical media = productos ópticos.

Example: However, magnetic storage is easily erased and overwritten, while optical media are usually of the read-only (permanent or semi-permanent) type.

» optical memory = memoria de almacenamiento óptico.

Example: This exposition of the advantages and limitations of optical memories provided a useful guide for librarians considering what equipment to buy.

» optical mineralogy = mineralogía óptica.

Example: Petrology utilizes the classical fields of mineralogy, petrography, optical mineralogy, and chemical analyses to describe the composition and texture of rocks.

» optical network = red óptica.

Example: This article considers local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), value added network services (VANs), ISDN, 'wireless' and optical network.

» optical products = productos ópticos.

Example: This paper lists areas of user expectations in access software for CD-ROM and other optical products.

» optical publishing = edición óptica.

Example: This paper deals with the advantages of optical publishing for information providers and traditional publishers, and how they can avail themselves of the technology.

» optical reader = lector óptico.

Example: The study carrel has a word processor, a keyboard with Braille display, a loudspeaker, and an optical reader.

» optical scanner = lector óptico.

Example: It is being used for library tours, oral presentations, data bases of organisations, as a front-end to on-line services, interactive videodiscs, and optical scanners.

» optical scanning = lectura óptica. [Conversión de material impreso a código legible por ordenador]

Example: This article gives an overview of optical scanning and image recognition.

» optical storage = almacenamiento óptico.

Example: The technology now exists to permit searching of fairly large full-text or bibliographic data bases on local computers using optical storage or large-capacity hard disks.

» optical storage disc = disco de almacenamiento óptico.

Example: The use of optical storage discs may not be a perfect solution to space problems.

» optical storage media = medios de almacenamiento óptico.

Example: The Library of Congress has been conducting experiments since 1979 with the library applications of optical storage media.

» optical storage technology = tecnología de almacenamiento óptico.

Example: Data base producers should take a hard look at the compact disc (DC) market before introducing information products based on optical storage technology.

» optical system = sistema óptico.

Example: The conference will also deal with the photometric aspects of optical systems which have other primary purposes.

» optical technology = tecnología óptica.

Example: Optical technology has ushered in a new phase in the storage and retrieval of information.

» optical telescope = telescopio óptico.

Example: Early forms of zoom lenses were used in optical telescopes to provide continuous variation of the magnification of the image.

» optical videodisc = videodisco óptico.

Example: There are various different kinds of optical videodisks, including both analog and digital disks, and disks that are read-only (ROM) or write-once-read-many (WORM).

» optical video disc [optical video disk] = videodisco óptico.

Example: The 120 mm diameter disc contains more than 20,000 tracks within which sound is represented in the same physical form (by microscopic pits and plateaus) as in an optical video disc.

» optical videodisc technology = tecnología de videodiscos ópticos.

Example: Laser optical videodisc technology promises great possibilities for information organisation, storage, retrieval and transfer.

» WORM optical disc drive = lector de disco óptico WORM.

Example: The article 'Worms in the field' describes a family of products based around a WORM optical disc drive, comprising a WORM drive, Image Scanner, Text Retrieval, OCR and Image-handling software.

» WORM optical disk = disco óptico WORM.

Example: The study was carried out to establish the prediction of archival life of Write Once Read Many (WORM) optical discs.

Optical synonyms

visual in spanish: visual, pronunciation: vɪʒəwəl part of speech: adjective optic in spanish: óptico, pronunciation: ɑptɪk part of speech: adjective ocular in spanish: ocular, pronunciation: oʊkjulɜr part of speech: adjective opthalmic in spanish: oftalmica, pronunciation: ɑpθælmɪk part of speech: adjective
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