Opt in spanish


pronunciation: oʊptɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

opt (for) = optar por, escoger, decidir, decantarse por. 

Example: However, in 1983, Forest Press decided to opt for the concept of continuous revision.


» co-opt = apropiarse, absorber, asimilar. [Se aplica a la acción de decidir sobre algo por parte de un grupo, sin necesitar con el consenso de otras personas ajenas al grupo]

Example: Social workers accused librarians of moving into their territory, of co-opting their activity, of doing social work without training, of being representative of establishment interests.

» co-opt = elegir, designar, invitar a formar parte de un grupo.

Example: The honorary members, some of whom have co-opted, have high positions in the library hierarchy.

» opt in = optar por, decidir ser incluido en, decidir participar en.

Example: The patients who opt in now will still be able to opt out later.

» opt-in clause = cláusula de consentimiento, cláusula de participación, cláusula de inclusión voluntaria.

Example: It is obligatory to add an opt-in clause to the mailing or questionnaire asking customers for permission to add their name to a mailing list.

» opt-out clause = cláusula de no participación, cláusula de exclusión voluntaria.

Example: His contract includes an opt-out clause and has publicly said on several occasions that he will not use it.

» opt out (of/from) = salirse de, excluirse de, abandonar, decidir no ser incluido en, decidir no participar en.

Example: The author takes a critical look at the UK government's education policy with regard to schools' 'opting out' of local government control.
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