Oppressed in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpɹ̩imidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

oppress = agobiar, oprimir. 

Example: Christians, Jews, and Muslims show rare case of unity by oppressing gays and lesbians.

oppressed = oprimido, agobiado. 

Example: The architectural styles of some library buildings make the new user feel oppressed, rather than welcome and at ease.


» oppressed, the = oprimidos, los.

Example: A visitor who tours only prestigious libraries and meets high-ranking librarians is unlikely to help the oppressed democratise an unfair society.

Oppressed synonyms

laden in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: leɪdən part of speech: adjective downtrodden in spanish: oprimido, pronunciation: daʊntrɑdən part of speech: adjective, noun persecuted in spanish: perseguido, pronunciation: pɜrsəkjutəd part of speech: verb wronged in spanish: explotado, pronunciation: rɔŋd part of speech: verb burdened in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: bɜrdənd part of speech: adjective
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