Opposite in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpuestoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

opposite1 = opuesto, contrario. 

Example: Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Free Trade and Protection', 'Protection' See 'Free Trade and Protection''.


» be polar opposites = ser polos opuestos.

Example: These two visions of the role of libraries are polar opposites.

» diametrically opposite to = diametralmente opuesto a.

Example: It is also possible that the paper was written by a professional whose views are diametrically opposite to those of the abstractor.

» in opposite directions = en direcciones opuestas.

Example: Every pumpkin plant has a main and a secondary vine that usually grow in opposite directions.

» in the opposite direction = en la dirección opuesta.

Example: When toilets flush why do they flush in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere than the northern hemisphere?.

» opposite sex, the = sexo opuesto, el.

Example: It is plausible that hormones from one human fetus could masculinize or feminize an opposite-sex twin fetus.

» quite the opposite = por el contrario, más bien todo lo contrario, todo lo contrario, justamente todo lo contrario, al contrario.

Example: Quite the opposite, I would like to see them as basic reading for my students.

» quite the opposite of = justo lo contrario de, justamente todo lo contrario de.

Example: This game represents quite the opposite of the classical learning and teaching method.

opposite2 = enfrente de, frente a. 

Example: The subfield codes are entered on the left and the corresponding fields opposite them.

Opposite synonyms

reverse in spanish: marcha atrás, pronunciation: rɪvɜrs part of speech: noun, verb, adjective different in spanish: diferente, pronunciation: dɪfɜrənt part of speech: adjective other in spanish: otro, pronunciation: ʌðɜr part of speech: adjective contrary in spanish: contrario, pronunciation: kɑntreri part of speech: noun, adjective antonym in spanish: antónimo, pronunciation: æntənɪm part of speech: noun opposition in spanish: oposición, pronunciation: ɑpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun inverse in spanish: inverso, pronunciation: ɪnvɜrs part of speech: noun opponent in spanish: adversario, pronunciation: əpoʊnənt part of speech: noun polar in spanish: polar, pronunciation: poʊlɜr part of speech: adjective face-to-face in spanish: cara a cara, pronunciation: feɪstufeɪs part of speech: adjective, adverb diametrical in spanish: diametral, pronunciation: daɪəmetrɪkəl part of speech: adjective diametric in spanish: diametral, pronunciation: daɪəmetrɪk part of speech: adjective paired in spanish: emparejado, pronunciation: perd part of speech: adjective opposite word in spanish: palabra opuesta, pronunciation: ɑpəzətwɜrd part of speech: noun

Opposite antonyms

alternate pronunciation: ɔltɜrnət part of speech: adjective
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