Opportunity in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpoʊɹ̩tunidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

opportunity = oportunidad. 

Example: A summary differs from an abstract in that it assumes that the reader will have the opportunity to peruse the accompanying text.


» afford + an opportunity = presentar una oportunidad, ofrecer una posibilidad, dar una posibilidad.

Example: One of the opportunities which membership of the European Community (EC) affords the United Kingdom (UK) is access to a wide variety of grants and soft loans.

» allow + the opportunity to = dar la oportunidad de, ofrecer la oportunidad, presentar la oportunidad.

Example: Unlike other works, it unusually allowed theatergoers the opportunity to consider issues of racism and slavery in an American setting at the beginning of the American Civil War.

» at the first opportunity = a la primera oportunidad, en la primera oportunidad, a la primera de cambio.

Example: If you have a history of sinusitis or chest problems following a previous bout of flu, take a garlic supplement at the first opportunity.

» capitalise on + an opportunity = sacar partido a una oportunidad, sacar provecho a una oportunidad, aprovecharse de una oportunidad.

Example: Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.

» career opportunity = oportunidad de trabajo, oferta de empleo, salida profesional.

Example: Such are the career opportunities presently open to such people that there is little hope of persuading them into new course programmes.

» catch + an opportunity = aprovechar una oportunidad.

Example: More and more manufacturers from all the world catch this opportunity to promote their the latest equipment and technology.

» create + opportunity = crear una ocasión, dar una oportunidad.

Example: The most rewarding part of being a reference administrator is in creating the opportunity for one's staff to perform work that they love in an invigorating pleasant environment.

» embrace + an opportunity = aprovechar una oportunidad.

Example: Archivists will survive if they are prepared to confront the challenges and embrace these opportunities.

» employment opportunity = oferta de empleo, bolsa de trabajo.

Example: This article was published in a special issue devoted to various aspects of library services for career planning, job searching, and employment opportunities.

» enjoy + opportunity = disfrutar de una oportunidad.

Example: Although the past 30 years have brought far-reaching changes in the educational and employment opportunities that women enjoy.

» equal employment opportunity = igualdad de oportunidad en el trabajo.

Example: This article examines the policy of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

» equality of opportunities = igualdad de oportunidades.

Example: The LA is committed to combatting discrimination and to promoting equality of opportunities.

» equal opportunity = igualdad de oportunidades.

Example: The British Library Association has issued several statements on recruitment of black librarians and on equal opportunities in employment.

» equity of opportunity = igualdad de oportunidades.

Example: However, too little policy attention is paid to enhancing equity of opportunity for those transitioning from adolescence to young adulthood.

» exploit + opportunities = aprovechar oportunidades.

Example: A strategic approach to marketing increases the chance of exploiting opportunities and reduces the threats of an uncertain future.

» face + an opportunity = tener una oportunidad.

Example: There will be a dramatic shakeout in librarianship but information scientists face a great opportunity to develop their skills by the opportunities afforded by the new technology.

» forego + an opportunity = dejar pasar una oportunidad, dejar perder una oportunidad.

Example: Or will LC, in order to continue in its role, be forced to forego the opportunities presented to it by this new technology?.

» future opportunities = perspectivas de futuro, perspectivas futuras.

Example: The author examines the accomplishments of international cooperation efforts, identifies barriers, and speculates on future opportunities.

» get + the opportunity = tener la oportunidad.

Example: She's decided to invite her around her flat for dinner, to get the opportunity to get to know her better.

» give + an opportunity = dar una oportunidad.

Example: They should be ever mindful that their role as instructors is to give students opportunities and occasions for learning.

» golden opportunity = oportunidad de oro, oportunidad única.

Example: While this direct contact can backfire if the person is not knowledgeable about the product, it is also a golden opportunity to respond directly to customer questions and unique needs.

» grab + an opportunity = aprovecharse de una oportunidad.

Example: Publishers would like to grab the business opportunities created by recent technological progress.

» grant + an opportunity = conceder una oportunidad, dar una oportunidad.

Example: The ability to write a complex bibliographical description precedes and grants the opportunity to write a brief one.

» grasp + the opportunity = aprovechar la oportunidad.

Example: Peter Jackaman fears 'that public libraries have failed to grasp the opportunity which this development offered, and as result their potential role has, in many cases, been usurped by other agencies'.

» have + a window of opportunity = tener una oportunidad.

Example: The truth is that after a run we have a window of opportunity to replace muscle glycogen stores that were used up.

» have + the opportunity = tener la oportunidad, poder.

Example: Every librarian, regardless of his government's policy, has the opportunity, if he has the courage, to open the avenues of books and ideas a little wider.

» have + the opportunity to = tener la oportunidad de, tener la ocasión de.

Example: A summary differs from an abstract in that it assumes that the reader will have the opportunity to peruse the accompanying text.

» ideal opportunity = oportunidad ideal.

Example: The course is an ideal opportunity to get a broad view of where libraries are heading in general .

» job opportunities = oferta de empleo, bolsa de trabajo, salidas profesionales.

Example: This article examines why job opportunities remain limited for women librarians.

» jump at + the opportunity = no dejar pasar la oportunidad, no dejar pasar la ocasión, aprovechar la oportunidad, aprovechar la ocasión.

Example: I jumped at the opportunity to voice my ideas and opinions and more importantly have them listened to.

» jump on + an opportunity = no dejar pasar la oportunidad, no dejar pasar la ocasión, aprovechar la oportunidad, aprovechar la ocasión.

Example: Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.

» leap at + the opportunity = no dejar pasar la oportunidad, no dejar pasar la ocasión, aprovechar la oportunidad, aprovechar la ocasión.

Example: So as a sophomore in college, I leapt at the opportunity to study abroad in Italy.

» leverage + opportunity = sacar partido a una oportunidad, sacar provecho a una oportunidad, aprovecharse de una oportunidad.

Example: The Internet has made it possible for us to leverage the opportunities it provides to make legitimate money doing business.

» look for + an opportunity = buscar una oportunidad.

Example: And all of them are looking for an opportunity to betray their spouses.

» lose + an opportunity = perder una oportunidad.

Example: Dewey, who was keenly interested in reforming the spelling of the English language, lost no opportunity of pursuing this particular hobby: christened Melville, he soon dropped the final 'le', and even went to the extreme of spelling his final name 'Dui' for a time.

» lost opportunity = oportunidad perdida.

Example: For the public libraries of Britain, the War was a lost opportunity.

» make + an opportunity = hacer posible, buscar la oportunidad, encontrar el tiempo.

Example: He said that if he is put back into power he will make an opportunity for dialogue with other political forces in the country.

» make + an opportunity (out) of = sacarle partido a, aprovecharse de.

Example: Unfortunately, there are some trying to make an opportunity out of this very turbulant situation.

» make + the most of the opportunity = aprovechar la oportunidad.

Example: We're spending a lot of time getting the factory ship-shape to be able to make the most of the opportunity.

» maximise + opportunities = aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades, obtener el mayor rendimiento posible.

Example: Consultants are not cheap and libraries should maximise their opportunities with a consultant through a well informed selection of the proper person.

» miss + an opportunity = perder una oportunidad, dejar pasar una oportunidad, dejar perder una oportunidad.

Example: It is argued that the research community is missing an opportunity to design systems that are in better harmony with the actual preferences of many users.

» missed opportunity = oportunidad perdida.

Example: His stumbles and missed opportunities were made up for by his signing of the agreement in 1990.

» miss out on + an opportunity = perder una oportunidad, dejar pasar una oportunidad, dejar perder una oportunidad.

Example: Never miss out on an opportunity to tell someone how you really feel because you may never get another chance.

» offer + an opportunity = ofrecer una oportunidad.

Example: Computer-based systems offer great opportunities for coordination of index terms during the search process.

» once in a lifetime opportunity = una oportunidad única en la vida.

Example: However, I feel that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity which you cannot afford to pass up, and I'm sure he would not hesitate to let you go to further a promising career.

» opportunity + arise = oportunidad + surgir.

Example: There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.

» opportunity cost = coste de oportunidad, coste alternativo, coste de sustitución. [Coste real de un recurso si se tiene en cuenta el beneficio que se ha dejado de obtener por haber decidido utilizarlo de un modo y no de otro]

Example: Opportunity cost is the idea that the real cost of a chosen item is the value that would have been derived from an alternative use of the resources, which value was forgone because A was chosen over B.

» opportunity + evaporate = oportunidad + esfumarse.

Example: In each case, however, the opportunity evaporated when the employer learned Wade was a convicted embezzler.

» opportunity + knock = oportunidad + presentarse.

Example: Though we host our big event each fall, we drop everything whenever a party opportunity knocks.

» opportunity + lie in = oportunidad + residir en.

Example: The opportunity aspect lies in both the act of reporting and the style selected for sending the message.

» opportunity + present + Reflexivo = oportunidad + presentarse.

Example: He decided that he would not on principle refuse to earn undeclared income in the underground economy if a reasonably risk-free opportunity presented itself.

» pass up + an opportunity = dejar pasar una oportunidad, dejar perder una oportunidad.

Example: However, I feel that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity which you cannot afford to pass up, and I'm sure he would not hesitate to let you go to further a promising career.

» present + an opportunity = ofrecer una oportunidad, dar una oportunidad.

Example: China's pollution problems present an opportunity for U.S. businesses.

» present with + opportunities for = dar la oportunidad de.

Example: They present the teacher with plenty of opportunities for 'red herrings,' which the students can be allowed to follow when the teacher judges the time is right.

» provide + an opportunity = ofrecer una oportunidad, dar una oportunidad, proporcionar una oportunidad.

Example: A staff development programme on computer technology at the University of Missouri provided the opportunity to study computer anxiety and other factors related to resistance to computers.

» provide + Nombre + with an opportunity = ofrecer una oportunidad, dar una oportunidad, proporcionar una oportunidad.

Example: We provide them with plenty of opportunities to build their confidence, sharpen their skills, and get off on the right foot when it comes to beginning their career.

» realise + opportunity = hacer que algo sea una realidad.

Example: But realizing this opportunity will, before anything else, require a huge investment in connectivity.

» rise to + the opportunity = aprovechar la oportunidad.

Example: But with those markets showing signs of cooling, the largest auto market in the world has risen to the opportunity again.

» see + an opportunity = ver una oportunidad.

Example: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

» seize + the opportunity = aprovechar la oportunidad.

Example: In meeting these information demands, the Reference Division has seized the opportunity to take advantage of alternative staffing arrangements.

» squander + an opportunity = desperdiciar una oportunidad, desaprovechar una oportunidad, perder una oportunidad.

Example: He has already squandered the opportunity he was given to turn the country around.

» take + the opportunity = aprovechar la oportunidad.

Example: This chapter takes the opportunity to look at an assortment of other aspects of bibliographic description.

» the land of opportunity = la tierra de las oportunidades.

Example: It seems that America is the land of opportunity to milk the system.

» the opportunity of a lifetime = la oportunidad de + Posesivo + vida.

Example: Our South American Colleagues will have the opportunity of a lifetime, to experience the vibrance of the meeting of minds, as well as the forging of communities of practice across time zones, distance and linguistic barriers = Nuestros colegas sudamericanos tendrán la oportunidad de su vida de experimentar la vitalidad de este encuentro de expertos así como la creación de lazos profesionales por encima de barreras lingüísticas, de espacio y de tiempo.

» toss away + an opportunity = desperdiciar una oportunidad, desaprovechar una oportunidad.

Example: In passing this bill they are just tossing away the opportunity to play a dominant role in the potash markets of the world.

» turn down + an opportunity = dejar pasar una oportunidad, dejar perder una oportunidad.

Example: Who would turn down the opportunity to befriend such a foxy chick?.

» waste + an opportunity = desperdiciar una oportunidad, desaprovechar una oportunidad, perder una oportunidad.

Example: He's probably the shrewdest and most calculating race driver ever, never wasted an opportunity for a victory or a championship point.

» welcome + the opportunity = agradecer la oportunidad.

Example: I would welcome the opportunity to apply for any vacancies that may arise at some point in the future.

» window of opportunity = oportunidad.

Example: Librarians should make the best possible use of the window of opportunity created by the development of this type of software = Los bibliotecarios deberían aprovecharse al máximo de la oportunidad creada por el desarrollo de este tipo de software.

Opportunity synonyms

chance in spanish: oportunidad, pronunciation: tʃæns part of speech: noun
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