Opponent in spanish


pronunciation: ɑdbeɹ̩sɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

opponent = persona que se opone a Algo, adversario, contrincante, contrario. 

Example: 'Punch' satirised the opponents more cruelly: 'Here is an institution doomed to scare the furious devotees of laissez faire'.


» floor + Posesivo + opponent = derribar a + Posesivo + contrincante, derribar a + Posesivo + oponente, derribar a + Posesivo + contrario.

Example: He dominated the fight and floored his opponent with a left hook in the second round.

» take on + Posesivo + opponent = enfrentarse a + Posesivo + oponente, enfrentarse a + Posesivo + adversario.

Example: She will need to be in top form from the get go this year, when he takes on her opponent on Wednesday evening.

Opponent synonyms

hostile in spanish: hostil, pronunciation: hɑstəl part of speech: adjective opposite in spanish: opuesto, pronunciation: ɑpəzət part of speech: adjective, noun antagonist in spanish: antagonista, pronunciation: æntægənəst part of speech: noun adversary in spanish: adversario, pronunciation: ædvɜrseri part of speech: noun foe in spanish: enemigo, pronunciation: foʊ part of speech: noun opposition in spanish: oposición, pronunciation: ɑpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun enemy in spanish: enemigo, pronunciation: enəmi part of speech: noun opposing in spanish: oponiéndose, pronunciation: əpoʊzɪŋ part of speech: adjective foeman in spanish: foeman, pronunciation: foʊmən part of speech: noun
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