Opinionated in spanish


pronunciation: doʊgmɑtikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

opinionate = opinar con prepotencia, opinar dogmáticamente. 

Example: One writer opinionates that 'there is not a very great future in the use of keywords, Boolean algebra, or LC subject headings in online searching'.

opinionated = prepotente, dogmático. [Normalmente relativo a las expresiones y convicciones de un individuo]

Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.


» self-opinionated = pretencioso, presuntuoso, pedante, arrogante, engreído.

Example: Garfield shows no basis for his immodesty and self-opinionated progress through life.

» self-opinionated = terco, obstinado, dogmático, testarudo, cabezón, cabezota.

Example: You are an overwhelming, self-opinionated bore who cannot abide the thought that other people may not share your views.

Opinionated synonyms

narrow in spanish: estrecho, pronunciation: neroʊ part of speech: adjective narrow-minded in spanish: de mente estrecha, pronunciation: neroʊmaɪndəd part of speech: adjective opinionative in spanish: de opinión, pronunciation: əpɪnjənətɪv part of speech: adjective self-opinionated in spanish: autogestionado, pronunciation: selfuəpɪnjəneɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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