Opinion in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpinioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

opinion (on) = opinión (sobre), postura. 

Example: A reputable supplier will readily provide names of former customers who may be contacted for their opinions on service, support and maintenance.


» all shades of opinion = todo tipo de gustos.

Example: However, no public library is able to provide access to all shades of opinion, and certain categories of material, such as pornographic video film, are actively rejected.

» a second opinion = una segunda opinión, la opinión de otra persona, el consejo de otra persona.

Example: Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.

» ask for + an opinion on = pedir la opinión sobre.

Example: The authors of Nonbook Materials receive letters frequently asking for opinions on cataloguing problems.

» ask for + a second opinion = consultar con otro experto, consultar con otro especialista.

Example: Some are worried that their doctor will get offended if they ask for a second opinion, and the one thing patients don't want to do is to upset their doctor.

» be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion = tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión.

Example: I mean everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they went off their rocker embracing our enemies.

» be of the opinion that = ser de la opinión de que, creer que, pensar que.

Example: Some considered the rules over-complicated and fussy, whereas others were of the opinion that more detail was required.

» canvass + Nombre + for + Posesivo + opinion = recabar la opinión.

Example: Librarians were canvassed for their opinions using a postal questionnaire.

» change + Posesivo + opinion = cambiar de opinión, cambiar + Posesivo + opinión.

Example: As long as she lives, she will still be able to change her opinion and return to her husband.

» conflict of opinions = discrepacia de opiniones.

Example: In this conflict of opinions and sentiments I find delight.

» consensus of opinion = opinión general, opinión consensuada.

Example: Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.

» contrasting opinions = opiniones diferentes, opiniones opuestas.

Example: The participants expressed contrasting opinions that seemed to transcend religious, ethnic, cultural and national boundaries.

» difference of opinion (on) = diferencia de opinión (sobre).

Example: Continuing differences of opinion on such matters as the Community budget and the Common Agricultural Policy have stimulated the interest of academics and produced a market for their publications.

» divergence of opinion = divergencia de opinión.

Example: There are divergences of opinion within the library profession about the proper division of labour between professional and clerical staff.

» divided opinions = opiniones divididas, división de opiniones.

Example: The Court was split by divided opinions: five justices held the opinion that his rights were violated while four justices disagreed.

» division of opinion = división de opiniones.

Example: There was a sharp division of opinion as to whether weeding is necessary 'in order to make room for new technologies in the public library'.

» elicit + an opinion on = recabar opinión sobre.

Example: This is an analysis of a survey of 100 school librarians by the Institute of School Syllabuses to elicit opinions on the new obligatory reader education programme.

» exchange of opinion on = intercambio de opiniones sobre.

Example: More exchange of opinion on and experiment with classification for on-line cataloguing is needed in Japan.

» express + an opinion (on) = expresar opinión (sobre), opinar.

Example: This is not an institution but a consultative body which considers and expresses an opinion on commission proposals for legislation.

» form + Posesivo + (own) opinion = formarse una opinión.

Example: If you're such an ass-licker that you can't form your own opinions, tough!.

» full of opinions = prepotente, dogmático.

Example: He was most definitely not their kind of Republican - a moderate, a maverick; outspokenly full of opinions that made their hair stand on end.

» gauge + opinion on = recabar la opinión sobre, sondear la opinión sobre.

Example: The main concern is to look into current use of, and interest in, electronic information services, and also to gauge opinion on setting up a data base concerned solely with development issues.

» gauge + public opinion = recabar la opinión pública, sondear la opinión pública.

Example: The article is entitled 'Gauging public opinion on libraries'.

» get + a second opinion = consultar con otro experto, consultar con otro especialista.

Example: Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.

» give + an opinion on = opinar sobre.

Example: Could Bill and others that have done research here give an opinion on how to determine the safe distance to live from a nuclear power plant.

» give + Posesivo + opinion on = dar + Posesivo + opinión sobre, emitir + Posesivo + opinión sobre.

Example: This article gives some opinions on 3 main areas for reform in the library and information service of research institutes.

» have + an opinion on = tener una opinión sobre.

Example: I woul be interested in talking to anyone who has an opinion on this matter.

» hear + other people's opinions = oír las opiniones de otras personas, oír las opiniones de otros, oír las opiniones de otra gente, escuchar las opiniones de otras personas, escuchar las opiniones de otros, escuchar las opiniones de otra gente.

Example: Though it is good to hear other people's opinions and their reasons, what really matters the most is yours in the end based on the information you have received.

» hear + people's opinions = oír las opiniones de la gente, escuchar las opiniones de la gente.

Example: I want to hear people's opinions on controversial topics, like gay marriage and abortion.

» hear + Posesivo + opinion = escuchar la opinión de Alguien.

Example: A day away from it now and then, mixing with children, hearing their opinions, trying to answer their questions, can be an invigorating relief.

» hear + somebody else's opinion = oír la opinión de otra persona, oír la opinión de otro, escuchar la opinión de otra persona, escuchar la opinión de otro.

Example: I get very enthusiastic because the people who attend those meetings are knowledge-seekers who want to learn and hear somebody else's opinion.

» hear + someone else's opinion = oír la opinión de otra persona, oír la opinión de otro, escuchar la opinión de otra persona, escuchar la opinión de otro.

Example: Maybe she should talk to Alex about what was going on -- it could be good to get it off her chest and hear someone else's opinion.

» hold + an opinion = mantener una opinión, sostener una opinión, tener una opinión.

Example: The Court was split by divided opinions: five justices held the opinion that his rights were violated while four justices disagreed.

» IMHO (In My Humble/Honest Opinion) = IMHO (En Mi Humilde/Modesta/Honesta Opinión). [En Internet, siglas que se utilizan en los mensajes electrónicos para indicar que el escritor sólo expresa su opinión y que puede haber quien no opine lo mismo]

Example: IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) is a shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum to indicate that the writer is aware that they are expressing a debatable view.

» impose + Posesivo + (own) opinion = imponer + Posesivo + (propia) opinión.

Example: The film is told through the eyes of a bombed-out family; the director didn't want to impose her own opinions on the film.

» influence + public opinion = influir en la opinión pública.

Example: It appears that this criticism will not diminish in the future and has the potential to influence public opinion.

» in my opinion = en mi opinión, desde mi punto de vista.

Example: This attack is directed against a particular heresy; one which is widespread, but it is in my opinion none the less damnable.

» in + Posesivo + honest opinion = en + Posesivo + honesta opinión, honestamente, para ser honesto.

Example: The band would not have sounded the same without his backing vocals, in my honest opinion.

» in + Posesivo + humble opinion = en + Posesivo + humilde opinión, en + Posesivo + modesta opinión.

Example: We were 'in his humble opinion' improperly attired to dine in such an illustrious establishment.

» in + Posesivo + opinion = según + Pronombre, de acuerdo con + Pronombre, según + Posesivo + opinión, de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión, según + Posesivo + parecer, de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer.

Example: In my opinion this approach is incorrect, and the use of computers to perpetuate outdated systems is a perversion of technology.

» in the opinion of = según, según la opinión de, en la opinión de.

Example: These bureaucratic organisations contribute to a social malaise, symptomatic, in the opinion of many workers, of a general social crisis which will accelerate in the decades ahead.

» majority opinion = opinión de la mayoría, opinión mayoritaria.

Example: I came to the conclusion that the majority opinion among linguists was that the prescriptive approach to grammar was too rigid.

» manipulate + people's opinions = manipular la opinión de la gente, manipular la opinión pública, manipular la opinión.

Example: Equally powerful is the capacity of words to propagandize, create distrust, fuel hatred, or manipulate peoples' opinions in support of foregone political agendas.

» manipulate + public opinion = manipular la opinión de la gente, manipular la opinión pública, manipular la opinión.

Example: The less aligned their policy preferences are with that of the majority,
the more incentive they have to manipulate public opinion.

» mould + public opinion = moldear la opinión pública.

Example: This paper gives reasons why changes are occurring in the ability to the British government to mould public opinion.

» offer + an opinion = opinar, ofrecer una opinión, dar una opinión.

Example: The author offers the opinion that this trend goes against accepted wisdom in the industry.

» opinion article = artículo de opinión.

Example: This opinion article presents a view of the scope for artificial intelligence in information retrieval.

» opinion + be divided = opinión + estar dividida, haber división de opiniones.

Example: The article 'The grad versus the undergrad debate: a most ingenious paradox' suggests that opinion is divided as to whether to focus bibliographic instruction on the undergraduate or the graduate student.

» opinion leader = líder de opinión.

Example: A number of respondents expressed understandable irritation at the failure of individuals, who are often accorded the status of opinion leaders in our business, fully to comprehend the nature and constraints of SLIS work.

» opinion-maker = líder.

Example: Peers and adults who are admired, for whatever reasons, tend to be copied and followed, and a wise teacher will try to draw in to the book environment those adults and children who are opinion-makers and trendsetters.

» opinion piece = artículo de opinión.

Example: This is not a rigorous statistical investigation, but an opinion piece offered to encourage other librarians to address this problem.

» opinion poll = sondeo de opinión.

Example: Opinion polls are also carried out on specific topics, such as women in society and the European public's attitude towards scientific and technical development.

» opinion polling = sondeo de opinión.

Example: Opinion polling measures public support for public libraries, and the primary use of such polls is to persuade politicians of the depth of that support to justify a more favourable allocation of resources.

» personal opinion = opinión personal.

Example: In fact, many would say he has already stepped over the edge: the received wisdom in the world of reference is 'Never offer a personal opinion'.

» public opinion = opinión pública.

Example: The author discusses whether libraries still retain a function as agents of cultural change and moulders of public opinion.

» public opinion poll = sondeo de opinión pública.

Example: For the social scientist public opinion polls provide a rich source of data for secondary analysis.

» set in + Posesivo + opinions = atrincherado en las opiniones de Uno.

Example: Rumor has it that she 'tolerates' Mathilda Panopoulos, having tried many times to engage her in meaningful dialogue only to find her 'hopelessly set in her opinions'.

» set of opinions = forma de pensar.

Example: Sometimes we perceive selectively hearing only those messages that fit our own worldview and set of opinions.

» shades of opinion = diferencias de opinión.

Example: The chief similarity between them is seen to be their moral significance as repositories of books on all subjects and shades of opinion which have been banned or censored.

» shape + public opinion = influir en la opinión pública.

Example: Librarians are aware of the ability of the press to shape public opinion.

» share + Posesivo + opinions = intercambiar opiniones.

Example: These are times when children share their opinions about books they have read, recommending them to others.

» solicit + an opinion = recabar una opinión.

Example: A greater concern for people would be reflected by the manager's willingness to solicit opinions and recommendations prior to making decisions.

» state + Posesivo + opinion on = expresar + Posesivo + opinión sobre.

Example: He asked for a discussion of the practical problems which face practicing librarians and media specialists and urged me to state my opinion on all matters.

» strongly held opinion = estar firmemente convencido.

Example: My second strongly held opinion is that as many items as possible in a browsing collection should be intershelved.

» telephone opinion poll = sondeo de opinión por teléfono.

Example: This article presents a reanalysis of data from a national telephone opinion poll of 1,181 US residents conducted in 1991.

» venture + an opinion on = expresar una opinión sobre.

Example: It is folly for the librarian to venture an opinion on such matters.

» voice + an opinion = expresar una opinión.

Example: At the same time, the library is placing at the individual's disposal vast resources of information, and more accessible means of voicing an informed opinion.

Opinion synonyms

thought in spanish: pensamiento, pronunciation: θɔt part of speech: noun view in spanish: ver, pronunciation: vju part of speech: noun judgement in spanish: juicio, pronunciation: dʒʌdʒmənt part of speech: noun judgment in spanish: juicio, pronunciation: dʒʌdʒmənt part of speech: noun sentiment in spanish: sentimiento, pronunciation: sentəmənt part of speech: noun persuasion in spanish: persuasión, pronunciation: pɜrsweɪʒən part of speech: noun ruling in spanish: decisión, pronunciation: rulɪŋ part of speech: noun vox populi in spanish: Vox Populi, pronunciation: vɑkspəpuli part of speech: noun public opinion in spanish: opinión pública, pronunciation: pʌblɪkəpɪnjən part of speech: noun popular opinion in spanish: la opinión popular, pronunciation: pɑpjəlɜrəpɪnjən part of speech: noun
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