Operator in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpeɹ̩ɑdoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

operator1 = operador, operario, maquinista. 

Example: If ammonia gas is used, care must be taken to duct the gas through an external ventilator to prevent the operator being overcome by fumes.


» camera operator = cámara, camarógrafo.

Example: Wider use of digital cameras has enhanced the number of angles and the clarity that a camera operator can provide.

» computer operator = operador informático.

Example: Representative job titles are commercial artist, computer operator, dental hygienist, wildlife manager, flight attendant, law enforcer, meteorologist, optometrist, and tuner.

» crane operator = operador de grúa, operario de grúa.

Example: Crane operators and crew members may be electrocuted when they work near overhead power lines.

» data entry operator = operario de entrada de datos. [Trabajador cuya tarea consiste en la mera introducción de datos en el ordenador]

Example: The same sort of breakdown of an individual may be experienced through so-called 'de-skilling' occurring because of communications and informations technologies (e.g. data entry operators).

» forklift operator = carretillero.

Example: We are seeking experienced forklift operators to work in a fast paced distribution center.

» keyboard operator = operador, teclista, mecanógrafo de ordenador.

Example: Whether entries are to be typed and directly duplicated or put into a computerized information-retrieval system they must be easily transcribed by the keyboard operator.

» licensed operator = empresa con licencia, negocio con licencia.

Example: Homeowners who wish to rent out their property as a holiday home will be required to use the services of a licensed operator.

» Linotype operator = linotipista.

Example: Even though he obtained his journalism degree with honors, he chose to continue working as a Linotype operator until his retirement when Linotype reached the end of an era.

» machine operator = operario de maquinaria.

Example: Most machine operator jobs involve repetitive motions and recurring use of foot pedals, buttons, switches and levers.

» operator-assisted = a través de operador, asistido por operador.

Example: The development and use of 3-party telecommunications (also known as operator-assisted computing) as a technique of delivering on-line services to remote users is described.

» radio operator = operador de radio.

Example: An amateur radio operator's license, thousands of dollars worth of radio equipment, and a lofty antenna are is required to listen to many international broadcasting stations.

» switchboard operator = telefonista.

Example: Any library allowing staff members to work hours during which the switchboard is not in operation should arrange to have the switchboard operators plug the reference phone into an outgoing jack when they close.

» sysop (system operator) = sysop (operador del sistema). [En tecnología de la información, persona responsable del funcionamiento de un ordenador central o de una red de ordenadores]

Example: A sysop (system operator) is anyone responsible for the physical operations of a computer system or network resource.

» terminal operator = operador de terminal.

Example: The OSU (Ohio State University) system employs telephone access to an online catalog via terminal operators.

» tour operator = operador turístico, touroperador, turoperador.

Example: Traditional database-driven applications, as used by most of the tour operators, are not sufficient enough to implement a sales process with consultation on the World Wide Web.

operator2 = operador, indicador de función. 

Example: Each operator has a filing value which has been designate in order to ensure that terms appear in the index string in an order that will produce a meaningful set of index entries.


» adjacency operator = operador de proximidad.

Example: In addition, the adjacency operators NEARx and WITHx may be used with free-text search statements.

» Boolean logic operator = operador de lógica booleana.

Example: The Boolean logic operators are AND, OR and NOT.

» Boolean operator = operador booleano.

Example: Except in systems with natural language interfaces, Boolean operators must still be used.

» (F) operator = operador (F). [En el lenguaje de búsqueda de DIALOG, operador de proximidad usado para indicar que los términos de búsqueda deben aparecer en el mismo CAMPO (FIELD) y en cualquier orden]

Example: The (F) operator specifies that terms must be in the same field of the same record, in any order.

» limit operator = operador de limitación.

Example: See Screen #16 for a more detailed discussion of limit fields and limit operators.

» logical operator = operador lógico.

Example: Logical and proximity operators can be used to define the relationships among the search terms selected.

» logic operator = operador lógico.

Example: Boolean logic operators can be represented in a Peek-a-boo or optical coincidence card index with term records by the combination of cards in various ways.

» (L) operator = operador (L). [En el lenguaje de búsqueda de DIALOG, operador de proximidad usado para indicar que lo que se busca es un encabezamiento y su subencabezamiento en el campo de descriptores; aquí (L) significa (LINK, descriptor compuesto)]

Example: The (L) operator is available in databases in which the Descriptors are composed of a main heading and subheading and is used to link a heading with a subheading.

» (N) operator = operador (N). [En el lenguaje de búsqueda de DIALOG, operador de proximidad usado para indicar que los términos de búsqueda deben estar uno CERCA (NEAR) contiguo a otro pero en cualquier orden]

Example: The (N) operator specifies that terms must be adjacent to each other but may be in any order.

» proximity operator = operador de proximidad. [Palabra o código que se utiliza en las búsquedas para definir las condiciones contextuales que deben cumplir los términos de búsqueda]

Example: Contextual logic or proximity operators: these are a useful means of searching for more than the mere occurrence of a term; they also permit the searcher to specify the context in which the term should appear in some sense or other.

» relational operator = operador de relación, indicador de relación.

Example: One significant product which emerged from the research was a set of relational operators (for relating concepts within a subject) which carried an in-built filing order.

» role operator = indicador de relación.

Example: Operators, also called role operators, are numbers and letters which are assigned to terms in a string to specify their grammatical function or role within that string.

» (S) operator = operador (S). [En el lenguaje de búsqueda de DIALOG, operador de proximidad usado para indicar que los términos de búsqueda deben aparecer en la misma FRASE (SENTENCE) y en cualquier orden]

Example: The (S) operator specifies that the terms must be in the same sentence of the same record, in any order.

» (W) operator = operador (W). [En el lenguaje de búsqueda de DIALOG, operador de proximidad usado para indicar que los términos de búsqueda deben aparecer uno contiguo a otro ('WITH', CON) y en el orden indicado]

Example: The (W) operator specifies that terms must be adjacent to each other and in the order specified.

Operator synonyms

hustler in spanish: estafador, pronunciation: hʌsəlɜr part of speech: noun manipulator in spanish: manipulador, pronunciation: mənɪpjəleɪtɜr part of speech: noun wheeler dealer in spanish: distribuidor sobre ruedas, pronunciation: wilɜrdilɜr part of speech: noun
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