Operational in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpeɹ̩ɑθioʊnɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

operational = operativo, operacional, de funcionamiento, en funcionamiento, en uso. 

Example: Controls are concerned with locating operational weakness and taking corrective action.


» become + operational = empezar a funcionar.

Example: BLAISE, the British Library Automated Information Service, became operational in 1977.

» be operational = funcionar.

Example: ORBIT has been operational since 1972, and has around seventy data bases mounted.

» operational costs = gastos de funcionamiento.

Example: A number of unstructured telephone and face-to-face interviews with record producers and users were carried out, revealing a reluctance to talk about the operational costs of record creation.

» operational definition = definición operativa, definición funcional, definición práctica. [Generalmente referido a una definición que se elabora no desde un punto de vista práctico para aplicarlo a una situación concreta más que desde el punto de vista etimológico o formal]

Example: The term must be reinstated in the official vocabulary of cataloguing and operational definitions of 'title proper' and 'subtitle' formulated = Se debe restituir el término en el vocabulario oficial de catalogación y se deben formular definiciones funcionales de los conceptos "título propiamente dicho" y "subtítulo".

» operational line = línea de actuación.

Example: One of its operational lines is aimed at launching professional training programmes.

» operational optimisation = optimización operativa.

Example: The injection of foreign ownership into the debate over the privatisation of federal agencies has deflected attention from critical domestic concerns of economic efficiency and operational optimisation.

» operational readiness = disponibilidad operativa.

Example: The concept of 'operational readiness' refers to the training required by Navy personnel during peacetime to perform wartime missions.

» operational requirement = requisitos de funcionamiento.

Example: This article appends a selected address list of library system suppliers and notes on the operational requirements of a library system.

» operational research = investigación operativa.

Example: There have been many applications of operational research methods in library management few of which seem to have made a lasting impact.

» operational system = sistema operativo.

Example: Not all of this storage capacity can be used for instructions and data, a certain amount is required by the computer's operational system.

» operational system = sistema en uso.

Example: Indeed, some of the systems are scaled-down versions of operational systems = En realidad, algunos de estos sistemas son versiones reducida de sistemas en uso.

» operational unit = unidad operativa, unidad de operaciones.

Example: The primary operational unit of an air force is a squadron.

Operational synonyms

effective in spanish: eficaz, pronunciation: ɪfektɪv part of speech: adjective active in spanish: activo, pronunciation: æktɪv part of speech: adjective operative in spanish: operatorio, pronunciation: ɑpɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective functional in spanish: funcional, pronunciation: fʌŋkʃənəl part of speech: adjective usable in spanish: usable, pronunciation: juzəbəl part of speech: adjective operating in spanish: operando, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective operable in spanish: operable, pronunciation: ɑpɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective useable in spanish: utilizable, pronunciation: jusəbəl part of speech: adjective serviceable in spanish: útil, pronunciation: sɜrvəsəbəl part of speech: adjective combat-ready in spanish: listo para el combate, pronunciation: kɑmbətredi part of speech: adjective in working order in spanish: En orden de trabajo, pronunciation: ɪnwɜrkɪŋɔrdɜr in operation in spanish: en la operación, pronunciation: ɪnɑpɜreɪʃən

Operational antonyms

nonoperational pronunciation: nɑnəpɜreɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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