Operation in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpeɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

operation1 = operación, actividad, tarea, proceso. 

Example: With the advent of micro-computers even much smaller cataloguing operations can effectively be computerised.


» arithmetic operation = operación aritmética.

Example: Computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation.

» BALLOTS (Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operations Using a Time-Sharing System) = BALLOTS. [Distribuidor de información bibliográfica]

Example: Hundreds of libraries benefit from this service through secondary distributors such as Stanford's BALLOTS (Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operans Using a Time-Sharing System) system.

» base of operations = base de operaciones.

Example: For 20 years and counting, 'Law & Order' has made Gotham not just its base of operations, but has given it a starring role in the show.

» close down + operations = cerrar definitivamente.

Example: An economic recession forced the automative plant to close down operations.

» combat operation = operación de combate.

Example: During World War II he participated in combat operations aboard destroyers in the Pacific.

» combination operation = operación combinatoria.

Example: You can have the system perform combination operations on the lists you have saved in order to refine your search.

» combined operation = operación conjunta, operación combinada.

Example: Combined operations such as the school-housed public library warrant careful consideration to ensure at least the possibility of success in new operations.

» command line operation = órdenes. [Mandatos que se le dan al ordenador para que realice ciertas operaciones por medio de palabras o sus abreviaturas como opuesto a aquellas órdenes que se dan por escogiendo entradas de un menú]

Example: There is an increasing number of users familiar with the Macintosh, and Macintosh-like user interfaces, users who will be unfamiliar with the concept of command line operation of on-line services.

» computer operations = operaciones informáticas, automatización.

Example: The first of these is the transfer of the library's bibliographical records to computer operation, which will render the shelf arrangement far less important in the system envisaged.

» conduct + an operation = realizar una operación.

Example: Prescriptions are given for conducting text retrieval operations iteratively using relevance feedback.

» cooperation [co-operation] = cooperación, colaboración.

Example: Combined catalogues showing the resources available to a group of libraries have been a feature of library co-operation for many years.

» delegate + an operation = delegar una tarea.

Example: There exist punched-card machines in which separate operations are usually delegated to a series of machines.

» director for operations = director de operaciones.

Example: The closing ceremony of the anniversary celebration included congratulatory remarks from Director for Operations Cliff Cohen.

» hours of operation = horario de apertura, horario laboral, horario de trabajo, horario de atención al público.

Example: Days and hours of operation are always weather-dependent and can result in earlier closures without notice.

» information operations = operaciones de información, tareas relacionadas con la información.

Example: Increasing use of computers in libraries and information operations has forced library and information professionals to become familiar with the machine and its capabilities.

» joint operation = operación conjunta.

Example: The incoming librarian asserts that while the joint operation provides the best of both worlds the technical problems can sometimes seem overwhelming.

» library operation = tarea bibliotecaria.

Example: Rejuvenation of listless, stagnant, or failing library operations is possible through renewal methods dependent on strengthening the communication function.

» mental operation = operación mental, ejercicio mental.

Example: A rule-governed derivation of an indexing phrase from the text of a document is, in Wittgenstein's sense, a practice, rather than a mental operation explained by reference to internally represented and tacitly known rules.

» military operation = operación militar.

Example: Its holdings include maps, charts, digital data for strategic and military operations, and nautical charts.

» one-person operation = Algo a cargo de una sola persona.

Example: This organization may vary from a one-person operation in a special library all the way up to an internationally known indexing and abstracting agency.

» one-room, one-person operation = operación de poca monta.

Example: From 1892 to 1932, this small library was directed by Genevieve Walton, who developed a one-room, one-person operation into a fully-fledged academic library.

» operations management = gestión de operaciones. [En gestión de empresas, la planificación y control de los procesos de producción con objeto de asegurar su integración y buen funcionamiento]

Example: Survey methodology, the modus operandi of statisticians, is important to professional groups such as librarians as a function of operations management.

» operations manual = manual de operaciones.

Example: Documentation should include a user manual, an operations manual, and a detailed description of how the software works.

» operations research = investigaciones operativas. [En gestión, uso de metódos científicos para estudiar el funcionamiento de una institución y desarrollar mejores métodos de planificación]

Example: Operations research is the use of scientific methods to study an organisation's function and to develop better planning methods.

» operation staff = personal de proceso de datos.

Example: The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.

» overhead operation = cometido adicional.

Example: Economy drives in corporations, especially for overhead operations such as libraries, occur because management never knows what it should spend on support services and feels that it does not hurt to try to make cuts.

» put + Nombre + into operation = poner en práctica, llevar a la práctica, poner en servicio.

Example: None of them were put into operation in a significant manner because of the economics.

» rescue operation = operación de rescate.

Example: The officials and the workers involved in the rescue operations were racing against time to save the child.

» salvage operation = operación de salvamento, operación de rescate.

Example: This article describes a disaster exercise drill involving a broken ceiling and mud and water damage to books, designed to test response plans to salvage operations.

» salvaging operation = operación de salvamento, operación de rescate.

Example: The Coast Guard is overseeing the salvaging operations of a grounded vessel which ran aground yesterday.

» scene of operations = escenario de operaciones, el.

Example: Involvement of lower echelon personnel in planning has the advantage of getting the practical point of view of those closer to the scene of the operations.

» search and rescue operation = operación de búsqueda y rescate, operación de salvamento.

Example: The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.

» secret operation = operación secreta.

Example: A secret operation saved hundreds of thousands of Muslim manuscripts in Tumbuktu's ancient libraries from destruction by militants.

» sphere of operation = área de actuación, ámbito de actuación.

Example: We have established ourselves as one of the leading marketing companies in our sphere of operation.

» sting operation = operación policial, operación policial encubierta. [Generalmente, aquella en la que la policía tiende una trampa para engañar a una banda de delincuentes, bien infiltrándose en la banda o haciéndose pasar por miembros de otra banda]

Example: Relates the story of an attempt to sell stolen Irish antiquities in the USA in 1991 and the roles of the John J. Burns Library of Boston College, the FBI, the National Museum of Ireland and other Irish authorities in a sting operation to recover the antiquities and arrest the perpetrators..

» streamline + operations = rentabilizar las operaciones, racionalizar las operaciones.

Example: Library operations have been streamlined and the staff have developed renewed enthusiasm = Se han racionalizado las operaciones bibliotecarias y el personal ha recobrado entusiasmo.

» theatre of operations = teatro de operaciones, escenario de operaciones.

Example: He examines recently published general works on this conflict and also surveys more specialized books on the various theaters of operations.

operation2 = funcionamiento. 

Example: An operating system usually comprises a suite of programs that manages the operation of the microcomputer.


» go into + operation = entrar en funcionamiento.

Example: There have been various other interesting developments since the system first went into full-scale operation in the early 1970s.

» in full operation = en pleno funcionamiento, en plena marcha, en pleno desarrollo, en pleno rendimiento, a todo ritmo, a tope.

Example: Fortunately, for the most part, the pier is back in full operation after the storm.

» in mid-operation = en mitad de la operación, mientras está funcionando.

Example: At a greater level of sophistication, the operating system will be able to swap programs in and out of memory in mid-operation in order to let another have a go.

» in operation = en funcionamiento, activo.

Example: However, the network remained in operation until its management was taken over by the fascist regime.

» sex-change operation = operación de cambio de sexo.

Example: Iran's mullahs have approved sex-change operations despite their conservative Muslim and cultural beliefs.

» speed of operation = velocidad de funcionamiento.

Example: Printers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and with a range of print quality and speeds of operation.

» surgical operation = operación quirúrgica, intervención quirúrgica.

Example: Every surgical operation is unique; every patient's needs are different and there are many types of operation and different professionals working together in the operating theatre.

operation3 = centro, empresa. 

Example: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.

operation4 = operación, intervención quirúrgica. 

Example: The third assistant, Alfred MacIntosh, was recovering from a hernia operation and would not be back for two weeks = El tercer ayudante, Alfred MacIntosh, estaba recuperándose de una operación de hernia y estaría ausente durante dos semanas.


» bypass operation = operación de bypass, bypass.

Example: Patients who are given the bypass operation 'to prolong life' fall into four major groups, only one of which has ever been shown to gain the promised result of such surgery.

» heart operation = operación de corazón.

Example: This is made possible by the use of the initial capital letter which thus acts as an indicator, e.g.: H050 G572 heart operations, E154 I222 Pruning of shrubs, I420 U505 Cotton spinning.

» life-saving operation = operación de vida o muerte.

Example: A three-year-old boy whose brain has swelled to twice its normal size urgently needs life-saving operation.

Operation synonyms

process in spanish: proceso, pronunciation: prɑses part of speech: noun act in spanish: acto, pronunciation: ækt part of speech: noun, verb performance in spanish: actuación, pronunciation: pɜrfɔrməns part of speech: noun procedure in spanish: procedimiento, pronunciation: prəsidʒɜr part of speech: noun surgery in spanish: cirugía, pronunciation: sɜrdʒɜri part of speech: noun functioning in spanish: marcha, pronunciation: fʌŋkʃənɪŋ part of speech: noun surgical procedure in spanish: procedimiento quirúrgico, pronunciation: sɜrdʒɪkəlprəsidʒɜr part of speech: noun surgical operation in spanish: operación quirúrgica, pronunciation: sɜrdʒɪkəlɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun cognitive process in spanish: proceso cognitivo, pronunciation: kɑgnɪtɪvprɑses part of speech: noun cognitive operation in spanish: operación cognitiva, pronunciation: kɑgnɪtɪvɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun mathematical operation in spanish: operacion matematica, pronunciation: mæθəmætɪkəlɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun mathematical process in spanish: proceso matemático, pronunciation: mæθəmætɪkəlprɑses part of speech: noun
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