Operating in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpeɹ̩ɑndoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

operate1 = operar, funcionar, desenvolverse, mantener, gestionar. 

Example: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.


» cooperate [co-operate] = cooperar, colaborar.

Example: By 1960 a draft code had been produced, and from this time on, British and American Committees co-operated closely.

» operate + a rota system of + Nombre = tener una serie de + Nombre + organizados por turnos.

Example: Most CABx (Citizen's Advice Bureaux) operate a rota system of local solicitors who will provide free legal advice sessions.

» operate at + full capacity = trabajar a pleno rendimiento, trabajar a tope, funcionar a pleno rendimiento, funcionar a tope.

Example: In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.

» operate + computer = utilizar el ordenador.

Example: This article discusses some of the muscular-skeletal injuries that can be caused by operating computers in libraries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).

» operate on = afectar a, incidir en.

Example: However, the date limitation for saved document lists operates only on the first date.

» operate + service = ofrecer un servicio, prestar un servicio.

Example: LASER operates an interlending service which is based upon its union catalogue.

» operate to = trabajar con.

Example: All these networks have standard record formats, although it is regrettable that they all operate to different standards.

» operate under + an autonomous hand = funcionar de un modo autónomo.

Example: Special libraries which operate under an autonomous hand may not fall under the purview of the local civil service agency.

» operate under + the impression that = actuar convencido de que.

Example: However, some individuals, operating under the impression that they are virtuously 'outspoken' when they have the courage to dissent, are simply rude and insensitive.

operate on2 = operar, intervenir. 

Example: This pic is that of a 21 week old baby who was operated on by a surgeon while still in the womb.

operating = de funcionamiento. 

Example: Difficulties arise from the impact of PACS on established operating habits.


» chief operating officer (COO) = director de operaciones.

Example: The Internet has no president, chief operating officer, or Pope.

» computer operating system = sistema operativo.

Example: Unix is a computer operating system.

» cooperating [co-operating] = cooperador, colaborador.

Example: One organizational model would be to establish a honeycomb structure of cooperating regional consortia.

» disc operating command = orden de funcionamiento del disco.

Example: In the absence of sufficient staff to mount a supervised programme of microcomputer instructions, the library used existing, inexpensive, menu-making software to develop menu-driven, self-instructing access to disc operating commands, applications programs, and data files.

» Disc Operating System (DOS) = sistema operativo de disco.

Example: The appendix summarises a number of Disc Operating System (DOS) commands which are useful for managing files on the hard disc.

» DOS (Disc Operating System) = DOS (Sistema Operativo de Disco).

Example: These routines are often collectively known as a DOS or Disk Operating System.

» operating budget = partida para gastos de funcionamiento, presupuesto para gastos de funcionamiento. [En gestión de bibliotecas, cantidad anual dedicada a cubrir los gastos de personal, electricidad, calefacción, etc. de un organismo]

Example: The author the two components of the budget: the operating budget which can be broken down into staff costs and general costs; and the capital budget which covers purchases expected to have a lifetime of longer than 1 year such as facilities or equipment.

» operating company = empresa, empresa de un grupo. [Perteneciente a un grupo]

Example: In the future, these files will be made readily accessible to other Glaxo operating companies through the use of computers.

» operating costs = gastos de funcionamiento, costes de funcionamiento, costos de funcionamiento.

Example: Unfortunately, continuing the assignment of Library of Congress subject headings -a sine qua non, according to the views of the American librarian community- would have meant an increase in operating costs of approximately $1,000,000 per annum.

» operating environment = entorno operativo.

Example: Most have worked for major oil companies in many different operating environments.

» operating expenditure = gastos de funcionamiento.

Example: The data that will be collected include holdings, staff, operating expenditures, population, age distribution, and income.

» operating expenses = gastos de funcionamiento.

Example: OCLC reported fiscal 2001 as another successful year with gross revenues increasing 8 per cent to 165.3 million dollars and with net revenues reaching 159.8 million dollars with operating expenses 156.9 million dollars.

» operating funds = fondo para gastos de funcionamiento, partida para gastos de funcionamiento, presupuesto para gastos de funcionamiento.

Example: Some 4 million dollars of that increase is dedicated to operating funds, representing an increase of 30 per cent over previous levels.

» operating hours = horario, horas de funcionamiento.

Example: Accurate determination of operating hours is vital in analyzing operating costs = La determinacion exacta de las horas de funcionamiento es de vital importancia en el análisis de los costos de operacion.

» operating instruction = instrucción de manejo.

Example: The applications, often not more than gimmicks, fulfil roles like announcements, operating instructions, audible warnings, etc.

» operating programme = programa de actuación.

Example: A close knowledge of the institution is also needed to distinguish between professed objectives, the official and manifest ones which appear in organizational preambles, and the practiced ones which are often latent in the operating program.

» operating room = quirófano, sala de operaciones.

Example: Using reconstituted blood -- red cells and plasma that are mixed in the operating room -- for heart bypass surgery works better than using fresh blood.

» operating system = sistema operativo.

Example: Minicomputers can be very flexible in handling a number of varied interactive tasks and usually have highly developed operating systems which can support online users.

» operating table = mesa de operaciones.

Example: Glue ear is a build-up of gunk inside the middle ear cavity and is the most likely reason that children under five will end up on the operating table.

» operating theatre = quirófano.

Example: Every hospital is to collect information on size of waiting lists, waiting times for treatment, use of beds and operating theatres, accidents, emergencies and para-medical services.

Operating synonyms

operational in spanish: Operacional, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective in operation in spanish: en la operación, pronunciation: ɪnɑpɜreɪʃən
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