Operated in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpeɹ̩ɑdoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

operate1 = operar, funcionar, desenvolverse, mantener, gestionar. 

Example: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.


» cooperate [co-operate] = cooperar, colaborar.

Example: By 1960 a draft code had been produced, and from this time on, British and American Committees co-operated closely.

» operate + a rota system of + Nombre = tener una serie de + Nombre + organizados por turnos.

Example: Most CABx (Citizen's Advice Bureaux) operate a rota system of local solicitors who will provide free legal advice sessions.

» operate at + full capacity = trabajar a pleno rendimiento, trabajar a tope, funcionar a pleno rendimiento, funcionar a tope.

Example: In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.

» operate + computer = utilizar el ordenador.

Example: This article discusses some of the muscular-skeletal injuries that can be caused by operating computers in libraries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).

» operate on = afectar a, incidir en.

Example: However, the date limitation for saved document lists operates only on the first date.

» operate + service = ofrecer un servicio, prestar un servicio.

Example: LASER operates an interlending service which is based upon its union catalogue.

» operate to = trabajar con.

Example: All these networks have standard record formats, although it is regrettable that they all operate to different standards.

» operate under + an autonomous hand = funcionar de un modo autónomo.

Example: Special libraries which operate under an autonomous hand may not fall under the purview of the local civil service agency.

» operate under + the impression that = actuar convencido de que.

Example: However, some individuals, operating under the impression that they are virtuously 'outspoken' when they have the courage to dissent, are simply rude and insensitive.

operate on2 = operar, intervenir. 

Example: This pic is that of a 21 week old baby who was operated on by a surgeon while still in the womb.



» battery-operated = que funciona con pilas, a pilas.

Example: The data pen system is supported by battery-operated equipment, but the life of the batteries would not be sufficient to sustain the library's full service for a lengthy period.

» coin-operated = que funciona con monedas.

Example: The question is: are libraries responsible for the potentially illegal use of coin-operated photocopying machines?.

» commercially operated = comercial.

Example: There are a number of microfilming centres in the country including two commercially operated microfilming services.

» electrically-operated = eléctrico, automático, que funciona con electricidad. [Que funciona con corriente eléctrica]

Example: Attention has also been given to the needs of handicapped users by the provision of electrically-operated doors, invalid toilets and computer terminals with braille keyboards.

» government-operated = a cargo del gobierno, del gobierno.

Example: This monograph traces the evolution of American public libraries from female, volunteer-run reading rooms to government-operated institutions.

» hand-operated = manual. [Que funciona manualmente]

Example: Hand-operated stabbing machines, which forced three stabbing needles simultaneously through the side of a pamphlet, ready for subsequent sewing by hand, appeared early in the century.

» manually operated = que funciona manualmente, manual.

Example: The final product was a simplified, manually operated information system.

» state-operated = estatal, nacional.

Example: All state-operated colleges of arts and science in New York state were given funds in fiscal year 1987-88 for collection preparation and barcoding.
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