Opera in spanish


pronunciation: oʊpeɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

opera = ópera. 

Example: If we inform the system that MUSIC DRAMA is in fact opera, it should treat MUSIC DRAMA-COSTUMES as at least suspect.


» opera glasses = anteojos para la ópera, binoculares para la ópera.

Example: Among the items included are opera glasses, letter openers, clocks, buckles, stamp dispensers, and glue pots.

» opera house = teatro de la ópera.

Example: Suitable contacts include adult education centres, universities, music academies, the press, schools and local opera houses.

» soap opera = telenovela, culebrón, radionovela.

Example: There was no support for a hypothesis that there would be more provocatively dressed women in sporting event adverts than in those accompanying soap operas or prime time shows = No se confirmó la hipótesis de que habría más mujeres vestidas de una forma provocativa en los anuncios de los acontecimientos deportivos que en los que se emiten con las telenovelas o con los programas de mayor audiencia.

Opera synonyms

opera house in spanish: teatro de la Ópera, pronunciation: ɑprəhaʊs part of speech: noun
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