Openness in spanish


pronunciation: fɹ̩ɑnkeθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

openness1 = apertura, franqueza, sinceridad. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The more productive companies were found to be characterised by greater openness to outside information.


» openness index = índice de apertura.

Example: Improvements on the above measures lead to 2 new citation indicators: the openness index and the Affinity Index.

openness2 = plan abierto. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.

Openness synonyms

receptivity in spanish: receptividad, pronunciation: riseptɪvɪti part of speech: noun receptiveness in spanish: receptividad, pronunciation: rɪseptɪvnəs part of speech: noun

Openness antonyms

closeness pronunciation: kloʊsnɪs part of speech: noun secretiveness pronunciation: sikrətɪvnəs part of speech: noun
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