Opening in spanish


pronunciation: ɑpeɹ̩tuɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

open2 = inaugurar, abrir, destapar. 

Example: The 1st phase of a cultural centre, with library, art gallery, swimming pool, cafe and day centre for the elderly, was opened in Sept 87.


» open + a bank account = abrir una cuenta bancaria, abrir una cuenta en el banco.

Example: You can open a bank account at any time, but remember you have to put money in before you take it out.

» open + a discussion = iniciar una negociación.

Example: E. M. d'Hondt, newly-appointed NBLC chairman, urged that discussions be opened with the Ministry of Social and Cultural Services to mitigate the effect of public lending right on library budgets.

» open + avenues = abrir puertas.

Example: Every librarian, regardless of his government's policy, has the opportunity, if he has the courage, to open the avenues of books and ideas a little wider.

» open + doors = abrir puertas. [También con sentido figurado]

Example: To be born into a middle class family opens wide many educational and occupational doors which are scarcely ajar to others.

» open + fire = abrir fuego.

Example: The Pakistani military has been given orders to open fire on US troops crossing the border from Afghanistan to attack Taliban safe havens.

» open + its doors to the public = abrir sus puertas al público.

Example: Some 126 years ago, the Eiffel Tower opened its doors to the public for the first time.

» open + new realms = abrir nuevos horizontes.

Example: The article 'Unbeatable booktalks' describes how arranging booktalks around nonfiction titles has opened new realms.

» open + Nombre + to discussion = abrir + Nombre + al debate.

Example: Reading-reportage brings these prejudices to the surface and opens them to discussion not just by the teacher but by the reader's peers.

» open + Nombre + wide = abrir de par en par, abrir al máximo, abrir del todo.

Example: Basically my jaw clicks when opened wide and at night I clench it causing irritation to my nerves that go to my brain, hence my migraines.

» open out = abrir.

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

» open out + horizons = abrir horizontes, ensanchar horizontes.

Example: Even in its era before the computer, progress in telecommunications -- for example, telephone, radio and television -- opened out the horizons for individuals and society at large, and so placed at the disposal of people information about distant events and new ideas.

» open + Posesivo + mouth = abrir la boca.

Example: These people usually do not realize that it often takes greater strength of character and heroic self-discipline to refrain from changing feet every time one opens one's mouth.

» open + Posesivo + eyes to = abrir los ojos a, hacer ver.

Example: Everyone who is a reader has his own list of books which at different times opened his eyes anew.

» open + Posesivo + mind up to = abrirse a, aceptar.

Example: Ellyse has slowly solidified her game by knocking the rough edges off and by opening her mind up to what's required and what's available.

» open + possibilities = abrir nuevas posibilidades.

Example: Mass storage technology opens the possibility of automation for many small libraries that up until now could not afford to automate.

» open sesame! = ¡ábrete sésamo!.

Example: The article 'Open sesame!' discusses the problems of digital identity and secure access to information on the Internet.

» open + the curtains = correr las cortinas, abrir las cortinas, apartar las cortinas.

Example: His only wish was that one day he would open the curtains and find that the cranes had gone.

» open + the debate = abrir el debate.

Example: This symposium is an attempt to build upon the seminar discussions and to open the debate to a wider audience.

» open + the door to = dejar la puerta abierta a, dar pie a, dar lugar a.

Example: Thus Cutter opens the door to compounds and phrases of all kinds -- so long as they are 'nameable' -- and also opens the door to inversion, but gives no rule for this.

» open + the floodgates = abrir la mano.

Example: Europe isn't dying, it is committing suicide by opening the floodgates to unrestricted Muslim immigration.

» open + the floodgates = abrir la caja de Pandora, destapar la caja de Pandora, desencadenar un sinnúmero de problemas .

Example: This Supreme Court's decision has opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate and union spending on election ads.

» open + the floodgates = crear muchas oportunidades.

Example: His show opened the floodgates for literally dozens of British groups to achieve commercial success in the New World.

» open + the floodgates = dar rienda suelta a + Posesivo + emociones, desatar + Posesivo + emociones.

Example: Her tears began slowly and then the floodgates opened and she cried, letting out all the loneliness and longing and bad feelings that were so pent up inside her.

» open + the way = preparar el camino.

Example: This new kind of network infrastructure has a number of advantages, such as low cost and scalability, and opens the way for numerous new kinds of application scenarios.

» open up = abrir, liberalizar, ofrecer, presentar.

Example: Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.

» open (up) + a can of worms = abrir la caja de Pandora, destapar la caja de Pandora, meterse en un berenjenal, meterse en un embrollo, armarse la de Dios, armarse la de San Quintín, montarse un pollo, meterse en camisa de once varas, desencadenar un sinnúmero de problemas .

Example: It may seem as though we have opened a can of worms, but there is no need to despair.

» open up + a negotiation = abrir una negociación.

Example: You open up negotiations by low-balling them, while agents shoot for the moon.

» open up + a new territory = abrir nuevas posibilidades.

Example: Once this step is taken it opens up a whole new territory for inquiry which may also change the nature of our conceptions of science.

» open up + an issue = plantear una cuestión, suscitar una cuestión.

Example: This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.

» open up + an old wound = hurgar en una antigua herida.

Example: For many blacks, this opened up an old wound; Jewish issues taking precedence over African American concerns.

» open (up) + avenues = ofrecer posibilidades, presentar posibilidades.

Example: The digitization of valued information resources opens up new avenues of access, use, and research and is an important aspect.

» open up + a web site = crear un servidor web.

Example: As the publishers themselves opened up web sites -- by subscription or on a trial basis -- MEDLINE saw the possibility tyo use its content to provide navigation across all medical publishers.

» open up + Posesivo + legs = abrir las piernas, abrirse de piernas.

Example: There are a lot of inconsiderate people around who open up their legs so wide while sitting on the bus that no one else can sit beside them.

» open up + Posesivo + market = abrir el mercado, liberalizar el mercado.

Example: The article 'Private affluence and public squalor?' discusses the implications for libraries and information if public services are forced to open up their markets to free trade and thereby to private companies.

» open up + possibilities = abrir nuevas posibilidades.

Example: The new system opens up limitless possibilities to the library.

» open up to + Nombre = sincerarse con.

Example: They not only liked her, opened up to her, and flirted with her but, in more than one instance, fell in love and/or had affairs with her.

» open + window = crear posibilidades.

Example: Such strategies may open a window where non existed before.

» the heavens + open = llover a mares, llover a cántaros, llover a mantas, diluviar.

Example: These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.

» the skies + open up = caer un chaparrón, caer un diluvio, empezar a diluviar.

Example: Reddy launched his party's election campaign even as the skies opened up.

opening1 = apertura, inauguración, comienzo. 

Example: Some of the common auxiliaries are allocated notations in which the facet indicators possess both an opening and a closure sign.


» ceremonial opening = inauguración oficial.

Example: Leading members of the Royal family actively encourage the growth of tourism through their attendance at gala receptions and ceremonial openings.

» exhibition opening = inauguración de la exposición.

Example: Late evening exhibition opening has been introduced for day 1 to give delegates the opportunity to visit the exhibition without missing any of the conference sessions.

» grand opening = inauguración, fiesta de inauguración, estreno, fiesta de estreno.

Example: The hair salon didn't even have its grand opening before being burglarised.

» opening act = telonero, grupo telonero.

Example: Having been their opening act 13 years ago I'm proud to say that I think this is Muse's best song ever.

» opening address = discurso de apertura.

Example: The article 'Centurions and mercenaries: reflections on good usage of interdisciplinarity in the theory and practice of information sciences' records the text of the opening address at the 18th Congress held by the Corporation of Professional Librarians of Quebec.

» opening band = telonero, grupo telonero.

Example: It seems like opening bands are often intentionally made to sound inferior to the main headliner at concerts.

» opening ceremony = ceremonia de inauguración, ceremonia inaugural, ceremonia de apertura.

Example: The conference consisted of an opening ceremony, plenary session, committee meetings and reports.

» opening credits = créditos iniciales, títulos iniciales.

Example: There is a brief scene in the opening credits to M*A*S*H in which a group of five nurses are shown running towards the chopper pad.

» opening day = horario de apertura.

Example: Most of their libraries offer 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. opening on weekdays, and a somewhat curtailed opening day on Saturdays.

» opening day = apertura, inauguración, día de la apertura, día de la inauguración.

Example: The opening day of the pheasant hunting season was almost picture-perfect as warm temperatures and sunshine were the order of the day.

» opening exhibition = exposición de inauguración.

Example: The gallery re-opens on 19 March with three opening exhibitions.

» opening hours = horario de apertura, horario laboral, horario de atención al público. [Número de horas que una biblioteca está abierta al público, de lunes a domingo]

Example: Cuts in the 1988 budget have resulted in cuts in opening hours, staff hours, and book budget.

» opening mechanism = mecanismo de apertura.

Example: One such improvement was an opening and closing mechanism applied to the sluice gates.

» opening pages, the = primeras páginas, las.

Example: This novel grasps the attention of the reader from the opening pages, creating expectancy in their heart.

» opening party = fiesta de inauguración, fiesta de apertura.

Example: The author describes an opening party thrown by the Chicago Museum complaining that what purported to be an event for the public turned into a private bash for the city's elite.

» opening reception = recepción de bienvenida, recepción inaugural, recepción de apertura.

Example: An opening reception will be held in the Grand Promenade of the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside, overlooking the picturesque Norfolk Harbor.

» opening remark = comentario inicial, observación inicial.

Example: North Korea said today it was fully ready to work to denuclearise the Korean peninsula in opening remarks to six-party talks in Beijing.

» opening scene, the = primera escena, la.

Example: In the opening scene, people are sunbathing in bathing trunks and bikinis on a Hawaiian beach.

» opening session = sesión de apertura, sesión inaugural.

Example: A common theme of speeches at the opening session was the importance of music libraries and musicological research = Un tema común de las conferencias de la sesión de apertura fue la importancia de las bibliotecas musicales y la investigación musicológica.

» opening soon = próxima apertura.

Example: Certain areas of the room are hidden behind colorful curtains and tantalizing signs that read 'Opening Soon!'.

» opening speech = discurso de apertura.

Example: Other appendices include a list of working documents produced especially for the Symposium and the opening and closing speeches.

» opening statement = primeras palabras, palabras iniciales.

Example: Following an opening statement by Senator Joseph Lieberman, a panel of witness who have done research and work in the field gave testimony.

» opening time = hora de apertura, horario de apertura.

Example: On the final screen in the sequence, the default values for today's closing time and tomorrow's opening time may be overridden.

» reopening [re-opening] = reapertura. 

Example: More than 500 library users returning items borrowed before the industrial action were interviewed during the 4 weeks following the reopening of the libraries.

opening2 = abertura, raja, hendidura, rendija, vano. 

Example: The cyber criminals are persistent -- if they can't get through one opening, they will keep trying until they find the chink in the armour.


» eye opening = revelador.

Example: Few experiences are more eye opening than to see how difficult it sometimes is to accomplish one's objectives.

» opening special = especial apertura.

Example: More than 500 swimmers took the plunge on its first morning, taking advantage of the opening special offer of free entrance.

opening3 = puesto de trabajo. 

Example: You'll have to call him and tell him there's been a mix-up and that he'll be called as soon as there's another opening.


» job opening = plaza, vacante, puesto vacante, oferta de trabajo.

Example: Job openings and overall hiring both rose to five-year highs in September, signaling improvement in the job market.

Opening synonyms

initiative in spanish: iniciativa, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃətɪv part of speech: noun first in spanish: primero, pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb gap in spanish: brecha, pronunciation: gæp part of speech: noun scuttle in spanish: escotilla, pronunciation: skʌtəl part of speech: verb maiden in spanish: doncella, pronunciation: meɪdən part of speech: noun inaugural in spanish: inaugural, pronunciation: ɪnɔgɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun possibility in spanish: posibilidad, pronunciation: pɑsəbɪləti part of speech: noun orifice in spanish: orificio, pronunciation: ɔrəfəs part of speech: noun introductory in spanish: introductorio, pronunciation: ɪntrədʌktɜri part of speech: adjective starting in spanish: comenzando, pronunciation: stɑrtɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective hatchway in spanish: escotilla, pronunciation: hætʃweɪ part of speech: noun initiatory in spanish: iniciador, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃətɔri part of speech: adjective opening night in spanish: noche de estreno, pronunciation: oʊpənɪŋnaɪt part of speech: noun first step in spanish: primer paso, pronunciation: fɜrststep part of speech: noun opening move in spanish: movimiento de apertura, pronunciation: oʊpənɪŋmuv part of speech: noun possible action in spanish: posible acción, pronunciation: pɑsəbəlækʃən part of speech: noun curtain raising in spanish: levantamiento de cortina, pronunciation: kɜrtənreɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun

Opening antonyms

closing pronunciation: kloʊzɪŋ part of speech: noun shutting pronunciation: ʃʌtɪŋ part of speech: noun
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