Open in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbieɹ̩toʊ part of speech: adjective, verb
In gestures

open1 = abierto. [Adjetivo, como participio opened (abierto)]

Example: In natural language indexing which uses a stop-list only, the indexing language is open.


» be an open book = ser como un libro abierto, ser un libro abierto.

Example: When she was young and her heart was an open book, she used to say, 'Live and let live'.

» be an open invitation to = ser una puerta abierta a.

Example: This rule leaves the definition of `significant' to the individual indexer which is clearly an open invitation to inconsistency.

» be an open question = estar por ver, ser algo por ver, ser una interrogante, quedar por ver, ser una cuestión debatible.

Example: Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.

» be open about = no tener problemas en, no tener reparos en.

Example: I'm pretty open about my mental health problems and will speak about it if it comes up in conversation.

» be open to = estar abierto a, estar dispuesto a.

Example: A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.

» be open to debate = ser debatible, ser discutible.

Example: One of the advantages frequently claimed for the library, its 'neutral' image, is more open to debate.

» be open to possibilities = abrirse a posibilidades.

Example: Receptiveness means being open to possibilities to grow and move forward.

» be open to question = ser discutible, ser debatible.

Example: The research described in this chapter tends to show that many of the ideas regarding semantic and syntactic relationships discussed in this text are open to question.

» be open to the public = ser de dominio público.

Example: If the dismissal or termination was the result of a disciplinary action, then the letter of dismissal is open to the public.

» be out in the open = estar claro, ser conocido por todos, ser de dominio público.

Example: Now it is out in the open that those of us in the academic world who have passed the student phase in our lives also use Google extensively!.

» be out in the open = estar al aire libre, estar a la intemperie.

Example: Everything is out in the open, including the shower and the toilet! .

» blow + Nombre + wide open = revelar, denunciar, delatar, desenmascarar, hacer saltar la liebre, tirar de la manta.

Example: If there was a coverup, our readers can rest easy knowing that we will blow it wide open.

» come out in + the open = salir al descubierto, dejarse ver, decir abiertamiente, declarar abiertamente.

Example: They came out in the open to show the world that they are together.

» come out in + the open with = salir a la palestra, saltar a la palestra, hacerse público.

Example: The contradictions within the rural society of the nineteenth century came out in the open with the revolts of the summer of 1857.

» crack + open = abrir, abrir haciendo un chasquido.

Example: The fizz that bubbles up when you crack open a can of soda is carbon dioxide gas (CO2).

» cut + Nombre + open = rajar, abrir cortando, hendir, hender, abrir en canal.

Example: The best way to keep the avocados from browning once cut open is to wrap them in plastic.

» cut + Nombre + open (right) down the middle = rajar por la mitad, abrir en canal.

Example: Take a whole chicken, cut it open down the middle of the breast, flatten it out, and rub it with a little oil and spices.

» declare + open season on = poner precio a la cabeza de, declarar la guerra a muerte a.

Example: President Bush is rattling his saber and has declared open season on Saddam personally.

» draw + the curtains open = correr las cortinas, abrir las cortinas, apartar las cortinas.

Example: To my utmost surprise, when I drew the curtains open, it was not rain but the sounds of the angry waves.

» fling + Nombre + open = abrir de un empujón.

Example: Closed doors should be flung open and scheduling changed to allow systematic examination of professional and organisational questions.

» force + Nombre + open = forzar, abrir forzando.

Example: Do not force a book open, especially when it is new.

» go out into + the open = salir a la intemperie, salir al exterior.

Example: Tents were burnt and the women and children were forced to go out into the open.

» go out in(to) + the open air = salir al aire libre, salir al exterior.

Example: I rested for two and a half days, and then set to work again, but without daring to go out into the open air yet.

» go out into + the open country = salir al campo abierto.

Example: Esau went into the open country to hunt for some wild game to bring back.

» go out into + the open sea = salir al mar abierto, salir a altamar.

Example: It's easy to learn and once you rent out a yacht and go out into the open sea, it's a grand way to spend your time.

» half-way open = medio abierto.

Example: The window was half-way open as he sat taking the air with an infinite sadness of mien, like some disconsolate prisoner.

» hold + Nombre + open = mantener Algo abierto.

Example: The book snake is used to hold the pages of a book open for note taking without damaging it.

» in the open = fuera, al aire libre, a la intemperie.

Example: As expected, bats avoided obstacles while flying through vegetation and intercepted flying prey out in the open.

» in the open air = al aire libre, fuera, a la intemperie, a la rasa, al raso.

Example: Over 700000 Mozambican children are currently studying in the open air, deprived of minimal conditions for learning.

» in (the) open country = en pleno campo.

Example: There's time and space away from the rat race to be found in open country - places that can recharge mental and spiritual batteries.

» Posesivo + jaw + drop (open/to the floor) = quedarse boquiabierto. [También es normal la combinación Posesivo + jaw + drop + open y Posesivo + jaw + drop + to the floor]

Example: Their jaws dropped, like they had found the secret of success from a guy they respected so much.

» keep + an eye open = estar pendiente de, estar al tanto de, estar atento a, estar alerta ante, prestar atención a, tener cuidado con.

Example: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves = El auxiliar responsable de una sección se encargará de mantener su área ordenada y estará atento a los ladrones.

» keep + an open mind = tener una mente abierta.

Example: If you are inclined to dismiss that suggestion out of hand, I would recommend that you explore the financial costs and the cultural costs of the alternatives and keep an open mind.

» keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open = mantenerse alerta, mantenerse atento, estar al loro de, mantener los ojos bien abiertos, andarse con mucho ojo, ir con mucho ojo, estar ojo avizor, mantenerse ojo avizor, permanecer ojo avizor.

Example: He should make a note of the gap and keep his eyes open for any additional material.

» keep + Posesivo + options open = estar abierto a otras posibilidades, no descartar ninguna posibilidad, no cerrar ninguna puerta.

Example: She is keen to become a mother but is keeping her options open about when or how she might do it.

» lay + Reflexivo + open to = hacerse vulnerable a.

Example: When it employs methods and instruments of Western science then it begins to lay itself open to the same criticisms as 'Western science'.

» leave + open the possibility that = dejar abierta la posibilidad de que.

Example: The notion of interests is far subtler than many have realized, and leaves open the possibility that cooperativeness may be adaptive, virtuous, and a good thing .

» leave + open the question of = abrir una interrogante sobre.

Example: Moreover, the use of a computer for privacy transformation leaves open the question of how to protect the code (key) used in the scrambling process.

» leave + Posesivo + options open = estar abierto a otras posibilidades, no descartar ninguna posibilidad, no cerrar ninguna puerta.

Example: Eventually, she would like to return to Montana, but for now she is leaving her options open for wherever her career path takes her.

» leave + the door open for/to = dejar la puerta abierta a.

Example: I'm leaving the door open for those occasional flukey breaks that do come along every once in a while.

» leave + the door wide open = dejar la puerta abierta de par en par.

Example: Giere does not secure a firm foundation for a cognitive theory of science because he leaves the door wide open for social constructivist interpretations of his views.

» leave + the question open = dejar la cuestión abierta.

Example: He was even prepared, in 1945, to leave the question open for future discussion as to 'whether a phonographic record is a book'.

» Posesivo + mouth + hang + open = boquiabierto, con la boca abierta.

Example: It was a surprising turn-on to see my girlfriend half-naked in front of my roommates, their eyes popping out of their skulls and mouths hanging open.

» on the open sea = en altamar, en mar abierto.

Example: In other words, Elian's real shipwreck was not on the open sea, but when he stepped on dry land in the United States.

» open access (OA) = acceso abierto, libre acceso, acceso libre.

Example: Open access (OA) publishing is growing in importance, and, in parallel, the role of institutional repositories (IRs) has come to the forefront of discussion within the library community.

» open access library = biblioteca de libre acceso.

Example: Open access libraries, where the public are expected to locate documents for themselves, are different.

» open access stacks = fondos de libre acceso. [Colección a la que puede acceder el público en general]

Example: Until recently movable shelving was used mainly in closed access stacks, but since some systems can be operated safely by anyone, it is being used increasingly in open access stacks.

» open-air = al aire libre.

Example: A modern comfortable library could look like that in Berlin's Tiergarten, with its open-air gardens, or resemble Evanston's library with its comfortable chairs and elegant (and, one hopes, safe) fireplaces.

» open area = zona despejada, zona abierta.

Example: Displays should be set up in the open areas of the library.

» open bar = barra libre.

Example: There is no disputing that having an open bar at a wedding reception is an expensive undertaking.

» Open College = Educación a Distancia.

Example: The aims of the Open College are described and the methods by which it intends to operate.

» open college = universidad a distancia.

Example: In this article the aims of the open college are described and the methods by which it intends to operate.

» open country = campo abierto, campo, campiña.

Example: Stars seem brighter in open country for several reasons -- the main one being light pollutio.

» open day = jornada de puertas abiertas. [Acontecimiento en el que una institución invita al público en general a visitarla y conocer sus dependencias y funcionamiento]

Example: This article describes the conferences and open days held to educate and encourage the Welsh library community.

» open discussion = debate abierto.

Example: During the open discussion which followed, a plea was made for uniform standards, but not uniformity, in school libraries.

» open door = de puertas abiertas.

Example: The 'open door' philosophy brought the library to the forefront of actively developing services for community youth.

» open-ended = abierto, indefinido, ilimitado.

Example: New systems incorporating such resources will produce an information environment that is dynamic and open-ended.

» open fire = hoguera, fuego, lumbre, fogata.

Example: The first rotisseries were crude devices that allowed for food to be rotated manually while it cooked over an open fire.

» open fireplace = chimenea, chimenea abierta.

Example: What's better than a good pint in your hand, some tasty food on the table and your feet close to an open fireplace?.

» open floor = piso de diseño abierto.

Example: Librarians must be made aware of the dangers of open floor bookstacks and open stairways and budgets must provide funds to achieve an acceptable level of fire safety.

» open for business = dispuesto a hacer negocios.

Example: Wales is very much open for business and the Welsh Government is committed to supporting business growth and investment.

» open for business = abierto al público.

Example: The shop is once again open for business after being closed for major renovations.

» open for public viewing = abierto al público.

Example: The course will look at a major sample of Mackintosh's architectural creations - including some not usually open for public viewing.

» open forum = foro abierto, foro de debate.

Example: The panel discussion and open forum are also briefly described.

» open fracture = fractura abierta.

Example: Open or compound fractures were usually fatal prior to the advent of antiseptics in the 1860s because infection would set in.

» open hearing = sesión abierta, sesión de puertas abiertas.

Example: Open hearings throughout the state gave librarians a chance to discuss the issues to be addressed by the survey.

» open-hearted = sincero, franco, generoso.

Example: I agree with you that there should be open-hearted dialogue and discussion between the people of these two countries.

» open heart surgery = cirugía a corazón abierto.

Example: All children had undergone reparative open heart surgery utilizing cardiopulmonary bypass during infancy.

» open house = puertas abiertas, invitación abierta. [Acontecimiento en el que una institución invita al público en general a visitarla y conocer sus dependencias y funcionamiento]

Example: The first open house was held in the library in Nov 81, presenting various arts events, and attracting 300 attenders.

» open interview = entrevista abierta.

Example: Qualitative research methods will be used such as open interviews and structured interviews.

» open learning = aprendizaje a distancia.

Example: After a brief description of open learning, this article examines the impact of the programme in terms of its objectives, student attitudes, tutorial support and instructional medium.

» open letter = carta abierta.

Example: The title of the article is 'Is the public library still searching for its identity?: an open letter from an outsider'.

» open market = mercado libre.

Example: Perhaps too, since their skills are identical, the advice here might benefit the new frontier of free-lance librarians, private researchers, information brokers, librarians-without-a-library, and so on, plying their trade on the open market, for fees.

» open meeting = reunión a puertas abiertas.

Example: One of the aims of book clubs ought to be to mount open meetings which will attract non-members.

» open mind = actitud abierta, actitud imparcial, sin perjuicios, sin ideas preconcebidas.

Example: The publisher needs to approach these data with an open mind.

» open-mindedness = liberalidad, imparcialidad. 

Example: In the spirit of open-mindedness that characterized the conference, Miller pointed out that librarians are extremely demanding.

» open-neck = con el cuello desabrochado, con el cuello sin abrochar, sin corbata, con escote.

Example: I go to a girl school and we wear ties in winter and spring terms, but May-July we get to wear an open-neck collar.

» open-necked = con el cuello desabrochado, con el cuello sin abrochar, sin corbata, con escote.

Example: That's why you rarely see him in an open-necked shirt and, then, almost never without a neckerchief.

» open ocean = altamar, mar abierto.

Example: Krill is a general term used to describe about 85 species of open-ocean crustaceans known as euphausiids.

» open outcry = a viva voz, a voces. [Referido generalmente a las operaciones de compra y venta donde los comerciantes pujan mediante gestos y/o gritos]

Example: Also revealed is the endangerment of the open outcry trading system as the digital revolution replaces it at many of the world's financial exchanges.

» open-plan = de diseño abierto, de plan abierto.

Example: The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.

» open plan = plan abierto, diseño abierto.

Example: Universities seem to have ignored some of the new approaches adopted by the modern corporate world where the emphasis is on downsizing, flexibility, open plan, hot desking and plug and go = Las universidades parecen haber ignorado algunos de los nuevos métodos adoptados por el mundo empresarial moderno donde se hace hincapié en la reducción de plantilla, la flexibilidad, el diseño abierto, el uso compartido de mesas de trabajo y el 'plug and play'.

» open-planned = de diseño abierto, de plan abierto.

Example: In an open-planned building designed flexibly to cater for adaptations, the librarian is not inhibited for making changes or instituting experiments.

» Open Polytechnic = Enseñanza Politécnica a Distancia.

Example: This article discusses the organisation of the proposed Open Polytechnic and the contribution of the Robert Maxwell publishing empire, as well as its implications for library resources.

» open position = vacante, puesto vacante.

Example: The Governing Board has put forward a slate of candidates for the next fiscal year's open positions.

» open refereeing = evaluación por expertos abierta. [En edición, evaluación de una publicación en la que el autor conoce quién es el evaluador]

Example: Data collection includes sample forms sent to referees, total number of referees used and referees used per article, annual numbers of manuscripts submitted and accepted and solicited, blind or open refereeing, and advice to authors = Entre los datos recogidos están formularios de muestra enviados a los expertos, número toal de expertos utilizados y expextos usados por artículo, total anual de manuscritos enviados, aceptados y solicitados, evaluación por expertos anónima o abierta y normativa enviada a los autores.

» open sea = altamar, mar abierto.

Example: The dolphins were released into the open seas after a short surgical treatment.

» open season = veda, temporada de caza, temporada abierta.

Example: 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline = "Temporada abierta" es una comedia excéntrica y salvaje ubicada en la ciudad de Timberline.

» open secret = secreto a voces.

Example: The routine spiking of milk with illicit substances was an open secret in China's dairy regions.

» open shelves = estanterías de libre acceso. [Colección a la que puede acceder el público en general]

Example: The cry is often heard that it is impossible to put nonbook materials on open shelves because they will be stolen.

» open shelving = estanterías abiertas.

Example: Feedback showed that microfilm open shelving had a definite advantage over cabinet storage.

» open software = software abierto.

Example: This is an excellent international and interdisciplinary repository of the latest research and thinking on free and open software movements and practices.

» open source = código abierto.

Example: The author points to the threat posed to the success of the Linux open source operating system by Linux zealots determined to wage war on Microsoft by challenging in on the basis of desktop computing.

» open source software = software de código abierto, programa de código abierto, aplicación de código abierto.

Example: From a historical perspective, open source software seems to be a particular case of what Robert C. Allen has termed 'collective invention'.

» open space = espacio abierto.

Example: The problem of tucking a building unobtrusively into one of the few remaining open spaces on a crowded site led to the planners of the library to decide on an underground construction.

» open-spool tape = carrete abierto.

Example: Hi-fi enthusiasts and connoisseurs of music prefer open-spool tape because it gives a better quality of reproduction than cassette.

» open stacks = fondos de acceso libre. [Colección a la que puede acceder el público en general]

Example: Consoles would replace the conventional catalogue and would provide the facility for browsing now afforded by the open stacks.

» open surgery = cirugía a corazón abierto.

Example: Virtual reality can be applied successfully in high risk operations, where mistakes will lead to unacceptable consequences, e.g in open surgery, endoscopy and brain operations.

» open system = sistema abierto.

Example: The author examines the idea of open systems and discusses the difference between the living organism and the nonliving open machine.

» Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) = OSI (Interconexión de Sistemas Abiertos). [Conjunto de normas internacionales para el intercambio de datos entre ordenadores conectados en red]

Example: OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a model for communicating messages and related to standards for the exchange of information among terminals, computers, people, networks and processes.

» open to the elements = expuesto a los elementos, expuesto a la intemperie, a la intemperie.

Example: The old building was cramped, expensive and open to the elements.

» open university = universidad a distancia, universidad nacional de educación a distancia (UNED).

Example: One of the earliest of these was the open university, which aims to extend and widen educational opportunities for mature adults.

» open water = mar abierto.

Example: This article contains the abstracts of the reports on the field tests and demonstration projects concerned with the effects of dredged material disposal in open water.

» open wound = herida abierta.

Example: Once you are chafed, treat the area like an open wound.

» out in the open air = al aire libre, a la intemperie, fuera, al raso, a la rasa.

Example: Why does a hard biscuit become soft when left out in the open air but soft bread becomes hard when left out in the open air?.

» partially-open = parcialmente abierto, entreabierto.

Example: Michoud was the smallest of the three, so volunteered to try getting in through the partially-open sunroof but she became stuck.

» piece of open ground = descampado, erial, eriazo.

Example: It may have been the only piece of open ground in the area at that time large enough for the battle.

» prise + Nombre + open = abrir forzando con palanca. [Sinónimo de pry + Nombre + open]

Example: No harm was done to staff or bookstock but computer monitors and virtually all other equipment were smashed, desks prised open and contents scattered.

» pry + Nombre + open = abrir haciendo palanca, forzar. [Sinónimo de prise + Nombre + open]

Example: If the paper clip has not rusted and the paper is sturdy, a paper clip can be removed by gently prying it open.

» public open space = espacio abierto público.

Example: Glasgow is also home to a large number of well-tended parks and possesses more public open spaces than any other city in the United Kingdom.

» push + open + the door = abrir la puerta empujándole.

Example: He pushed open the door and stepped inside.

» push + open the window = abrir la ventana empujándole.

Example: Suspecting something to be amiss they pushed open the window and were shocked to see their college mate hanging from the fan.

» push + the door open = abrir la puerta empujándole.

Example: She said he pushed the door open and she fell and hit her head and her hip on the floor, where he proceeded to rape her.

» push + the window open = abrir la ventana empujándole.

Example: He pushed the window open a few inches and lay his socks on the sill to dry.

» render + Nombre + open to = hacer vulnerable a, abrirse a.

Example: The prospect that they might render themselves open to the receipt of numerous requests for copies of the items is one they would view with some alarm in most cases.

» reopen [re-open] = abrir de nuevo. 

Example: The library, which closed in Jun 95, is to reopen in new premises during late 1995.

» rip + Nombre + open = arrancar, abrir arrancando.

Example: The tidal wave ripped open the steel security shutters of the shops.

» slide + a door open = abrir una puerta corriéndola, abrir una puerta deslizándola, deslizar una puerta para abrirla, correr una puerta para abrirla.

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» slide + Nombre + open = deslizar para abrir, correr para abrir, abrir deslizando.

Example: If the window is unlocked you simply slide it open.

» slit + Nombre + open = rajar, abrir cortando, hendir, hender, abrir en canal.

Example: Next, peel the charred skin off of the bell peppers and discard, then slit them open and remove the seeds.

» slit + Nombre + open (right) down the middle = rajar por la mitad, abrir en canal.

Example: I tend to slit it open down the middle so it's almost in half and stuff with cheese, then fold back together and wrap in bacon before roasting in the oven.

» smash + Posesivo + head open = abrirse la cabeza.

Example: Halfway through the prayer he screamed and fell backwards, smashing his head open on a rock.

» spread + open = abrir completamente, abrir de par en par.

Example: Critics say forcing female inmates to spread open their genitalia so guards can inspect for contraband only inflicts needless suffering.

» spread open + Posesivo + legs = abrir las piernas, abrirse de piernas. [También escrito en este orden spread + Posesivo + legs open]

Example: I've heard that it's better when the child is being spanked to have them spread their legs open.

» stand + open = encontrarse abierto, estar abierto, permanecer abierto.

Example: She crept on and peering around the end of the fence behind the laundry, he saw that a gate stood open leading into the yard.

» swing + open = abrirse.

Example: The window of opportunity now swings open for the creative library manager.

» throw + open the door to = abrir la puerta a.

Example: We have two programs that have begun to put tables of contents on the Web -- throwing open the door to those who browse the Internet for information as well as those who use our online public access catalog.

» welcome + Nombre + with open arms = recibir con los brazos abiertos, dar la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos.

Example: To his relief, they welcomed him back with open arms and had a big party.

» wide open = abierto, abierto de par en par, al descubierto.

Example: The key to this broader world is the possession of books, but if the door stands wide open there is no need of a key.

» with open arms = con los brazos abiertos.

Example: It's in those times that we need nothing more than to embrace life's promise of positivity with open arms.

» with + Posesivo + mouth (wide) open = con la boca abierta (del todo), boquiabierto.

Example: I often appear to be gazing vacantly into space with my mouth open.

open2 = inaugurar, abrir, destapar. 

Example: The 1st phase of a cultural centre, with library, art gallery, swimming pool, cafe and day centre for the elderly, was opened in Sept 87.


» open + a bank account = abrir una cuenta bancaria, abrir una cuenta en el banco.

Example: You can open a bank account at any time, but remember you have to put money in before you take it out.

» open + a discussion = iniciar una negociación.

Example: E. M. d'Hondt, newly-appointed NBLC chairman, urged that discussions be opened with the Ministry of Social and Cultural Services to mitigate the effect of public lending right on library budgets.

» open + avenues = abrir puertas.

Example: Every librarian, regardless of his government's policy, has the opportunity, if he has the courage, to open the avenues of books and ideas a little wider.

» open + doors = abrir puertas. [También con sentido figurado]

Example: To be born into a middle class family opens wide many educational and occupational doors which are scarcely ajar to others.

» open + fire = abrir fuego.

Example: The Pakistani military has been given orders to open fire on US troops crossing the border from Afghanistan to attack Taliban safe havens.

» open + its doors to the public = abrir sus puertas al público.

Example: Some 126 years ago, the Eiffel Tower opened its doors to the public for the first time.

» open + new realms = abrir nuevos horizontes.

Example: The article 'Unbeatable booktalks' describes how arranging booktalks around nonfiction titles has opened new realms.

» open + Nombre + to discussion = abrir + Nombre + al debate.

Example: Reading-reportage brings these prejudices to the surface and opens them to discussion not just by the teacher but by the reader's peers.

» open + Nombre + wide = abrir de par en par, abrir al máximo, abrir del todo.

Example: Basically my jaw clicks when opened wide and at night I clench it causing irritation to my nerves that go to my brain, hence my migraines.

» open out = abrir.

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

» open out + horizons = abrir horizontes, ensanchar horizontes.

Example: Even in its era before the computer, progress in telecommunications -- for example, telephone, radio and television -- opened out the horizons for individuals and society at large, and so placed at the disposal of people information about distant events and new ideas.

» open + Posesivo + mouth = abrir la boca.

Example: These people usually do not realize that it often takes greater strength of character and heroic self-discipline to refrain from changing feet every time one opens one's mouth.

» open + Posesivo + eyes to = abrir los ojos a, hacer ver.

Example: Everyone who is a reader has his own list of books which at different times opened his eyes anew.

» open + Posesivo + mind up to = abrirse a, aceptar.

Example: Ellyse has slowly solidified her game by knocking the rough edges off and by opening her mind up to what's required and what's available.

» open + possibilities = abrir nuevas posibilidades.

Example: Mass storage technology opens the possibility of automation for many small libraries that up until now could not afford to automate.

» open sesame! = ¡ábrete sésamo!.

Example: The article 'Open sesame!' discusses the problems of digital identity and secure access to information on the Internet.

» open + the curtains = correr las cortinas, abrir las cortinas, apartar las cortinas.

Example: His only wish was that one day he would open the curtains and find that the cranes had gone.

» open + the debate = abrir el debate.

Example: This symposium is an attempt to build upon the seminar discussions and to open the debate to a wider audience.

» open + the door to = dejar la puerta abierta a, dar pie a, dar lugar a.

Example: Thus Cutter opens the door to compounds and phrases of all kinds -- so long as they are 'nameable' -- and also opens the door to inversion, but gives no rule for this.

» open + the floodgates = abrir la mano.

Example: Europe isn't dying, it is committing suicide by opening the floodgates to unrestricted Muslim immigration.

» open + the floodgates = abrir la caja de Pandora, destapar la caja de Pandora, desencadenar un sinnúmero de problemas .

Example: This Supreme Court's decision has opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate and union spending on election ads.

» open + the floodgates = crear muchas oportunidades.

Example: His show opened the floodgates for literally dozens of British groups to achieve commercial success in the New World.

» open + the floodgates = dar rienda suelta a + Posesivo + emociones, desatar + Posesivo + emociones.

Example: Her tears began slowly and then the floodgates opened and she cried, letting out all the loneliness and longing and bad feelings that were so pent up inside her.

» open + the way = preparar el camino.

Example: This new kind of network infrastructure has a number of advantages, such as low cost and scalability, and opens the way for numerous new kinds of application scenarios.

» open up = abrir, liberalizar, ofrecer, presentar.

Example: Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.

» open (up) + a can of worms = abrir la caja de Pandora, destapar la caja de Pandora, meterse en un berenjenal, meterse en un embrollo, armarse la de Dios, armarse la de San Quintín, montarse un pollo, meterse en camisa de once varas, desencadenar un sinnúmero de problemas .

Example: It may seem as though we have opened a can of worms, but there is no need to despair.

» open up + a negotiation = abrir una negociación.

Example: You open up negotiations by low-balling them, while agents shoot for the moon.

» open up + a new territory = abrir nuevas posibilidades.

Example: Once this step is taken it opens up a whole new territory for inquiry which may also change the nature of our conceptions of science.

» open up + an issue = plantear una cuestión, suscitar una cuestión.

Example: This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.

» open up + an old wound = hurgar en una antigua herida.

Example: For many blacks, this opened up an old wound; Jewish issues taking precedence over African American concerns.

» open (up) + avenues = ofrecer posibilidades, presentar posibilidades.

Example: The digitization of valued information resources opens up new avenues of access, use, and research and is an important aspect.

» open up + a web site = crear un servidor web.

Example: As the publishers themselves opened up web sites -- by subscription or on a trial basis -- MEDLINE saw the possibility tyo use its content to provide navigation across all medical publishers.

» open up + Posesivo + legs = abrir las piernas, abrirse de piernas.

Example: There are a lot of inconsiderate people around who open up their legs so wide while sitting on the bus that no one else can sit beside them.

» open up + Posesivo + market = abrir el mercado, liberalizar el mercado.

Example: The article 'Private affluence and public squalor?' discusses the implications for libraries and information if public services are forced to open up their markets to free trade and thereby to private companies.

» open up + possibilities = abrir nuevas posibilidades.

Example: The new system opens up limitless possibilities to the library.

» open up to + Nombre = sincerarse con.

Example: They not only liked her, opened up to her, and flirted with her but, in more than one instance, fell in love and/or had affairs with her.

» open + window = crear posibilidades.

Example: Such strategies may open a window where non existed before.

» the heavens + open = llover a mares, llover a cántaros, llover a mantas, diluviar.

Example: These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.

» the skies + open up = caer un chaparrón, caer un diluvio, empezar a diluviar.

Example: Reddy launched his party's election campaign even as the skies opened up.

Open synonyms

air in spanish: aire, pronunciation: er part of speech: noun clear in spanish: claro, pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective free in spanish: gratis, pronunciation: fri part of speech: adjective loose in spanish: suelto, pronunciation: lus part of speech: adjective, adverb spread in spanish: untado, pronunciation: spred part of speech: verb, noun give in spanish: dar, pronunciation: gɪv part of speech: verb vulnerable in spanish: vulnerable, pronunciation: vʌlnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective candid in spanish: sincero, pronunciation: kændəd part of speech: adjective conspicuous in spanish: conspicuo, pronunciation: kənspɪkjuəs part of speech: adjective afford in spanish: permitirse, pronunciation: əfɔrd part of speech: verb blatant in spanish: evidente, pronunciation: bleɪtənt part of speech: adjective available in spanish: disponible, pronunciation: əveɪləbəl part of speech: adjective active in spanish: activo, pronunciation: æktɪv part of speech: adjective overt in spanish: abierto, pronunciation: oʊvɜrt part of speech: adjective surface in spanish: superficie, pronunciation: sɜrfəs part of speech: noun coarse in spanish: grueso, pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: adjective obvious in spanish: obvio, pronunciation: ɑbviəs part of speech: adjective raw in spanish: crudo, pronunciation: part of speech: adjective, noun public in spanish: público, pronunciation: pʌblɪk part of speech: adjective, noun honest in spanish: honesto, pronunciation: ɑnəst part of speech: adjective empty in spanish: vacío, pronunciation: empti part of speech: adjective wide in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: waɪd part of speech: adjective naked in spanish: desnudo, pronunciation: neɪkəd part of speech: adjective ingenuous in spanish: ingenuo, pronunciation: ɪndʒenjuəs part of speech: adjective impartial in spanish: imparcial, pronunciation: ɪmpɑrʃəl part of speech: adjective bald in spanish: calvo, pronunciation: bɔld part of speech: adjective visible in spanish: visible, pronunciation: vɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective blazing in spanish: flameante, pronunciation: bleɪzɪŋ part of speech: adjective unfold in spanish: desplegar, pronunciation: ənfoʊld part of speech: verb honorable in spanish: honorable, pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective exposed in spanish: expuesto, pronunciation: ɪkspoʊzd part of speech: adjective staring in spanish: curioso, pronunciation: sterɪŋ part of speech: adjective, adverb outdoors in spanish: al aire libre, pronunciation: aʊtdɔrz part of speech: noun gaping in spanish: boquiabierto, pronunciation: geɪpɪŋ part of speech: adjective artless in spanish: simple, pronunciation: ɑrtləs part of speech: adjective unsettled in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsetəld part of speech: adjective lawless in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: lɔləs part of speech: adjective opened in spanish: abrió, pronunciation: oʊpənd part of speech: adjective unlawful in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: ənlɔfəl part of speech: adjective unrestricted in spanish: irrestricto, pronunciation: ənristrɪktɪd part of speech: adjective yawning in spanish: bostezando, pronunciation: jɔnɪŋ part of speech: noun open up in spanish: abrir, pronunciation: oʊpənʌp part of speech: verb unresolved in spanish: irresoluto, pronunciation: ənrɪzɑlvd part of speech: adjective undecided in spanish: indeciso, pronunciation: əndɪsaɪdɪd part of speech: adjective out-of-doors in spanish: fuera de las puertas, pronunciation: aʊtʌvdɔrz part of speech: noun barefaced in spanish: descarado, pronunciation: berfeɪst part of speech: adjective agaze in spanish: boquiabierto, pronunciation: əgeɪz part of speech: adjective undetermined in spanish: indeterminado, pronunciation: əndɪtɜrmɪnd part of speech: adjective spread out in spanish: extendido, pronunciation: spredaʊt part of speech: verb assailable in spanish: asailable, pronunciation: əseɪləbəl part of speech: adjective undisguised in spanish: sin disfraz, pronunciation: əndɪsgaɪzd part of speech: adjective wide-open in spanish: abierto de par en par, pronunciation: waɪdoʊpen part of speech: adjective unprejudiced in spanish: sin prejuicios, pronunciation: ənprɪdʒudɪsd part of speech: adjective unobstructed in spanish: sin obstrucciones, pronunciation: ənəbstrʌktɪd part of speech: adjective unprotected in spanish: desprotegido, pronunciation: ənprətektɪd part of speech: adjective open air in spanish: aire libre, pronunciation: oʊpəner part of speech: noun unfolded in spanish: desplegado, pronunciation: ənfoʊldəd part of speech: adjective undefended in spanish: sin defensa, pronunciation: əndɪfendɪd part of speech: adjective unconcealed in spanish: no curado, pronunciation: ənkənsild part of speech: adjective unsealed in spanish: sin sellar, pronunciation: ənsild part of speech: adjective unstopped in spanish: sin parar, pronunciation: ənstʌpt part of speech: adjective unfastened in spanish: desatado, pronunciation: ənfæsənd part of speech: adjective unenclosed in spanish: no cerrado, pronunciation: ənɪnkloʊzd part of speech: adjective unstoppered in spanish: sin parar, pronunciation: ənstɑpɜrd part of speech: adjective round-eyed in spanish: ojos redondos, pronunciation: raʊndaɪd part of speech: adjective undefendable in spanish: indefendible, pronunciation: əndɪfendəbəl part of speech: adjective unconstricted in spanish: sin restricciones, pronunciation: ənkənstrɪktɪd part of speech: adjective

Open antonyms

close pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective fold pronunciation: foʊld part of speech: noun, verb covert pronunciation: koʊvɜrt part of speech: adjective shut pronunciation: ʃʌt part of speech: verb closed pronunciation: kloʊzd part of speech: adjective turn up pronunciation: tɜrnʌp part of speech: verb stopped pronunciation: stɑpt part of speech: adjective shut down pronunciation: ʃʌtdaʊn part of speech: verb unopen pronunciation: ənoʊpən part of speech: adjective close down pronunciation: kloʊsdaʊn part of speech: verb fold up pronunciation: foʊldʌp part of speech: verb
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